Excel Reformatting Functions

Excel has recently introduced a number of new dynamic array functions that can be used to reformat arrays. These worksheet functions are currently only available to Excel 365 users.


TOCOL(R1, ignore, bycol): returns a column array with the elements in R1

TOROW(R1, ignore, bycol): returns a row array with the elements in R1

If ignore = 0 (default), then retain all the elements in R1; if ignore = 1 then ignore blanks; if ignore = 2 then ignore error values; if ignore = 3 then ignore blanks and error values

If bycol = TRUE then the output is in column order; otherwise (default), it is in row order.

Some examples are given in Figure 1.

TOCOL and TOROW examples

Figure 1 – TOROW and TOCOL examples


WRAPCOLS(R1, size, filler): returns a two-dimensional array by column with size-many rows containing the elements in row or column array R1

WRAPROWS(R1, size, filler): returns a two-dimensional array by row with size-many columns containing the elements in row or column array R1

If there aren’t sufficient data elements in R1 then the remaining elements in the output are padded with filler (default #N/A).

Actually, if size is greater than or equal to the number of elements in R1 then R1 is returned (with no padding).

Some examples are provided in Figure 2.


Figure 2 – WRAPROWS and WRAPCOLS examples

Note that you obtain the exact same output if you place the formula =WRAPCOLS(TRANSPOSE(A2:A9),5,”–“) in C2 and =WRAPROWS(TRANSPOSE(A2:A9),4) in cell C10.


CHOOSECOLS(R1, col1, col2, …): returns an array with the specified columns from R1

CHOOSEROWS(R1, row1, row2, …): returns an array with the specified rows from R1

Some examples are provided in Figure 3.


Figure 3 – CHOOSEROWS and CHOOSECOLS examples


EXPAND(R1, nrows, ncols, filler): expands R1 to nrows rows and ncols columns.

This function returns an nrows × ncols array whose upper left subarray is R1. All the expanded elements are padded with filler (default #N/A).

If nrows is omitted then no rows are appended. Similarly, if ncols is omitted then no columns are appended.

If the number of rows in R1 is less than nrows or the number of columns in R1 is less than ncols, an error results.

Some examples are displayed in Figure 4.

EXPAND example

Figure 4 – EXPAND examples


DROP(R1, nrows, ncols): eliminates rows and/or columns from R1.

If nrows > 0 then the first nrows rows are eliminated. Similarly, if ncols > 0 then the first ncols columns are eliminated.

If nrows is omitted (or zero) then no rows are eliminated. Similarly, if ncols is omitted (or zero) then no columns are eliminated.

If nrows < 0 then the last –nrows rows are eliminated. Similarly, if ncols < 0 then the last –ncols columns are eliminated.

If the number of rows in R1 is less than nrows or the number of columns in R1 is less than ncols, an error results.

Some examples are displayed in Figure 5.

DROP and TAKE examples

Figure 5 – DROP and TAKE examples

TAKE(R1, nrows, ncols): extracts rows and/or columns from R1.

If nrows > 0 then the first nrows rows are extracted. Similarly, if ncols > 0 then the first ncols columns are extracted

If nrows is omitted then only columns are extracted. Similarly, if ncols is omitted then only rows are extracted.

If nrows < 0 then the last –nrows rows are extracted. Similarly, if ncols < 0 then the last –ncols columns are extracted.

We see from Figure 5, that any subarray that can be specified by a DROP formula can also be specified by an equivalent TAKE formula and vice versa.

Note that the array formula =TAKE(TAKE(A2:C4,,2),,-1) produces the middle column (whose values are those in B2:B4) of the array on the left side of Figure 5.


HSTACK(R1, R2, …): stacks R1, R2, … horizontally (appends R2 to the right of R1, etc.); the resulting array has m rows where m = the maximum # of rows in R1, R2, …; if necessary #N/A is used as padding

VSTACK(R1, R2, …): stacks R1, R2, … vertically (appends R2 below R1, etc.) .); the resulting array has n columns where n = the maximum # of columns in R1, R2, …; if necessary #N/A is used as padding

If you want to use something else as padding, then you can do this via a formula of the form

=IFERROR(HSTACK(R1, R2, …), filler)

and similarly for VSTACK. Some examples are displayed in Figure 6.

HSTACK and VSTACK examples

Figure 6 – HSTACK and VSTACK examples

Examples Workbook

Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.


McDaid, J. (2022) Announcing new text and array functions. Microsoft Tech Community

Microsoft Support (2022) TOCOL function

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