One-Sample Anderson-Darling Test Table

The following tables give the critical values for the one-sample Anderson-Darling test for the specified distributions, as described in One-Sample Anderson-Darling Test.

Critical values table 1

Critical values table 2

Laplace distribution table

Generalized Pareto critical values

Critical values: Cauchy distribution

Benford critical values

Extra AD normal values

α represents the significance level and n = the sample size.

Note that k in the Gamma table is the distribution’s shape parameter. The symbol > in that table represents a shape parameter > 20. The symbol > in the Laplace or Cauchy table represents a sample size > 100.

Download Tables

Click here to download the Excel workbook with the above tables.


D’Agostino, R. B., Stephens, M. A. (1986) Goodness-of-fit techniques. Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Stephens, M.A. (1979) The Anderson-Darling statistic. Technical Report No. 39. Stanford University.

Puig, P. and Stephens, M. A. (2000) Tests of fit for the Laplace distribution, with applications

Arshad, M., Rasool, M. T., Ahmad, M. I., (2003) Anderson Darling and Modified Anderson Darling tests for Generalized Pareto distribution

Stephens, M. A. (1976) Asymptotic results for goodness-of-fit statistics with unknown parameters. Annals of Statistics

D’Agostino, R. B., Stephens, M. A. (1986) Goodness-of-fit techniques. Marcel Dekker.

36 thoughts on “One-Sample Anderson-Darling Test Table”

  1. Dear Charles,
    Is there any source to find the critical values of Anderson-Darling test for two shape parameter Beta distribution?
    I will thank you in advance for your reply.

  2. Dear Charles,
    I would like to ask you where can i find the critical values of Anderson-Darling for Beta distribution.
    Is there any source that i could find them?
    I will thank you in advance for your reply.

    • Hello Paul,
      A random variable x is log-normally distributed provided the natural log of x, ln x, is normally distributed.
      Thus if you have data x1, x2, …, xn that comes from a log-normal distribution, then ln x1, ln x2, …, ln xn is normally distributed. Thus, you can use the critical values of the normal distribution.

    • Hi Paul,
      See the following articles:
      Jantschi and Bolboaca (2018) Computation of Probability Associated with Anderson–Darling Statistic
      Shin et al. (2012) Assessment of modified Anderson-Darling test statistics for the generalized extreme value and generalized logistic distributions

  3. Hi. Might there be a small error in the values for the Lognormal d row? Seems like the values for 0.01 and 0.025 cannot be correct.

    • Rafael,
      If the uniform distribution is over the interval (0,1), then the critical values are the same as for the generic case (in fact it is the generic case).

      • Dear Charles,

        Thanks for the answer. Sorry it bothers you but how should I do if the uniform distribution has limits other than 0 and 1?

        Thanks again

        • Hi Rafael,
          If the limits are known, say (a,b), then you can map each value x in this range to a + (x-a)/(b-a). This maps x to a value in the interval (0,1). You can then use the critical values for (0,1).
          If the values a and b are not known, then the situation is more complicated and I haven’t yet explored how to use Ander-Darling in this case.

  4. Dear Charles,

    I would like to know the formula for testing such critical values for different distribution

    Kind regards.

  5. good afternoon mr
    i wonder to ask about shape value
    is the different between shapre value and shape parameter for gamma distribution?

  6. Excuse me mr charles
    I want to ask something
    The critical value of anderson darling, is just for 5 distributions above?what about rayleigh distribution sir?
    Thank you

    • Izza,
      I don’t have critical values for the Rayleigh distribution.This distribution is the gamma distribution with alpha = 1 and beta = 2. The table contains critical values for this distribution with an unknown shape parameter, but not with a known shape value.


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