PROX Model for Rasch Analysis


We now describe another approach for building a Rasch model that is based on the simplifying assumptions that the ability and difficulty parameters are normally distributed; in particular, we assume that the ability parameters are normally distributed.


Suppose that we have test data with values xsi as defined in Basic Concepts for Rasch Analysis, except that now we will allow scores of 0, 1, 2, …, m where m is any positive integer including values larger than 1. Assume that there are n subjects and k items.

For any subject s, define

PROX subject formulas

If there are no missing scores then ks = k for all s. For any item, in a similar way, define

PROX item formulas

The means and variances of the us and vi are

u and v meansu and v variances

Ability parameter estimates

It turns out that we can approximate the βs ability parameter for subject s by

b_s parameter

where u is the scaling factor

Scaling factor u

Here, 2.89 = 1.72 and 8.35 = 1.74.

If we attempt to approximate the normal distribution cdf F(x) by the logistic distribution cdf G(x) = 1/(1+eax), then we achieve the best such approximation when a = 1.7 (actually 1.702). Here, best means the value of a for which max |F(x) – G(x)| is minimized. This is why we used the factor 1.7 in the above formula.

Difficulty parameter estimates

It also turns out that we can approximate the δi difficulty parameter for item i by

d_i parameter

where v is the scaling factor

Scaling factor v

Here, the mean of the vi is subtracted from each vi term to center the difficulty parameters as was done in the UCON method described in Building a Rasch Model.

Standard estimates

In addition, estimates for the standard errors of the ability and difficulty parameters are

standard errors PROX model


Wright, B. D. and Stone, M. H. (1979) Best test design. MESA Press: Chicago, IL

Wright, B. D. and Masters, J. N. (1982) Rating scale analysis. MESA Press: Chicago, IL

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