Contact Us

Welcome to the Real Statistics Using Excel website. As described on the Home page, this website provides the resources (tutorials and statistics software) necessary to perform statistical analysis in the Excel environment.

In order to make this website more valuable to the user community, we welcome your comments, suggestions and feedback. We would especially like to hear about any errors in the website, examples or software. You can contact me as described below or by leaving a comment below or on any of the webpages.

Charles Zaiontz

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My profile: click here 

1,088 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Hello Charles
    I am running a series of regression analyses using first, second and third order polynomials. The Excel LINEST function works OK for normal X and Y data sets, but when I attempt to used scaled X data, the function does not give correct results.
    Can this add in be used to run regression analyses with scaled and/or weighted data sets??

  2. I’m currently using the RealStatistics pack in Office 2019 to successfully execute Tukey HSD-Kramer testing on 2 sets of the same survey given to students at the beginning and end of the year. This year, twice as many students took the survey at the end compared to the beginning so differences in the means of the unequal sample sizes seems to warrant a Tukey HSD-Kramer transform. However, for some of the tests, especially when a large difference from the first and second surveys is found, the p value in the Q Test block is negative (e.g., -7.43849E-14). What does this mean?

    Also, is there somewhere that we can look up the various abbreviations used by Excel such as ss, f crit, mean crit, etc? I need to be able to explain these things to my labmates and I am not sure exactly what they mean.

    The RealStatistics package is a lifesaver! I have to use a license server for SPSS and sometimes I can’t get time to do analyses so Excel as a quick and accurate check is an ideal solution for seeing if data warrants further investigation or not. Thank you!

    • Hello,
      1. It probably means that p-value = 0. The p-value should never be negative, although a value such as -7.43849E-14 is so close to zero that this may only be a roundoff issue. In any case, I would check to make sure there isn’t some sort of real error.
      2. I don’t know of a place where you can find abbreviations used by Excel. The Real Statistics website does explain these abbreviations, but this information is defused throughout the website and is not in one place.
      3. Thank you very much for your kind remarks about Real Statistics.

  3. Thank you SO much. The step-by-step explanation of the two sample KS test just saved me from a mental breakdown. Can’t thank you enough! <3 an over-tired PhD student

  4. Hi, yesterday i publish a comment but didn´t appeared. I have a Mac and Office 365, i download the program for this version of Excel and for Mac. I followed the instructions as the website says. And when i press Tools, and then complements appears the click box with the option Xrealstats-Mac, but in the Complements tab, nothing appears. Just grey and at top left the spaces of 2 tabs, but empty. Please help to make it work. Its really urgent.

  5. Hi Mr Charles Zaiontz,
    I’m reading the topic “KDE Example
    Example 1: Create a Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) chart”
    In part:
    “E.g. f(-6) = 0.000839 (cell G3) is calculated by the formula =SUM(H3:M3)”
    I think they must be:
    E.g. f(-6) = 0.000839 (cell G3) is calculated by the formula =SUM(H3:M3)/(n.h).
    And item: “To create the KDE chart we now highlight the range G2:H53”
    They must be: “F2:G53”
    Thanks for your topic.

    • Hello Hue Nguyen,
      Yes, you are correct. I have now made the necessary corrections on the webpage.
      Thank you very much for catching these errors and improving the quality of the information on the website.

  6. Hello Sir,

    I am unable to use SARIMA even after downloading the real statistics pack. The TS tab has no option called Seasonal ARIMA or SARIMA. Please help

    • The SARIMA data analysis tool is available in all of the latest versions of the Real Statistics Resource Pack. The latest version is 6.8. If you are using Excel 2007 for Windows or Excel 2011 for the Mac, then you won’t find this data analysis tool since support for these versions of Excel was frozen prior to the inclusion of SARIMA.

      • Thanks for your quick reply.

        I am using MSO Excel 2016. Is there no other way for me to use SARIMA in excel? please suggest

        • The SARIMA data analysis tool is available in the latest versions of Real Statistics for MSO Excel 2016. If you have release 6.2 or later, then SARIMA support is included. I suggest that you insert the formula =VER() into any cell and check to make sure that you have one of these releases. If not, you will need to download the latest release from the website.

  7. Hi Charles,

    Thanks again for an excellent suite of routines. I have been using your program to produce confidence ellipses for bivariate normative data. I now wish to consider where data for new cases lie in relation to the ellipse norm. However, from my reading when considering new cases one should use a tolerance ellipse not confidence ellipse (e.g., although there appears to be very little difference (see

    Is it possible to transform your confidence ellipses to tolerance ellipses?



  8. Just wrote about conflict with excel. Solved my problem by turning off excel tool pack.
    Perhaps you said that yet I misunderstood.
    Just got my lovely graph.

  9. Attempting to use your stats for excel. Every time I attempt to use them I get excel conflict where “Random number generation-the type of distribution is required. Entry must be an integer between 1 and 7.” I have not opened the Excel tool so there is some conflict. Suggestions?

    • Hi Patty,
      I am not familiar with this error. When did it appear? This looks like an Excel data analysis tool message, but I am not sure. The Excel tool
      remains active whenever Excel is opened. To close it, you need to press Alt-TI and uncheck the tool.

  10. Dear Dr. Charles:
    Sorry I have another problem. I conducted a two-way manova using your excel vba macro. I don’t know why the manova outputs regarding the multivariate tests are not consistent with the SPSS results.
    With my best regards and thanks!!


  11. Dear Charles:
    Your stat excel vba is great and easy to use. Yet, there is something wrong with the interaction contrast cells output for the residual part and others when I conduct a Two-way MANOVA Follow-up Test . It seems that the cov2pooled function should be used instead of the covpooled function, I suspect.
    Looking forward to hearing your insight!
    Many Thanks.

  12. Hi Dr. (or anyone well versed in excel)

    Im a mental health professional and data analyst at a large rural mental health clinic in south central washington state.

    I am trying to do a pivot table that looks at dates of service and time of service for the last two years.

    There is a count of 214 when I look at the raw data sheet but when I create a pivot table the sum is 117 or something like that. I’ve played around with the formatting under the Home Ribbon as well as within the Pivot but its not capturing the total services from the raw data.

    If someone could please help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.

  13. Dear Dr Charles Zaiontz,

    Thank you for creating this recourse pack! It was truly a life-saver for me in my current MSc (Research) dissertation where I had little experience using other programmes such as R, as I had been taught in my undergrad to use primarily Minitab. Unfortunately, I was having issues in Minitab running a Dunn’s test following my Kruskal-Wallis test as it required me to download a Macro of which was not suitable for the version I own. As such, I found your resource pack for Excel which allowed me to perform the tests I required with comprehensive guides on how to do so.

    I just wanted to say I am very grateful to you for allowing access to this pack for free, as well as providing detailed insight advice throughout your website. I will be referring to your website and pack within my dissertation, so that others may find more about your work and not ignore Excel as a potential option for Statistical analysis.

    Kindest Regards,


    • Thank you very much, Naomi. I am pleased that you are using Real Statistics and are benefitting from the website and software. I started this project for people like you and I am always gratified to learn that the intended results look like they are being achieved.

  14. Hello Dr Zaiontz
    I am completing Rasch analysis to create a Wright map. I have figured out everything except how to do the iterations (How to do Figure 5 of your example). I understand I need Figure 5 to complete the Wright map. How do I do the iterations to get the residuals to zero? I am sorry for bothering you. But I really appreciate these instructions for Rasch.

  15. Dear Prof Charles Zaiontz,
    Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge about building Rash IRT 1PL.

    It is really great. I was able to follow your steps and convert them to VBA Excel macros and produce the same results. You helped me understood the process and algorithm.

    As I am planning to take the next step to further enhance my knowledge and move to 2PL and 3PL modeling if possible, can you please give me some advises and/or references to some similar guides and cookbooks for 2PL and 3PL.

    Thanks again, your Rash guide is the best hands on Rash model building guide.

    Best Retards,

    Mohammed A. Tayyib

  16. Why do I have to remove the add-in, save my workbook, and then re-add the add-in every time I start up Excel. The add-in never seems to “take” —- it always vanishes from the menu….. I start up Excel and it’s never there.


  17. Dear Charles Zaiontz,
    Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge about statistical analysis!
     I am trying to perform the Yuen-Welch’s Test, following the example of your page ( ). The problem is that the output only gives me the value corresponding to the t-stat (only the number), but do not show me the rest of output information. I need to configure something in Excel (2013) ?, possible solution?
    Again, thank you very much, greetings

    Javier Baier

  18. Your add in is excellent and very useful. I am interested in your LASSO procedure. I can see how it is useful for choosing predictor variables but it is not clear to me how you can back-calculate the unstandardized regression coefficients. This would appear sensible to obtain the LASSO coefficients for a prediction equation and appears to be possible (e.g. Simply using LASSO to determine your predictor variables and then simply using these chosen variables in OLS would seem to defeat the advantages/value of LASSO.


  19. Thank you Charles for you website and making statistics a little bit more understandable for those of us who did not pay attention at University.

    In understand that the Anderson Darling test can be used to compare two distributions two see if they are the same, yet all the examples I can find on the internet of Excel templates have a set of data and then a normal distribution based on the data’s mean and variance to compare it against.

    I just do not understand how to adapt the templates for my purposes.

    I need to understand the formula’s so that I can adapt them into my Excel Model.

    Computing the values separately just will not suffice.

    Many thanks once again.

  20. Thank you for the website! It has been really helpful, especially for an entrant in the world of statistics like me.

    One question regarding the homogeneity of variances in (non)-linear regression:
    I have my vector of experimental values (y_exp), the vector of calculated values (y_calc) and the vector of residuals (residual) which was calculated from the other two. I want to apply tests to verify if the variance is homogeneous so as to check the underlying regression assumptions. Question is:
    Should I apply tests like Levene, Welch, and similar to the group of values y_exp against the group of values from y_calc?
    Should I apply the same tests to the residual instead? If so, what do I compare it to, as the aforementioned tests compare the variance between two groups?


      • Dear Prof. Zaiontz,
        Thank you for your reply. Then, am I right to assume that these tests depend on the linearity of the regression, i.e. they are not applicable for non-linear regression?

        Best regards,

        • Yes, these tests apply specifically to linear regression models. They can be used in some non-linear regression models when they are transformed into a linear model (e.g. exponential regression).

  21. Dear Dr. Zaiontz,
    I found a new test called “trinomial test” which is improved version of the paired sample sign test. This test includes the information of zero differences or tied observations, while sign test drops it. I would like to learn this test and I tried to perform test on certain example. However, not everything is clear for me. Unfortunately authors of this test don’t provide any numerical example. Therefore, I have a big favor to ask you, could you read the article about this test, and describe it on this website as well as implement it in Real Statistics software. It seems like trinomial test is not well-known and describing it you can popularize it. This test may be helpful for many people. Article is available here:

    Thank you in advance,

    • Hello Wojciech,
      I have now investigated this test and in fact have now implemented in Real Statistics and have some numerical examples. I am curious as to why you want to use the test (e.g. instead of the Signed Ranks test)?

      • Hello Charles,
        If you have not many zero differences, there is no significant difference between sign test and trinomial test and you should obtain similar results using both tests. However, suppose the source data are in the format of rating scale, let’s say, k-point scale (e.g. Likert scale). The less values are on the scale, the larger number of zero differences is probable. If most of the non-zero differences would be in one direction, decision is to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis (because sign test ignores zero differences). Meanwhile the excessive amount of the zero differences suggests that two paired samples are not significantly different. In my opinion, the information about zero differences is equally important as non-zero differences. By the way, it is explained in mentioned article. We can read as follows: “the trinomial test increase the use of sample information”. I hope I convinced you.


  22. HI Charles,

    I am a student in psychology and have been using your tools for just 1 day now, and already found it really useful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and work.
    Kind Regards

    • Hi Beyers,
      Thank you very much for your kind remarks. Having worked with my wife, who is a clinical psychologist, on various research projects, I have tried to make these tools especially useful for psychological research.

  23. Is there a way to back out the exact p values for a dunnetts test following one-way anova? The function in the package rounds things to zero for p.1, but I want the exact p values for all of my conditions. Thanks.

    • Hi Erik,
      Real Statistics is using the table of critical values. This table only shows values between .01 and .10. Any p-value lower is reported as 0 and any value higher is reported as 1. These really mean < .01 and > .10 respectively. I don’t have more exact values.

  24. Hi Charles,

    Great add-in by the way! Real helpful!

    I’m doing stepwise regression and on my second data set, I’m getting a message that says: A run time error has occurred. The analysis tool will be aborted. Overflow.

    What does this mean and what could have caused this error? Is there a way to fix this?


      • Hi Charles, I am doing a SARMA(2,2) seasonal 26 period analysis on weekly returns of various asset classes.

        I have written a macro to automate the running of the solver and to populate the results into a dynamic chart, to avoid me having to click into the add-in and to copy and paste the data into a chart.

        I am also receiving a runtime 6 – overflow error.

        Could I also send over the spreadsheet and you take a look please?

  25. Hello,

    Thank you for making this awesome add-in. I am having troubles installing this. The add-in basically will not load when I start Excel. I have to go through options every time to bring it up again?


    • You never need to use a password. You simply need to perform the following steps:
      1. Open Excel, but don’t try to open the realstats-mac.xlam file that you downloaded earlier.
      2. From the Tools menu choose Add-Ins.
      3. Make sure that the Solver option is checked on the dialog box that appears.
      4. Check the XRealstats-Mac option on the dialog box that appears and click the OK button.
      5. If the XRealstats-Mac option doesn’t appear, click on Browse to find and choose the XRealStats-Mac.xlam file that you downloaded earlier. Then complete step 4 as described above.

  26. When using Real Statistics, every time I try to run a Simple Exponential Smoothing forecast Excel gives me a Microsoft Visual Basic error. I’ve tried to update my computer, enable macros but nothing seems to work. How can I fix a Microsoft Visual Basic error?

  27. n Mar 2018, Cold Storage started getting complaints from their Clients that they have been getting complaints from end consumers of the dairy products going sour and often smelling. On getting these complaints, the supervisor pulls out data of last 35 days’ temperatures. As a safety measure, the Supervisor decides to be vigilant to maintain the temperature 3.9 C or below.

    Assume 3.9 C as upper acceptable value for mean temperature and at alpha = 0.1 do you feel that there is need for some corrective action in the Cold Storage Plant or is it that the problem is from procurement side from where Cold Storage is getting the Dairy Products. The data of the last 35 days is in “Cold_Storage_Mar2018.csv”

    Which Hypothesis test shall be performed to check the if corrective action is needed at the cold storage plant? Justify your answer.
    State the Hypothesis, perform hypothesis test and determine p-value

  28. Hi, Can you suggest any method for example two way annova in R for my following experiment.
    Field 1: Group 1, 2, 3 and 4.
    Field 2: Group 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
    Field 4: Group 1, 2, 3 and 4

  29. Hello Charles,
    Is there difference between multivariable analysis and multivariate analysis? If yes please let me know the difference.

    • I am not sure that the terms are used consistently by everyone, but often multivariable refers to multiple independent variables while multivariate refers to multiple dependent variables. This is the case for ANOVA vs MANOVA.

  30. Dear Charles,
    I am working on analysing experimental results.
    I have one dependent variable and four independent variables as the following:
    Y=A, B, C, D ; I first took the natural logarithm (Ln) of all of them, then i did multiple regression in excel for the values of the natural log, and I got an equation as the following: Y= A^a * B^-b * C^-c * D^d with R^2 = 0.96
    Is my steps seem right? and Should i care about the units and maybe make them dimensionless? any other advice.

    Thanks in advance..

    • Hi Charles,
      I needed the equation to be in this form : Y=CONST. * (A)^a * (B)^b * (C)^c * (D)^d.
      I first linearized the equation by taking the natural log of both sides as the following: Ln(Y) = Ln(CONST.) + a*Ln(A) + b*Ln(B) + c*Ln(C) + d*Ln(D).
      Then I calculated the natural log for all the parameters (both the dependent and independent); ( Ln(Y), Ln(A), Ln(B), Ln(C), Ln(D)).
      After that, I did the multiple regression using excel to get the values of the coefficients (Input y range is the values of Ln(Y)), (Input x range are the values of Ln(A), Ln(B), Ln(C), and Ln(D)).
      Finally, I got the equation after the regression which looks like the following:
      Y= CONST. * A^a * B^-b * C^-c * D^d.

      Does it seem right to you? Should i care about the units?


  31. Charles,

    I recently upgraded to the current version. I followed the directions about installing the new version and uninstalling the prior version. When I start Excel and use Ctrl-M, Real-Statistics does not open although it shows as an add-in. If I uncheck the add-in and then return through File/Options/Add-ins, and check Real-Statistics as an add-in, it works. It’s clumsy and clearly not functioning as it should. Any thoughts?

  32. Dear Charles,
    Thanks and congratulations for the statistics tool.
    I am trying to perform a multivariate logistic regression model but I cannot manage it.
    I was studying a parasitic disease in equids trying to evidence the relationship of different variables and the presence of antibodies in the animals, I performed a univariate analisis using an excel formula template and many of the variables resulted significant. The next step would be to perform a multivariate analisis including the significant variables to obsetve if they are still significant or not and to calculate the OR of each category. The dependent variable is dichotomous (presence of antibodies or not) and the other variables are categoric (some with more than 2 categories). I do not know how to set the options in the system as I have tried with multivariate and othe types of regression formulas and the results are not what it was expected and the odds ratio are missing.
    Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

  33. Dear Professor Charles,

    I got interested with the application you’ve made and started right away. I was doing a t-test independent samples as an exercise double-checking results from your application and with the SPSS.

    Firstly, I checked for the computed equality of variances using the Levene’s test from the SPSS. My result shows that there is a violation, F = = 16.301, p = .000. I checked the homogeneity of variances for each groups and the result from the SPSS shows that my first group was significant, W(20)=.886, p = .023, and the other did not, W(24) = .966, p = .571. I double-checked the results from your application and got the same output as well.

    Second, the results from the SPSS for the ‘Equality of Variances Not Assumed’ row is also the same with the T-Test Unequal Variances Two-tailed row from the application, t (27.030) = 2.535, p = .017. So far, I was doing it right.

    Third, I was to report my effect size (among other things) using a Cohen’s d and since the SPSS can’t solve this, I decided to compute it with the following formula: d = (M1 – M2) / SQRT [(SD1 + SD2)/2] and got a computed value of 0.787655. My M1 = 42.55, M2 = 39.125, SD1 = 5.482, SD2 = 2.787, N1 = 20, and N2 = 24.

    I used an online statistical calculator just to be sure that my manual calculations is correct ( and got the same computation (of Cohen’s d). The online calculator also produced a Gates’ delta value of 0.624796 and a Hedge’s g of 0.810733).

    Because my computation was the same with the online statistical calculator, I double-checked it with the effect size in the result of the Real Statistics application. Under the Cohen’s column, the computed value was 0.810733. I noticed that this is similar to the Hedge’s g result of the online calculator.

    My question is: does this mean that the Cohen’s d computation in the Real Statistics application sensitive enough to detect SD and sample size violations that the computed value (0.810733) is the same as the online calculator’s Hedge’s g ((39.125 – 42.55) ⁄ 4.224573 = 0.810733)? Does it mean that I should report it as Hedge’s g instead of Cohen’s d? Or they are just two different computations altogether?

    Lost and confused,


  34. Good afternoon,

    I work in hydraulic engineering and don’t know much about statistics, a colleague recently referred me to your excel add-on.

    The problem I’m working on involves identifying high and low points in the profile of a ditch. The current ditch design was approximated by software, and it shows its profile as a little “bumpy” or rough: by compare each (x,z) point with its adjacent 2 neighbors, we determine many high and low points very close together. Wheras what we want is essentially high point = “top of a hill” or low point = “bottom of a valley”.

    Is there some statistical processing that would either help us filter out high/low points that are too close together, or smooth out the profile’s “bumpiness” so we only get reasonable high and low points?


  35. Hi Mr. Charles Z.,

    First, I want to thank you for this amazing website and all the useful information you share with the vistors. I need your help please. Im doing my bachelor degree thesis and I’ve been counting the number of birds along 13 km of coastline in Perú. The counts are made one per day twice a month and i already have two counts. The total number of birds of the first day is 156, and the total number of birds of the second day is 789. There is a big difference between the total number of birds. For both days the birds are always grouped in patches (that means that they are not distributed with homogeneity along the coastline). Looking at the data Ive noticed that, besides been different number of total birds, for each day the patches of birds allways keep the same proportions one each other. In fact, i would say that the relation between the proportions of one day is the same as the proportions of the other day. in that case, which statistic test can i use to prove if they are the same or not? Thank you very much.

  36. Am I able to run one-way Anova from summary data in Real Stats? I am looking at a journal article 34(1), 32-44. (Yount et al., 2003. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, ). For post hoc comparison, the authors provide a table of n, mean, standard deviation, for each group. The table also includes Effect Size. I found several online calculation sites for Anova from summary tables, but did not get the exact values of the authors. They did not specify the software use for most of their analyses. I was able to get similar results, but not exact values, for their Anovas and post-hoc comparisons. The did state that they used Tukey HSD for post hoc comparisions, and did not specify adjustment for unequal group sizes. The oneline programs that I found (for Anova from summary data) used Tukey Kramer. Perhaps that is one reason my F values are somewhat different. Thanks,

  37. Hi Dr. Zaiontz,
    I am working on a project to measure the agreement of fifteen Radiologists in the diagnosis of 6 major pulmonary diseases. The Radiologists read 50 chest x-rays and determined whether each were positive or negative for any of the following conditions: Cardiomegaly, Pulmonary Parenchymal Abnormalities, Pleural Effusion, PTX, Calcified Pleural Plaque, Destructive Expansile Bone Lesion or Free Air Below Diaphragm.
    I downloaded the Real Statistics Add-on, but am not sure how to organize the data to in my spreadsheet to calculate Fleiss Kappa. My raw data includes the six diagnoses and the findings by the 15 raters(positive or negative) for each of the 50 subjects.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you in advance,

      • Hello Ed,
        If there was at most one positive diagnosis per x-ray then you could use Fliess’s kappa (or Gwet’s AC1) using 7 rating categories, one for each disease and one for None. If you need to have more than one rating per x-ray then I can think of two approaches: (1) use separate ratings for each disease (as described in my previous response) or (2) you will need to figure out a way of coding the ratings that captures the fact that multiple diseases are possible; since there would be an order to such categories (e.g. Pleural Effusion + PTX > PTX), you couldn’t use Fleiss’ but you might be able to use Gwet’s.

  38. Hi Dr. Zaiontz
    This is a research project,
    soil sampling achieved from an area had been under irrigation for a long time, and one nearby site (outside the irrigation boundary) representing the reference soil. The two categories thought to be comparable regarding parent material and topography. Accordingly, on each category, six soil pits (as replicates) excavated and sampled by horizons. Each soil pit consists of three horizons (A, B, C). Each soil sample from each horizon was analyzed for 15 soil physicochemical properties.
    The objective is to inspect the impact of irrigation on soil’s properties compared with reference-unirrigated soil and quantitatively addressee the distribution of that impact on soil’s physicochemical properties along with the soil profile (three horizons A, B, C). I believe that in this situation I have the two sites and three horizons are independent variables and the physicochemical properties are dependent variables. Could you please tell me what type of statistical models is applicable in this case? Is the distribution of the variables I mentioned is right or not?
    Thanks very much.

    • Hello Khalifa,
      Since you are comparing multiple physicochemical properties, you probably need some form of MANOVA. Which specific test to use depends on the specific hypotheses you want to test.

  39. Hello Dr. Zaiontz
    The US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes a Census of Occupational Related Fatal Injuries annually, nearly one full year after the end of the year under study. Ex. Occupational Fatalities in 2018 will be reported in December 2019.
    BLS updated their classification systems and the current statistical series begins in 2011.
    This means that there are only 7 observations in this time series (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017).
    If there were a comparable annual time series (7 observations) that exhibited a strong correlation (R-sq > .96) to the BLS series, would a linear regression model be applicable given the small number of observations?
    The regression model, if appropriate, would provide useful insights into the fatalities statistic immediately at the end of the subject year, rather than waiting 12 months for the official statistic’s release. Seven observations are all we have to work with.
    I’m not trying to forecast a future period’s statistic, just develop an estimate of the prior period’s statistic without waiting 12 months.
    Thanks very much.

    • Hi Dave,
      Even with only 7 observations, the results may be useful. Since R-sq is so high, you tend to need fewer observations in any case (exactly how many depends on a number of factors — which are explained on the Real Statistics website), but in any case, if the preliminary prediction is useful, I would proceed and then check to see what problems, if any, was caused once you got the real info 12 months later.

  40. Dear Charles,
    I’m intersted in whether students use a certain type of explanation for something; let’s call it “the x-explanation”. So, I asked 360 students 4 questions of 2 different types, and I have the percentages (or the proportions) of the “x-explanation” to each of the 4 questions. I want to know whether the differences between the percentages (or the proportions) of the “x-explanation” to the 4 questions are statistically significant. In other words, I want to test differences between percentages of a type of response; and not differences between the respondents that gave this type of response.

    What’s the statistical test I need to run?

    Is it ok to use a t-test, since I’ve seen it used for this kind of problems in several phychology papers?

    Thank you very much for your time. Your help is always valuable.


      • Hello, Charles.
        I’m sorry I wasn’t clear enough. I’ll try to to do better this time.

        My Q is: “Is “x-explanation” more often in children’s responses to “type A”-questions or to “typeB”-questions ?

        I have the responses of each of 36o children to 2 “typeA”-questions and 2 “typeB”-questions.

        So, I know that “x-explanation” is present to A% of the responses to “typeA”-Qs; i.e. I know that the mean proportion of the responses to “typeA”-Qs which include the “x-explanation” is e.g. 0,65.

        I also know that the “x-explanation” is present to B% of the responses to “typeB”-Qs; i.e. I know that the mean proportion of the responses to “typeB”-Qs which include the “x-explanation” is e.g. 0,46.

        What do I do to find if the difference is significant or not?

        I’ve seen that many people do t-tests in similar situations. And they don’t mention anything about normal distribution.

        Is it all right to have a t-test? Is it better to have the non-parametric version (Wilcoxon)? Am I in a totally wrong way?

        Thank you very much,

        • Hello Maria,
          1. I understand that your sample includes 360 subjects (children). Each subject gets two type A questions and two type B questions. You are interested in the number of x explanations for each subject to the type A questions and similarly for type B questions. I presume that for any subject, the number of x-explanations to the A questions is either 0, 1 or 2 (since there only two such questions). The situation is identical for the two B questions. I believe this is so unless a subject can make multiple x-explanations to each each question.
          2. For each subject the difference in x explanations between the A and B questions can take values 0-0 = 0, 0-1 = -1, 0-2 = -2, 1-0 = 1, 1-1 = 0, 1-2 = -1, 2-0 = 2, 2-1 = 1, 2-2 = 0. Thus the “score” differences can take values -2, -1, 0, 1 or 2.
          3. The problem you seem to be addressing is whether there is a significant in use of x explanations between type A and B questions. This is equivalent to determining whether the “score” differences (in item 2) is significantly different from 0.
          4. This would usually be tested using a t test (actually this is a paired t test) provided the “score” differences is normally distributed. If not you could use a Signed Ranks test. Here we are treating the discrete values (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2) as if they came from a continuous distribution

  41. I have been using excels exponential regression to plot and predict (via goal seek) the hours necessary for a casting to reach a certain temperature inside a mold. I wanted to add a 95% confidence interval to the model, to readily demonstrate how “good” the predicted time is. I read the demonstration on building/plotting confidence intervals for a linear regression model, but I was hoping you could give me some insight how one would handle the upper and lower confidence curves around the exponential regression curve. Is this something you have already addressed here for Excel, or can you point me in the right direction? Any help would be very appreciated.

  42. Hi Charles,
    I can’t seem to find the workbook containing the Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure (IPFP) examples. I thought it was in the basics workbook but can’t seem to find it. I am trying to replicate the output from the formula in Figure 8 and can only replicate the value for cell H8 using the following formula: =IPFP2(B5:F8). What would be formula for cell H9?

  43. I was wanting to use the LASSO regression, but the menu only contains Ridge Regression. The output tables are different so one is not a subset of the other…or is it?


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