LAMBDA_COEFF(R1, lab): returns a column array with lambda(C|R), lambda(R|C), and symmetric lambda for the data in R1.
LAMBDA_TEST(R1, lab, alpha, lambda0): returns a column array with lambda(C|R), standard error, z-stat, p-value, and lower and upper ends of the 1-alpha confidence interval.
In particular, the new release supports the following worksheet function where R1 is an array or cell range that contains the repeated measures ANOVA data:
PAGE_TEST(R1, lab, tails, lookup): returns a column array with the values L-stat, z, p-value, and rho.
In addition, the following table lookup functions are provided for small samples.
PageCRIT(k, n, alpha, interp) = critical for Page’s L test at alpha where the number of within-subject groups is k and the number of subjects is n based on a table of critical values.
PagePROB(L, k, n, iter, interp, txt) = p-value for Page’s L test where the number of within-subject groups is k and the number of subjects is n for the specified value of Page’s L statistic based on a table of critical values.
Non-parametric Pairwise Ratings and Comparisons
The new release includes Kendall’s u test for pairwise ratings and comparisons and the TC correlation and test. This is accomplished via the following new worksheet functions:
KENDALLU(R1, lab, comp, alpha, lookup): returns a column array with u-stat, W-stat, χ2-stat, df, and p-value for Kendall’s u test on the square preference matrix in R1 (without headings).
TC_TEST(R1, lab, alpha, lookup): returns a column array with TC-stat, z-stat, and p-value for Kendall’s TC test on the square preference matrix in R1 (without headings).
PREF_MATRIX(R1): returns an n × n preference matrix corresponding to the rankings in a k × n array or range R1 that contains the rankings for n subjects by k raters.
In addition, the following table lookup functions are provided for small samples.
KENDALLU_PROB(k, n, u) = p-value for Kendall’s u test for paired comparisons when the number of raters is k and the number of subjects being rated is n for the specified value of u.
TC_PROB(k, n, TC) = p-value for Kendall’s TC test when the number of judges is k and the number of criteria being rated is n for the specified value of TC.
Change Point Test
The new release offers a test that determines whether a time series has a point that significantly changes the median of the series. This is accomplished via the following two new worksheet functions where R1 is a column array containing time series data.
CHANGEPT_TEST(R1, lab): returns a column array with the values: change point, w-stat, z-stat, and p-value.
CHANGEPT_BTEST(R1, lab, dist, alpha): returns a column array with the values: change point, D-stat, D-crit, and p-value for a time series with binary data.
Hausman’s Test
This release supports Hausman’s test, which helps to determine whether a fixed effects (FEM) or random effects model (REM) is better for analyzing panel data. In particular, this release provides the following new worksheet function where R1 contains balanced panel data.
HAUSMAN(R1, periods, lab): returns a column array with the values H, df, and p-value for Hausman’s test on the data in R1 based on periods number of time periods per unit. If lab = TRUE then a column of labels is appended to the output (default FALSE).
Negative Binomial Fit
This release supplies the following new functions to fit data to a negative binomial distribution using either the method of moments or maximum log-likelihood estimate. Here R1 is a column array or range containing the data.
NEGBINOM_FITM(R1, lab, pure) = returns an array with the negative binomial distribution parameter values k, p, and MLE using the method of moments. k doesn’t need to take an integer value.
NEGBINOM_FIT(R1, lab) = returns an array with the negative binomial distribution parameter values k and p, the actual and estimated mean and variance, and MLE. k takes an integer value between 2 and 1,000.
Non-parametric Regression
The new release also includes the following worksheet function that computes the slope and intercept for a simple linear regression model y = mx + b using the non-parametric approach of Kendall-Theil-Sen.
KTSReg(Rx, Ry, lab, mopt, bopt, alpha): returns a column array with the values: slope, s.e. for the slope, intercept, and the confidence intervals of the slope and intercept
The existing PERCENTILE_EXC and QUARTILE_EXC worksheet functions support types 4-9 of the Hyndman-Fan approach to calculating percentiles and quartiles. This release adds support for types 1-3, i.e. the discontinuous approaches to percentiles and quartiles.
Enhancement to MED
The existing MED(R1, R2) worksheet function that calculates the median of the data in R1 based on the weights in R2 has been enhanced to allow R2 to be replaced by a formula that computes an array.
Bug Fix
Fixed an error in the calculation of the FRECHET_INV function.