
What is Real Statistics Using Excel?

Real Statistics Using Excel is a practical guide for how to do statistical analysis in Excel plus free statistics software. This software package extends Excel’s built-in statistical capabilities. In particular, it will enable you to more easily perform a wide variety of statistical analyses in Excel.

What does Real Statistics Using Excel consist of?

Real Statistics Using Excel is comprised of the following four components:

Real Statistics Resource Pack

An Excel add-in that extends Excel’s standard statistics capabilities. It provides you with advanced worksheet functions and data analysis tools. This will enable you to more easily perform a wide variety of practical statistical analyses. The software supports Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, and 365 for Windows. It also supports Excel 2011, 2016, 2019, 2021, and 365 for the Mac. The current version is Rel 9.4 (released 15 January 2025). There is also limited support for Excel 2002 and 2003.

Real Statistics Website (i.e. this site)

  • Lets you download a free copy of the Real Statistics Resource Pack
  • Provides tutorials and descriptions of how to perform a variety of statistical analyses using built-in Excel capabilities. You will also learn how to use the supplemental capabilities provided by the Real Statistics Resource Pack.
  • Presents numerous examples in the form of Excel worksheets which you can download to your computer

For the student and the novice, the Real Statistics website is an excellent tutorial for learning the basic concepts of statistics and how to do statistical analysis. For all users, it provides a step-by-step guide for how to do statistical analysis in the Excel environment and the tools necessary to carry out these analyses.

You can use this website to learn how to perform statistical analyses in Excel even without using the Real Statistics Resource Pack. But we recommend that you download the resource pack so that you can have access to its powerful capabilities.

Real Statistics Examples Workbooks

Consists of fourteen Excel files that contain all the examples shown on the website. These example files can be downloaded for free (click here). Each example focuses on a specific statistical concept and has been designed to demonstrate simple concepts before moving on to more complicated topics. 

Over time, the webpages on the Real Statistics website are being updated so that you will be able to download an Excel file with any of the examples found on that particular webpage.

Real Statistics Community

Each webpage has a Comments section where you can make suggestions, identify errors, ask questions to others in the community, or request their advice.

You can also get updates about new releases and other information via the @Real1Statistics twitter feed.

How do I get started?

Step 1: If you elect to use the Real Statistics Resource Pack, click on the following icon. You will be given the opportunity to download and install for free the Real Statistics Resource Pack. 


Once you have downloaded and installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack, you will be able to use the supplemental capabilities with your copy of Excel. This is described throughout the rest of the website and is summarized in Using Real Statistics Functions and Real Statistics Data Analysis Tools.

If you choose not to download the resource pack or examples now, you can do so later at any time.

Step 2: Browse through the website to learn how to perform a wide range of statistical analyses in Excel using standard built-in as well as supplemental Real Statistics capabilities. We suggest that you begin by clicking on the Website Introduction (and especially Organization of the Website). These will explain how to navigate the website to get the information you need to run any specific statistical test or learn about any particular topic.

Why do statistical analysis in Excel?

The reasons for choosing Excel are as follows:

  • It is widely available and many people already know how to use it
  • It is not necessary to incur the cost of yet another tool
  • There is no need to learn new methods of manipulating data and drawing graphs
  • It already contains some basic statistics functions and data analysis tools
  • It is much easier to see what is going on since unlike the more popular statistical analysis tools very little is hidden from the user
  • Excel provides the user with a lot of control and flexibility

This makes Excel an ideal tool for learning statistical concepts and performing some basic statistical analyses. Unfortunately, its built-in statistics capabilities are limited. As a result, many prefer to use statistical tools such as R, SPSS, or SAS for carrying out more advanced statistical analyses.

We created the Real Statistics Resource Pack to address these shortcomings. This software package contains various supplemental tools that enable you to carry out a wide range of advanced statistical analyses without leaving the Excel environment. You can download the Real Statistics Resource Pack free of charge from this website.

887 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Dear Dr Zaiontz, Yours faithfully.
    Dr. respectfully I would like to know the possibility that Bland Altman diagrams is added in relability Real Statisctis module is that it is not difficult and can be made directly in Excel, but as I am a professor of Biostatistics and as rates of kappa, and of Dhalberg and Houston, they are also widely used these diagrams quality measurements. No additional programming in Real Statistics so that we can support in his excellent management and statistical support for us and researchers, which greatly facilitates the pedagogy using Real statisctics.
    Also in the module Chi square the implemetation of Fischer’s exact test, odds ratio and relative risk.

    Thank you

    • I already have Bland Altman in my list of suggested enhancements. I expect to add this capability in one of the next releases.
      I will look into adding the odds ratio and relative risk to Fisher’s exact test.

      • Dear Dr Zaiontz

        I have just installed Real Statitics in my MacBookPro and I can not find the option for obtaining Bland Altman diagrams.
        I have seen that option in some tutorial on the web.
        Is it not available for Mac users yey?
        How can I find it?

        Thanks a lot

        • Alejandro,
          Sorry, but this is not yet available on the Mac version. I am in the process of creating a new Mac version which will include this capability.

    • Hi Dan,
      I haven’t found a way for the user to increase the font size. Are you using the Mac version of the software? I know this is a problem for Mac users. I plan to increase the font size for mac users in the next Mac release.

  2. Respected sir,
    Kindly help me to solve the below mentioned problem
    Three factors: Irrigation levels (3), Fertilizers levels (3) and split applications of fertilizers (2)
    Main plot: Irrigation (3)
    Subplot: fertilizer (3) x split application of fertilizers (2)
    = 3 x (3×2) replicated thrice (3)
    Thanking you

    • You described the premise, but have not described the problem you are trying to solve. What is the hypothesis that you are trying to test?

  3. Hello Charles,

    For someone not very well versed in the word of statistics, your website has been a godsend! I was wondering if you’d be able to point me in the direction as to which test I ought to perform on my data as every time I think I’ve found something suitable I read something that suggests it will not be appropriate!

    I conducted a listening test in which a participant was asked to adjust the levels of seven different stimuli such that it gives them the same perception of annoyance as a reference stimuli. I had 15 participants in total, all tested individually (not as a group).

    I’m trying to find out how combined noise characteristics increase annoyance in comparison to individual noise characteristics (i.e does the annoyance from noise with a tonal and impulsive component combined equal the annoyance from the noise with a tonal component plus the annoyance from the noise with an impulsive component).

    My problem is that I’m now dealing with results that have a non-normal distribution as well as unequal variance. I thought maybe the Kruskal-Wallis test would be a good starting point, but one of the assumptions is that groups have the same distribution, and since the standard deviation of my means differ that probably means that I can’t really use it?

    • Hello Chris,

      Thanks for your kind words about the website. I really appreciate it.

      With data that is non-normally distributed and with unequal variances, Welch’s Test is probably the way to go. See the webpage
      Welch’s Test

      Keep in mind though that ANOVA works pretty well even with non-normal data, provided the data is reasonably symmetric. Non-constant homogeneous variances is a bigger problem, but even here as long as the variances are not too unequal (see Levene’s test), ANOVA should work pretty well.


  4. Hello,
    Thank you very much for your efforts!
    I hope you could help me out with my problem.
    Null hypothesis : Rural average premium charged by an insurance company = Urban average premium charged by the same insurance company
    I had t-test in my mind to check out for equality of means.
    I used Real Stat to perform ‘Shapiro-Wilk Test’ and I infered that my data fails to adhere normality.
    So now I will have to opt for a non-parametric test!
    Will ‘Mann–Whitney U’ test be appropriate here?
    Thank you for your time.

  5. if i have a rainfall below for example and i wants to find the rainfall trend to the flood area how do i go above it . And is it anova and linear regression i will apply and how

    RAINFALL (mm)
    1990 10.6 4.9 Trace 131.8 84.3 446.3 532.8 33.3 274.8 169.4 94.3 62
    1991 31 20.4 111.8 264.2 212.4 389.7 358.1 45.2 269.7 84.7 2.7 0
    1992 0 0 22.4 51.5 139.7 270.3 202.9 22.9 246.5 77.6 30.2 13.7
    1993 0.7 27.1 28.1 87.5 171.3 280 91.4 26.5 96.6 127.2 108.6 19.4
    1994 18.6 14.1 79.3 43.4 161.7 209.3 34.7 39.1 241 212.3 20.5 8
    1995 0 64 63.7 97.9 146.8 343.1 108.6 139.3 149.9 197.9 48.3 4.7
    1996 4.8 25.4 109.8 135.2 293.3 599.5 401.3 206.3 135.4 166.6 36.5 10.2
    1997 1.2 0 170.2 227.5 348.4 454.6 145 31.7 221.5 183.7 65.3 14.3
    1998 8.2 7.7 43.1 87.1 106.4 48.8 30.4 16.5 55.5 236 33.7 16.7
    1999 29.1 113.9 364.5 92.3 250.7 334 109.1 161.2 183.1 141.8 5.9
    2000 6.2 0.6 9 80.7 181.9 198.9 126.7 98.3 444.1 120.2 4.5 2.2
    2001 46.8 14.1 74.7 216.5 111.8 271.2 176.8 31.3 174.2 154.6 70.6 78.3
    2002 64.6 44 76.5 159.5 221.9 372.1 296 85.3 189.1 245.8 30.4 49.2
    2003 74.8 16.7 17 244.1 208.6 383 101.7 34 160.5 139.9 152.5 0.6
    2004 142.3 86.6 58.8 177.4 310.5 709.6 64.9 44.1 387.1 233.1 92.9 13.8
    2005 trace 151.3 90 246.9 336.6 526.7 461.7 48.5 122.2 134.4 26.5 4.5
    2006 35.2 13.7 51.6 84 283.7 352.6 95.3 43.9 404.9 15.5 51.8 0
    2007 0 8.4 25.5 43.6 167.3 569.6 166.5 185.3 101.3 79.1 19.5 8.9
    2008 4.6 61.1 48.9 86 156.4 165.1 47.7 2.8 123.4 335.9 4.7 0
    2009 0.6 66.1 154.6 39.8 224.4 746.6 159.4 478.1 369.1 141 30.1 Trace
    2010 50.8 40.4 45.6 171.6 233.2 444.1 149.6 161.7 240.3 134.3 65.7
    2011 0 67 7.8 114.8 317.4 317.1 463.3 86.9 217.9 376.1 54.2 2.6
    2012 1.1 61.2 28.7 161 221.1 476.7 250.2 10.4 184.5 229 71.8 8.8

    • This looks like a seasonal analysis problem, which you can view as a form of regression. I plan to address these sort of analyses in one of the next few releases. Also Excel 2016 has some new capabilities in this area.

  6. Hello Dr. Zaiontz,

    First, thank you for the user-friendly documentation for applying statistical methods in MS Excel. Often more theoretical explanations of statistical operations are less useful when results are needed quickly. Your Excel-based explanations are easy to implement.

    I have used some of the Excel procedures from this site to test the normality of a set of groundwater level residuals from a regional groundwater model I’ve developed for the in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin for the U.S. Geological Survey. What is proper way to cite your website in a report I am writing to document the model?

    Elliott Jones
    USGS Hydrologist

  7. Hi, great site and great Resource Pack!

    Any plans for a Resource Pack update to go deeper into Time Series statistics,
    especially unit root tests for stationarity like the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test?


    • Daniel,
      Yes. Starting with the next release, I am adding capabilities especially focused on econometric topics. I hope to get to time series analysis in the release after next.

  8. I am trying to assess the performance of a procedure in identifying something abnormal in USA cities. I tested this procedure on six different cities with different positive and negative prevalence for each city. I’ve already finished the step of constructing the ROC curve and the nonparametric AUC for each of the six cities. I am now trying to consider that those six cities as a sample taken from all USA cities. Therefore, I need to express the AUC for the procedure in terms of its confidence level. In this case, I have six values for AUC (n=6) and would like to use 95% confidence.The question now is: should I use the conventional t-distribution (for n<30) to calculate the intervals of AUC, or the James Hanley method?

    If I am using Hanley method, I need to calculate the standard error for each case of the six cities since the neg. and pos. is different, then I will end up with six different values for the standard error. If using the conventional t-distribution, one standard error value will be calculated, which is supposed to. Please help

    • Ali,
      Sorry, but I am not familiar with James Hanley’s method. In any case, most likely each method would have some advantages and some shortcomings, and so you would have to choose based on what you are trying to demonstrate.

  9. Hello – I am looking for a joint PDF estimator. I have sparse data for two joint events from which I can build a joint (or conditional) probability matrix. I would like to find the parametric or non-parametric multivariate distribution which fit the data the best. Can this be done using your toolkit?

  10. Dear Charles, I have a question about comaparing two samples of rainfall data (monthly maxima rainfall intensity for the periods about 10 years). Because I don’t have the required sample size for calculating IDF curves with current rainfall data, the plan is to join data from two measuring stations. I want to check if the data can be merged. The difference in means an variances between the samples are important in this case, so I plan to use t-test an F-test to verify matching of the data. I also plan to use Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to check if the data of each sample is distributed normally.
    Is this the appropriate approach?

    thank you

    • You can use the two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to check whether the two samples come from the same distribution, which would give me some evidence that the samples can be merged.

      If you need to check for normality I wouldn’t use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, but the Shapiro-Wilk test instead.

      These tests are described elsewhere on the website.


      • What about comparing three groups of data with different size (n1=70, n2= 200, n3= 270)? Is one factor ANOVA proper approach, and would you advise any additional test from real stat add-in?

        • You can perform one factor ANOVA even with groups whose sizes are different. The main things to note are:

          1. With such unequal sample sizes, you need to be more careful about the homogeneity of variance assumption (since the test is less robust to departures from this assumption in models with unequal sized samples).

          2. The power of the test will tend to be determined by the group with the smallest sample size


  11. If I may suggest, put most recent comments at top of page. When I first came to this page I almost left instantly because comments were from 2013.

    • Rob,
      Excellent suggestion. I have just made the change. Please let me know if now you don’t see the newest comments first.

  12. Great site and I really appreciate the resource pack provided. I use it all the time. I have a question. I compared the results from the real statistics “T Test: Two Paired Samples” to excel’s “t-test: paired sample for means” and the P values differ slightly between them. Why is that? Am I doing something wrong.

    Many Thanks

    • Found it. There were some merged cells in the column labels that was causing the difference. I unmerged the cells and put the labels on the row immediately above the data and re ran the comparisons and they are identical now. Sorry for the mix up. I truly love the way your data is presented. It is far better than excels. Just sayin.

      Many Thanks

  13. Hi Charles, THANK YOU so much for this website!
    It really helped me.
    I am using in my classes of Bioestatiscs and Statistiscs, I use Too R, but it is very eassy.
    I am writing one Bioestatisct Book, can i use your website in order to do the examples?

    Thank you

    • Gerardo,

      I am very pleased that my site has helped you.

      I am not sure what you mean by “can i use your website in order to do the examples?” If you want to use some of the examples from the website in your book, please send me an email so that we can discuss this further (my email address is found on the Contact Us webpage). I of course have no problem with you using examples from my website in your class.


  14. Dear Charles,

    I am a novice in a real statistics and in English as well.
    After visit your website I hope you can help and suggestion.

    I conducted experimental research and random selected to study group and control group. Test the characteristic difference between two group is Ok. Then I collected data at baseline, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks after intervention. After running repeated ANOVA it’s show that there are difference between the two groups. My problem is there are also significant between two group in the baseline measure. what can I do next?

    • That’s interesting. Was the assignments of subjects to the control and study groups done at random? If so, then it is quite surprising that you are finding a significant difference in the baseline measure. How big is your sample?

  15. Hi Charles, i have a question that i cannot seem to answer.

    Scenario: i am unable to determine normality of the data, and i am unable to do transformation.

    my p value for levene’s test is less than 0.05, which means that the variances are unequal. If this is the case, will i be able to still use the ANOVA test?

    and if i am, am i able to use both scheffe method/dunnett T test as post hoc test?

    This is an assignment worksheet, based on data that is given to us, we would need to interpret the output Hope you can help

    • Dawn,

      I have the following suggestions:

      Please look at the various techniques described on the webpage Testing for Normality regarding how to determine whether the data is normal

      If Levene’s test fails, then you should consider using Welch’s test instead of Anova.

      The specific follow-up test will depend on what you are trying to test, but Games-Howell is a likely consideration (see Unplanned Comparisons).


    • Ana,
      Not yet. I need to put out a new version of the software for Macs, but I don’t own a Mac and so need to borrow one to create and test the release. I hope to have access to one soon.

  16. Hi,

    Thank you very much for posting this add in, it is really helpfull. Right now I am trying to make a cluster analysis that I see that you have it in your add in, but I get no results. The function “clust” that you use to assign a cluster to a data point gives no value at all. I was searching some explanation to this analysis in the website but couldn´t find anything at all. Please let me know if you can help me with this issue. Thank you very much,


    • Santiago,
      The cluster analysis capabilities haven’t been officially released yet. I expect to release it tomorrow (Friday). Stay tuned.

    • Santiago,
      Are you able to use the cluster analysis capabilities in the latest release of the software?

  17. Just came to share my thanks for this free addition to excel! It’s excellent to do quick normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) without all the complex manipulation. Congrats!
    And yes, your website is amazing, very well explained.

    Thanks again!

  18. Thank you for you answer!

    In encoding continuous variables like income, consumption etc. Is it better to use brackets and choosing their medians, brackets with respective codes like 1= <40000, or exact amount?

  19. have you ever created an excel spreadsheet that will predict the outcome of a game in any sport such as college or pro football, baseball or basketball.
    If so can you post it

  20. Excellently done, Charles!
    Never seen such practical AND comprehensive statistics’ basics! And a cherry on top – Excel implementation.
    Thanks a lot!

  21. sir, i have to find, any correlation between ‘time of income’ (like daily, weekly etc.) and food supply from PDS (public distribution system) i have following coding for this.
    time of income is if daily-1, weakly-2, fortnight-3, monthly-4, Binnual-5, triannual-6, annual-7
    Do you get sufficient food grains from PDS if Yes-1, No-2

  22. sir i have 1 question for you which statistical tool is useful for
    X 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 1 4 2 3
    Y 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2
    this kind of data. it’s actually a coding data of ‘Yes’ ‘No’ type question. please guide me sir.

    • You haven’t provided me with enough information to answer your question. What is it that you are trying to demonstrate or test?

  23. Hi,

    I am curious if there is way in hypothesis testing that allows me to establish a relationship, such that the scores of the independent variables are measured on a likert scale and values of the dependent variable is dichotomous (e.g. Yes and No, True and False). The sample does not have equal variance (ie sample size for YES do not equal to sample size of NO).

    I tried doing a t-test but it does not make sense that the dependent variable is dichotomous. Is there any method that can be used to solve this issue?

    Thanks in advance and hope to hear from you soon

  24. Let me congratulate you for the work done! Amazing website, absolutely helpful and clearly explained. I’ve recommended already to many colleagues and I will keep doing this. Thank you for also make the code open to everybody.

  25. G’day Charles,
    I like the look of this package and hope that it will be very helpful, and I thank you for your efforts to date.
    One question I have is about which Anova to use. I have data with 6 pigs on 5 diets, and 7 different blood measures, which are dependent to the pig from which they came.
    I believe I should use the one-way anova (only one factor – diet) with repeated measures (7 blood measurements all taken at the same time). Can you confirm this?
    Also, do the factor inputs need to use numbers (1 to 5 for the 5 diets) or can they use categories (AS, BS, CS, DS and ES)?
    Many thanks in advance.

    • Johnno,
      One factor is the Diet (5 levels), presumably the diets are independent of each other since they are for different pigs
      Another factor is Blood Measure (7 levels), these are not independent of each other since they relate to the same pig
      This means that you have a two factor model with one repeated measures factor
      The factor names don’t have to be numbers; they can be alphanumeric. The data, which go in the cells, (which are probably blood measurements) need to be numeric.

      • G’day Charles.
        Thanks for the reply.
        I think I may not have explained it correctly. The only treatment being applied are the diets, being 1 control diet and 4 treatment diets (called D1,D2,D3,D4,D5). At the end of the experiment a single vial of blood is taken and 7 measurements made, ie total iron, ESR, pH, transferrin, calcium, cholesterol and TG’s.
        When I tried to run either single or two way on my data there is no way to input the blood results separate from the factor (which was coded as D1, D2 etc).
        I have 8 columns labelled Diets, Fe, ESR, pH, Trans, Ca, Cho and TG. Am I setting up the data correctly?

        • Johnno,

          Assuming that you have assigned the pigs randomly to the 5 diets, you have a Diet factor which is a fixed factor (not repeated measures). You can now run 7 separate one-factor ANOVA’s, one for each pf the 7 blood measurements made. This would not take into account any correlations between the blood measurements. Alternatively you can run one two-factor ANOVA where the diet factor is fixed and the blood measurement factor is repeated measures. Another alternative is to view the blood measurements as a dependent variable and use one factor MANOVA where the diet is the independent variable and blood measurements are the dependent variables.

          The result would be different if all the pigs are getting all 5 diets (presumably at different points in time.


  26. Hello Charles,
    Thank you for making this program available. I just installed in on my MacBook Pro running Yosemite. While I was able to install the program I get a run time 424 error message when I try and use the t-test function. The other statistical functions seem to work fine. Any suggestions?
    Thank you.

    • Wayne,
      Unfortunately, I don’t own a Mac and so I need to borrow one to support the software. I plan to do so on Friday at which time I will try to identify the problem. I also plan to bring out a new release for Mac fairly soon.

    • Thomas,
      There have been lots of updates to the software, website and examples file. See Blog for more details. I am very pleased that you have gotten value from the website for the past year.

  27. Hi Charles,

    Good morning! You have not mentioned any methodology for doing forecasting, please add forecasting method too. It will really help many of us to go further analysis in time series and so on. while doing forecasting in excel it takes count of the variable like
    Year: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
    Sales: 500 550 501 502 510 500

    It taking the count of 1996 for sales, is it right?

    Please help me on this, am really confused.

    • Jerom,

      The Real Statistics website and software address multiple linear regression (as well as logistic regression) and how to use these for forecasting. They also take the first step in addressing forecasting for timeseries by addressing autocorrelation. See the webpages

      Linear Regression
      Multiple Regression

      I plan to include more materials on time-series in a month or two.


  28. Hello Charles,
    Happy New Year! I am very thankful for your hard work for providing simple, detailed and very resourceful information on your site. I have bookmarked your website. Thanks so much!


  29. Dear Charles,
    Thanks for sharing this very useful post. It was indeed very helpful.
    Why am i getting a p-value=0 whne I use the SWTEST(). Is it a truncation or roundoff error.

    Please advise.
    Thanks in advance.

  30. I found the “Real statistics” extension of Excel by chance, while searching in the web. For curiosity, I tested it’s Principal component analysis results from a dataset of mine already analyzed with a popular software.
    The results are exactly the same, obtained almost instantly… and for free !

    It seems to be an incredible programming job done by an amazing guy certainly (sorry for my bad english expression).

    Bernard Quebec city

    • Bernard,
      Good to hear that the PCA worked as expected. I hope that you will continue to get value from the software in the future.

  31. Dear Charles,

    This is a great work. Thank you very much for these tools.

    I want to perform trend analysis of climatic variables. I also want to do statistical downscaling of climate data. Please, let me know, how can I do that using excel.

    • Tapos,

      Excel’s charting capability provides a feature called Trendline. This can be used for trend analysis. My website describes some of these. You can also consult http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Trend-Analysis-in-Excel.

      There are also Exponential Smoothing and Moving Average data analysis tools in Excel.

      All the regression capabilities described in the website can be used as well.


  32. Hello Mr. Charles,
    I must say I’m impressed by this great work. I have a problem with the software, I’ve downloaded it but each time I press the ctrl-m keys I’m asked to enter a password. Could you please help me.

    • Hello Emmanuel,

      It sounds like the Real Statistics Resource Pack was not installed properly. To find out for sure, enter the formula =VER() in any cell in an Excel worksheet. You should see the version number of the Real Statistics Resource Pack that you downloaded (e.g. 2.16.2). If you don’t see this, then the software is not recognized as an Excel add-in (which is what the installation instructions are intended to do). See the webpage https://real-statistics.com/free-download/real-statistics-resource-pack/ for more details. The key step is described in Figure 2 on that webpage.

      Be assured that you don’t need a password to use the software. You just need to ensure that Excel recognizes the Real Statistics Resource Pack software as an “add-in”. This is what the installation instructions are intended to do.


  33. Hi,

    No question. Just wanted to thank you for the incredible effort you’ve put into this site and the excel addin. Keep up the great work.

  34. Hi Charles,

    I generally don’t comment on posts, but I thought I should this time, to tell that the work is simply wow!!

    Keep it up!


  35. Hey,

    I want to perform the independent t-test on over 200 pairs of ranges. It is impossible for me to go through the traditional method. So I couldnt get around a way to use this Add-in the macro.

    Can you help me out with the same?


  36. Hello Sir,
    This is great website! Learning lot out of it! Definitely one of the best websites for learning I’ve come across! Thanking you so much for sharing your knowledge here! Those tools are great piece of hard work and dedication! Thank you! 🙂 And ya looking forward for neural networks Add-Ins 😉
    Ankit Bhatt

    • Hello Ankit,
      I appreciate your comments and I am very happy that you are learning a lot from the website.
      I plan to add neural networks capabilities, but I have a few other capabilities that I plan to add first. Stay tuned.

  37. Very nice! Thank you, I have been looking for something like this ever since migrating to Mac from PC.
    I noticed that I am unable to select the data cells with a cursor. But typing them in manually works. Is this a known issue?


    • Paul,
      I am pleased that you like the site.
      I was unable to get the approach that I used for selecting a range in the Windows versions of Excel to work in the Mac version of Excel. This seems to be related to something called RefEdit.

    • Hi Colin,
      I have just added new webpages on the noncentral t distribution, noncentral chi-square distribution and noncentral F distribution. In addition these distributions are used to calculate power and sample size requirements. There are also new functions in the Real Statistics Resource Pack that support these new capabilities.

    • Colin,
      I have a project to finish up by the end of May. I will then turn my attention back to the book. I hope to finish by July, but it depends on what else comes up.

      • Sir
        Thank you for your reply and I am looking forward to your book. I leaned a lot of new things about statistics and Excel from your website. BTW could you please teach us something about discriminant function?


        • Colin,
          I will eventually support discriminant function analysis, but I don’t plan to provide it in the next release.

  38. Dear Charles:

    I have been using Real Statistics since earlier versions were launched (is a very powerful statistical tool), but I have had a problem since then (that has not been solved in release 2.12): when I create an Excel file in a computer that uses Real Statistics formulas (for example, RANKSUM), and the file “RealStats.xlam” is installed in a certain Windows location (for example: “C:\Users\UserA-PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Complementos\RealStats.xlam), if I open the Excel file in another computer, where the file “RealStats.xlam” is installed in another Windows location (for example: “C:\Users\UserB-PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Complementos\RealStats.xlam), Excel ask for an update of the RealStats location. Although it is not a very huge problem, is not confortable to update the RealStats route when the Excel file is used between two (or more) computers. Is it possible to create an Add-in where the function calls be independent of the location of the RealStats file?

    Another little problem is: I use “Ctrl-m” to access Real Statistics. It’s not possible to link an icon in the Quick Access Toolbar or in the Ribbon, as reported by some Real Statistics users (in spite of following the steps you suggest in your blog, January 28th 2014). As I suggested in a prior message (November 2nd, 2013), perhaps is better to use the Custom UI Editor Tool with the purpose of solving that trouble:



    Thank you.

    William Agurto

    • Dear William,

      Thank you for your question. You point out a couple of difficulties that others are having as well (including me when I use the software).

      To address the first issue (as I understand it) is quite straightforward. Simply select Home > Editing|Find & Select and choose the Replace option. Then insert “C:\Users\UserA-PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Complementos\RealStats.xlam in the Find What field and leave the Replace With field blank. Click on the Options button and make sure that Within is set to Book and not Sheet and then finally click on the Replace All button. I could try to create a macro for this, but the problem is that the path used for the Real Statistics add-in file is dependent on each person’s computer and where they locate the add-in, and so it may not be so easy to implement. In any case the above approach is pretty easy to use.

      The second is a longstanding problem. Since Ctrl-m works for everyone I haven’t yet allocated the time and energy to solving it and instead have continued to put the time and energy into updating the statistical capabilities. I have looked into the approach that you suggested, but it doesn’t seem so easy to implement (at least for me). I will eventually get around to fixing this problem, but my apologies for not doing it yet.


  39. Hi guys, I don’t even know where to start, but without any doubt I can say that your website is outstanding. With so much crap all around, finding you was a bless. I was looking for eigenvalue and eigenvector in excel to use in econometrics applications and I found you. Thanks a lot for all the effort that you put in the examples, explanations and other things. I usually use stata, eviews, minitab and shazam for statistics and excel only for quick things, but now I will use it more often. I will visit you once a week for now on.


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