Real Statistics Examples Workbooks

Examples Workbooks

Fourteen Excel workbooks can be downloaded for free which contain worksheets that implement the various tests and analyses described in the rest of this website. In parentheses is a list of the Real Statistics website main menu topics covered in each examples workbook. 

  • Basics (Basics menu plus Mathematical Notation and Concepts, Excel Capabilities)
  • Distributions (Distributions menu except for Testing for Normality and Symmetry)
  • Non-parametric Tests Part 1 (first six Non-parametric Tests from the Miscellaneous menu)
  • Non-parametric Tests Part 2 (other Non-parametric Tests from the Miscellaneous menu)
  • Goodness of Fit (Testing for Normality and Symmetry from the Distributions menu and Goodness of Fit from the Non-parametric Tests on the Miscellaneous menu)
  • Correlation and Reliability (Correlation and Reliability from the Miscellaneous menu)
  • Anova Part 1 (One-way ANOVA and Factorial ANOVA from the ANOVA menu)
  • Anova Part 2 (Topics from the ANOVA menu not included in Anova Part 1)
  • Regression Part 1 (Linear Regression and Multiple Regression from the Regression menu)
  • Regression Part 2 (Topics from the Regression menu not included in Regression Part 1, plus Survival Analysis and Handling Missing Data from the Miscellaneous menu
  • Multivariate Analysis (Multivariate menu)
  • Time Series Analysis (Time Series and Panel Data from the Miscellaneous menu)
  • Bayesian Analysis (Bayesian Statistics from Miscellaneous menu)
  • Mathematical Topics (Roots of a Function, Max/Min, Matrices, Iterative Processes, Linear Algebra, Complex Numbers/Matrices, Prime Numbers, Differentiation, Integration, Surface Charts, etc.)

All fourteen of these files are compatible with the latest release of the Real Statistics Resource Pack (Release 9.4.5), although the latest examples workbooks can only be downloaded from the webpage containing the example.


Over time, the webpages on the Real Statistics website are being updated so that you will be able to download an Excel file with any of the examples found on that particular webpage. We are only at the early stages of this transformation. The examples workbooks listed above may have older versions of the examples than the ones that can be downloaded from individual webpages.


Downloading any of these workbooks means that you accept the Real Statistics License Agreement. The date listed is the date that the workbook was last updated.


Before you use any of these workbooks for the first time, you need to make sure that it is synchronized with the Real Statistics Resource Pack, the Excel Add-In, as described next.

After you download the Real Statistics Examples Workbook, before you open the workbook for the first time, you should make sure that the Real Statistics Resource Pack has been installed (see Real Statistics Resource Pack Installation). You should close any Excel workbooks that are open and then open the Real Statistics Examples Workbook.

When you open the Real Statistics Examples Workbook for the first time you may receive the following messages:

“This workbook contains links to other data sources”

If you receive this message, click here to determine how to proceed. If you don’t receive this message then simply use the workbook as you would any Excel spreadsheet.

Alternatively, you may see the following message below the Ribbon and above the Name Box (see Excel User Interface).

“Security Warning: Automatic update of links has been disabled”

In this case, click on the Options box and then click on Enable Content. From this point on you proceed as described above.

Using the Examples Workbooks

Once you have downloaded and installed one or both of the examples workbooks, you can click on any tab to access the various examples found on this website. Two tables of contents are provided to help you find the desired example.

The second worksheet in the workbook (labeled TOC) is the table of contents for the rest of the workbook. Clicking on any of the entries takes you to the specific example described in the corresponding part of this website. The entries in the TOC correspond to the various pages on this website. In this way, you can follow along with any of the topics on the website in Excel.

There is a more concise table of contents, which may be found in the first worksheet (labeled TOC0). Clicking on any of these entries takes you to the first entry in TOC for that general topic. The entries in TOC0 correspond to the menu items in the Content Menu  (that appears on the right sidebar of this website).

258 thoughts on “Real Statistics Examples Workbooks”

  1. Hi Charles,

    Thanks for the great resources. I am being tasked with making a bid analysis conducted by a local municipality for a certain product to be used by that particular local city and with it, are the past data where the participating companies are submitting such as prices they bid, the exchange rates, raw material prices among others. And based on that analysis, I need to make an appropriate prediction of the next bidding outcome, so we can predict competitor’s pricing based on the historical data so we can plan on how should we bid for us to win the contract. Is the Monte Carlo simulation works well with this task or is there any other appropriate approach? Thanks.

    • Andre,
      Glad that you like the Real Statistics resources.
      Monte Carlo might be appropriate as well as multiple linear regression. It really depends on the details.

  2. Hi Charles,
    I am working on procurement data of Organization, Where i have complete data. I mean there is no need to draw sample. I need your help to know what kind of statistical functions are useful to analyze this data. Data is like what is purchased from whom at what price, date, with respect to which business unit.

  3. Hi Charles,

    Can you advise how to translate a set of data to a normal distribution using a BLOM transformation, so that Anova or t tests can be used? Do you have a function for this in Excel?

    Many thanks

    • The BLOM transformation takes a value x in your sample S of size n and transforms it to InvNorm((r-c)/(n-2*c+1)) where InvNorm is the inverse standard normal function and r is the rank of x in S. For the Blom transformation c is set to 3/8.

      Thus, if say range A1:A20 contains your sample, you can insert the formula Excel formula =RANK.AVG(A1,$A$1:$A$20,1) in cell B1 and the formula =NORM.S.INV((B1-3/8)/(COUNT($A$1:$A$20)+1/4)) in cell C1, and then highlight the range B1:C20 and press Ctrl-D. The range C1:C20 now contains the Blom transformation.

      You can also do this in one step, once again assuming that the data is in range A1:A20, by highlighting the range B1:B20 and entering the array formula =NORM.S.INV((RANK.AVG(A1:A20,A1:A20,1)-3/8)/(COUNT(A1:A20)+1/4)). Since this is an array formula, you need to press Ctrl-Shft-Enter. Now range B1:B20 will contain the Blom transformation.

      The following article presents some cautions about using this transformation:

      Another commonly used normal transformation is called Box-Cox. This is supported in the Real Statistics software via the BOXCOX function. See the webpage


  4. Charles,
    How would I use an ANOVA Statistical Analysis spreadsheet using eight measurements within a grouping of fifty scenarios? I will be more specific; I am trying to place an ANOVA statistics analysis spreadsheet into my paper using eight different modes of flight (Standing, Taxi, Takeoff, Initial climb, En-route, Maneuvering, Approach and Landing) and when incidences occur during these eight modes of flight during 50 occurrences.

    Thanking you in advance,


    • John,
      It is hard for me to give a precise answer without more information, but you should be able to use the following webpage to create the ANOVA spreadsheet that you are looking for.

      • Here is the data that I need to place into an ANOVA statistical Analysis;

        Stages of flight / Number of Fatigue Reported Incidences
        A. Standing – 9
        B. Taxi – 5
        C. Takeoff – 7
        D. Initial climb – 4
        E. En-route – 7
        F. Maneuvering – 2
        G. Approach – 13
        H. Landing – 3
        Total 50

        Thanking you in advance,


  5. Sir,

    Thank you very much for this awesome tool and the very useful explanations. It’s great that you are sharing your knowledge and software with other users.

    I’ve downloaded and installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack. However, I can’t find the supplemental function KUDER(R1) in it.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Have you typed in the formula that begins with =KUDER(…?
      I tried it and it is there. What do you see when you type in the following formula? =VER()

  6. Hello Charles,

    This tool is awesome!! I’m interested in doing some database growth analysis by correlating which table, tablespace, and program on a system that is eating up the database and file system space.

    Which tool should I use that can do a linear regression with multiple variables or inputs such as the above listed and something that I can show some correlation and a trend line with fitted plot? Or maybe something that can display graphically all of the details in a chart and good statistical output?

    • Example

      system is total space 800 GIG


      System User Table Tablespace Size(MB) Chg.Size/month
      ONE User1 TEST TESTERA 358904.188 28478.466
      TWO User2 TEST1 TESTERB 84041.000 6749.671

    • Jamel,
      Glad to see that you like the tool.
      You can certainly use the tool to do multiple linear regression. You can also model growth (e.g. exponential regression or polynomial regression).

      • Thank you Charles!

        I’ll check the examples and do some more reading on how to use the model growth. My goal is to also do some predictive analysis using statistics with the same multiple variables to not only correlate the data, but also predict what date the storage would get to 100% with those tools too. If you have any more in depth advise, do you mind emailing me please? I’m reading through the stats book to also get the ensure I understand the regression equations too. Thank you!

  7. Hi Charles,

    Downloaded both example files; example 2 opened fine, however file 1 opens very slowly(1 min) and displays a blank grey sheet when it finishes. Any suggestions?
    Using Office 2010 and Windows 7.


  8. Hi Charles,

    Thanks for the wonderful tools! I am just learning how to use them. Comments and Questions . . .

    Comment: For those who have had problems getting your AddIn to work, even though they may have put the file in the suggested location of c:/Users/ . . . /Microsoft/Addins/ , they also need to change the source within Data/Edit Links to point to their own folder rather than your (Charles’) folder. I also had to set Auto-calculate to checked to get it to operate after I made this change.

    Question: In Real-Statistics-Examples-Part-2.xlsx, on tab TOC, lines 56-58, you provide 3 Power examples, all referring to a spreadsheet tab that either does not exist or has been re-named in your latest version. Could you tell me which is true, and if the tab exists under a different name, what it’s new name is?

    Thank you!


    • Jerry,
      Thanks for finding the missing hypoerlink. The link should point to the Anova Power tab (the lines 56-58 should point to cells A1, U1 and Z1, respectively).
      I appreciate your help in identifying this problem. I will update the links when I next distribute the workbook.

  9. Dear Charles
    The website is really useful and instructive.
    We conducted an experiment with 2 groups of 8 rats. One was a control group and the other group was treated with a chemical, called “Z” for 4 weeks. We measured a few parameters, including body weights and serum enzyme levels of rats weekly at 5 time points, starting the week after animals were acclimatized and at each subsequent week during the course of treatment with chemical Z.
    Our team is divided as to the most appropriate statistical analysis to use to determine if there are significant differences in the body weight between the control and treated rats. One member suggested to use student t-test to compare the 2 groups at each of the 5 time points separately.
    Another member suggested to use repeated ANOVA as there is a time course affecting the animals.
    We would appreciate your comments. Thank you. Jon.

  10. Hello Dr.,
    I found your website very useful. Thanks.
    I need step by step formula for ANOVA 3 factors. Is it possible?

    • RokShox,
      Thanks for catching this typo. The value should be .937 instead of .939. I will correct this when I next update the Examples Workbook Part 1, which should happen shortly. I will also change the value given by the SWPROB function. I appreciate your help in impriving the accuracy of the website and software.

  11. In excel if u have a set of x & y values and next u draw a trend line , by changing trend line type .. exp, log,poly…. r2 value changes .. rite??? Whats the mathematics behind that change , please reply

    • Yes, if you change from a linear trend line to an exponential trend line, then you are changing from linear regression to exponential regression, i.e. from fitting the data via a straight line versus fitting the data using an exponential curve.

    • First let’s figure out what the raw data elements are. For your example, these are 1, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10. I did this manually, but you can also do it in Excel as follows:

      First convert from cumulative formal to frequency table format. This is done by placing the data in range A2:A11, inserting the formula =A2-A1 in cell B2, highlighting the range B2:B11 and pressing Ctrl-D. You can now convert the frequency data format to raw data format by using the Real Statistic FREQ2RAW function or Frequency Table data analysis tool.

      As far as your specific question is concerned you need to provide additional information before I can give a reply. What is x and what is its relationship to the beta distribution?


  12. Hello i have seen that these downloads are very helpful, i was just confused which example could i use for 3 way ANOVA. My experiment was to test the larvicidal activity of plant extract using 3 solvents, each extract was prepared into 4 concentration, and mortality was observed in 24, 48 and 72 hours interval.

    Mortality (%) after
    24 hours 48 hours 72 hours
    Solvents Concentration
    H2O extract 125 ppm
    250 ppm
    500 ppm
    1000 ppm
    Ethanol Extract 125 ppm
    250 ppm
    500 ppm
    1000 ppm
    Acetate Extract 125 ppm
    250 ppm
    500 ppm
    1000 ppm

    This is how the table looks like, i hope you could help me and guide me on how to use the samples and information here. Thank you

  13. A tremendous amount of resources you have available, thanks , has been helpful . A question, you will have the procedure Shapiro – Wilk and modified Mahibbur Govindarajulu 2007

  14. Dr Charles
    Could u please provide a link for KR20 using Excel for for 30 students and 20 questions. I just need to calculate its reliability. Thank you and I would appreciate that.

  15. Hi Charles,

    Thanks for this powerful resource you’ve provided! I’m wanting to use factor analysis to explore (and refine) an existing MMPI-2 scale to predict vulnerability to developing schizophrenia spectrum disorders at some future point. I’ve installed the resource file, but can’t get the workbooks to work on my Mac using Excel version 14 that came with Office version 11.

    Sorry to be one more voice in the chorus of “I can’t make it work”. I’m enthusiastic about using your resource to do something useful with a clinical archival sample of some 750 in-patient cases.

    • Can you provide additional information about what you mean by “I can’t make it work”. Does this mean that you are you able to use the Real Statistics functions and data analysis tools, but can’t get the examples workbook to work? If so, you probably need to modify the workbook file so that some cell references point to the version of the Real Statistics software on your computer. To do this, look at the following webpage:


      • Hi Charles,

        Thanks for your reply. Sorry, I was entirely vague about what was not working.

        You’re right in supposing I had successfully installed the Resource Pack. The problem was with workbook tables which were full of errors that look like ” #Name? “.

        Your link to the instructions guiding me through changing the “source” file to RealStats-2011.xlam got the workbooks functioning.

        Thanks again!

  16. Gracias por este gran aporte a la Estadística en Excel con los complementos que no los trae la versión original de Excel, ahora podré desarrollar mas aplicaciones de la estadística no paramétrica en particular.

  17. Hi, Charles
    As of 9/24, the note above indicates the example spreadsheets are compatible with rel 4.3 of the Resource Pack, although rel 4.4.1 is most current. Typo?

  18. Excellent work. Particularly because of examples, find it very useful in understanding concept. While softwares such as Minitab, SAS, JMP others are very good, having excel based formulae has its own advantages.

    • Brian,

      You can down the software for free along with any spreadsheet examples. You can download the examples from the referenced webpage. You can download the software from the Free Download webpage. This software supports Excel 2013.


  19. Hi Charles, great stuff, thank you.

    There is a small fix needed on the Binomial 1 sheet: the x-axis labels on both charts start from 1 and omit 0, but the bar for 1 is the figure for zero. It is most obvious for small values of n where the probability of 0 is high. Everything is shifted over by one.
    (To fix Design|Select data|Edit horizontal data labels| =’Binomial 1′!$A$4:$A$24)

    I was looking for a way to model successes without resorting to a lookup table. I can take the output of rand() and lookup the cumulative binomial to read off the successes, but it seems a clumsy way of going about it. Short of writing a function I can’t quite see how to do it. The end result will be a Monte Carlo model including annual seasonality, which I might put on my website as a freebie.

    • Hi Ivor,
      Thanks for finding this error in the binomial distribution chart. I have now corrected the referenced webpage to reflect the fact that the first label on the x-axis should be 0 instead of 1. I really appreciate your catching this easy-to-overlook error.
      Referring to the second paragraph in your comment, I am not completely sure that I understand what you are trying to achieve, but if you want to generate random values from a binomial distribution, you can do this via a formula like =BINOM.INV(RAND(),p,alpha) as explained on the webpage Simulation.

  20. Hi. I am feeling so lucky to find this site and contents. you are a great soul indeed. thanks for all good work. I wish you get all the happiness and wealth in life. once again, thank you very much.

  21. Hello Charles,

    Thank you for sharing all your materials here, these made my teaching job absolutely easy. All the way from the Philippines. More of it, you’re great!


  22. I have been looking for something more advanced than Excel for my students. This is it. Thanks for that.
    One comment – I have downloaded the Examples Workbook. I notice that in a few cases the formulas refer to a folder which is not where I have saved the addin. For example =’C:\Users\C\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\RealStats.xlam’!VAR2_SIZE(J7)
    in worksheet NF3 in cell J24. It is of course easily fixed just by removing the path but I thought you might like to know.

    Thanks again, D

  23. Charles;
    THANK YOU!!! I’m running a survey for the second time, 57 items with Likert scale response choices. Your webiste and RealStatistics package mean I can determine if the survey results this time are truly different from earlier results.
    Without your work and generousity, I’d be showing histograms and tap dancing! Thank you!

    • Lisa Allen,
      Thanks for your comment. I am delighted that the website and software have been helpful to you.

  24. Dear Charles,
    Great tools, a real improvement over the standard Excel statistics capabilities! However, I think there is a bug in the 2-sample t-test (parametric): I have the impression that you are calculating the test statistic for both cases (equal and unequal variance) using the Welch correction, although it should be used only with unequal variance. If you are using equal sample sizes this doesn’t matter, you get the same t-and t_crit values for both cases (equal and unequal variance). For different sample sizes, however, the t-and t_crit values should be different for equal and unequal variance, which is not the case with your tool. I have verified this using GraphPad and the standard statistcs add-ins for Excel. Would be great to fix the bug!
    Kind regards, Chris

    • Hi Chris,

      I am pleased that you like the tools.

      You can get more information about the t test algorithm that I am using at the webpage As you can see from Example 4 on that page I do calculate different values for t-crit for the equal variance and unequal variance tests (even when the sample sizes are the same). The t-stats are the same, however (based on the pooled variance).

      As far as I can see, there is no bug. The results seem consistent with other software tools.

      If you send me an example where you think that the results are incorrect I will be happy to check.

      One thing to be aware of is that Excel’s formula TDIST (or T.DIST, T.DIST.RT or T.DIST.2T) only handles an integer value for the degrees of freedom. Thus Excel treats df = 16.6 as df = 16 (it rounds down to the nearest integer). This shouldn’t impact the test you are referring to since even in this case the two values for the degrees of freedom will be different (unless the variances are exactly equal, in which case the values for the degrees of freedom will be equal, as well as the values for t-crit).


    • Chris,
      I rechecked my software today, especially after a similar comment from Theo, and you are correct. There is an error in my calculation with unequal samples. I will be correctly the bug and issuing a new bug-fix release shortly.

  25. hi..i downloaded the realstats 2007 but when i enabled it on my excel it is asking for a password…. i appreciate your positive response on this..thanks

  26. Muchas gracias por compartir su trabajo !! me ha sido de gran ayuda.
    Thank you very much for sharing your work! I’ve been a big help.


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