Examples Workbooks
Fourteen Excel workbooks can be downloaded for free which contain worksheets that implement the various tests and analyses described in the rest of this website. In parentheses is a list of the Real Statistics website main menu topics covered in each examples workbook.Â
- Basics (Basics menu plus Mathematical Notation and Concepts, Excel Capabilities)
- Distributions (Distributions menu except for Testing for Normality and Symmetry)
- Non-parametric Tests Part 1 (first six Non-parametric Tests from the Miscellaneous menu)
- Non-parametric Tests Part 2 (other Non-parametric Tests from the Miscellaneous menu)
- Goodness of Fit (Testing for Normality and Symmetry from the Distributions menu and Goodness of Fit from the Non-parametric Tests on the Miscellaneous menu)
- Correlation and Reliability (Correlation and Reliability from the Miscellaneous menu)
- Anova Part 1 (One-way ANOVA and Factorial ANOVA from the ANOVA menu)
- Anova Part 2 (Topics from the ANOVA menu not included in Anova Part 1)
- Regression Part 1 (Linear Regression and Multiple Regression from the Regression menu)
- Regression Part 2 (Topics from the Regression menu not included in Regression Part 1, plus Survival Analysis and Handling Missing Data from the Miscellaneous menu
- Multivariate Analysis (Multivariate menu)
- Time Series Analysis (Time Series and Panel Data from the Miscellaneous menu)
- Bayesian Analysis (Bayesian Statistics from Miscellaneous menu)
- Mathematical Topics (Roots of a Function, Max/Min, Matrices, Iterative Processes, Linear Algebra, Complex Numbers/Matrices, Prime Numbers, Differentiation, Integration, Surface Charts, etc.)
All fourteen of these files are compatible with the latest release of the Real Statistics Resource Pack (Release 9.4.5), although the latest examples workbooks can only be downloaded from the webpage containing the example.
Over time, the webpages on the Real Statistics website are being updated so that you will be able to download an Excel file with any of the examples found on that particular webpage. We are only at the early stages of this transformation. The examples workbooks listed above may have older versions of the examples than the ones that can be downloaded from individual webpages.
- Click on Real Statistics Examples: Basics to download the Basics examples workbook. 1/22
- Click on Real Statistics Examples: Distributions to download the Distributions examples workbook. 5/22
- Click on Real Statistics Examples Non-Parametric 1 to download the Non-parametric Tests examples workbook. 6/20
- Click on Real Statistics Examples Non-Parametric 2 to download the Non-parametric Tests examples workbook. 12/20
- Click on Real Statistics Examples Goodness of Fit to download the Goodness of Fit examples. 5/22
- Click on Real Statistics Examples Correlation-Reliability to download the Correlation and Reliability examples workbook. 11/21
- Click on Real Statistics Examples ANOVA 1 to download the Anova 1 examples workbook. 3/22
- Click on Real Statistics Examples ANOVA 2 to download the Anova 2 examples workbook. 2/22
- Click on Real Statistics Examples Regression 1 to download the Regression 1 examples workbook. 4/21
- Click on Real Statistics Examples Regression 2 to download the Regression 2 examples workbook. 5/22
- Click on Real Statistics Examples: Multivariate to download the Multivariate examples workbook. 3/22
- Click on Real Statistics Examples: Time Series to download the Time Series examples workbook. 3/22
- Click on Real Statistics Examples Bayes to download the Bayes Analysis examples workbook. 12/21
- Click on Real Statistics Examples Math Topics to download the Mathematical Topics examples workbook. 11/21
Downloading any of these workbooks means that you accept the Real Statistics License Agreement. The date listed is the date that the workbook was last updated.
Before you use any of these workbooks for the first time, you need to make sure that it is synchronized with the Real Statistics Resource Pack, the Excel Add-In, as described next.
After you download the Real Statistics Examples Workbook, before you open the workbook for the first time, you should make sure that the Real Statistics Resource Pack has been installed (see Real Statistics Resource Pack Installation). You should close any Excel workbooks that are open and then open the Real Statistics Examples Workbook.
When you open the Real Statistics Examples Workbook for the first time you may receive the following messages:
“This workbook contains links to other data sources”
If you receive this message, click here to determine how to proceed. If you don’t receive this message then simply use the workbook as you would any Excel spreadsheet.
Alternatively, you may see the following message below the Ribbon and above the Name Box (see Excel User Interface).
“Security Warning: Automatic update of links has been disabled”
In this case, click on the Options box and then click on Enable Content. From this point on you proceed as described above.
Using the Examples Workbooks
Once you have downloaded and installed one or both of the examples workbooks, you can click on any tab to access the various examples found on this website. Two tables of contents are provided to help you find the desired example.
The second worksheet in the workbook (labeled TOC) is the table of contents for the rest of the workbook. Clicking on any of the entries takes you to the specific example described in the corresponding part of this website. The entries in the TOC correspond to the various pages on this website. In this way, you can follow along with any of the topics on the website in Excel.
There is a more concise table of contents, which may be found in the first worksheet (labeled TOC0). Clicking on any of these entries takes you to the first entry in TOC for that general topic. The entries in TOC0 correspond to the menu items in the Content Menu  (that appears on the right sidebar of this website).
I need the free version of the statistical package for data analysis of RCBD design
Go to https://www.real-statistics.com/free-download/real-statistics-resource-pack/ to download the Real Statistics package. It includes the RCBD design.
Dear Charles,
Thanks for your tool.
Dear Sir,
I have Transformer oil Breakdown voltage data (30 values)and now I have to analysis the failure rate of transformer oil using weibull probability analysis and plot by using OriginPro2017 Software …please help me how to plot and how to calculate scale and shape parameters manually and also how to check the 1%,10%,50% and 63.5% probability failure rate analysis values.
Hello Putta,
I have never used OriginPro2017 Software, and so I don’t know how to do this.
Hi Charles,
This is an amazing resource! How do I cite and reference your great work?
Hello Nikki,
See CitationCitation
Hi Charles,
Thank you for the Tool. I am not able to use the ADFTEST formula to calculate the exact p-value of residuals obtained by linear regression of two series. Please help me solve the issue.
Cab you explain what sort of problem you are having? The ADFTEST function works on my computer. This is an array function and so you need to use it properly: see
Array Formulas and FunctionsArray Formulas and Functions
Thank you very much Charles. Great work
Thank you for these statistics routines Charles.
Question: Does RealStats include a menu item to compute and display multiple regression results including confidence and prediction intervals for all fitted values?
Hello Rob,
You will need to use two menu items from the Reg tab:
Multiple Linear Regression
Confidence/Prediction Interval Chart
Charles, I used the two procedures you recommend. Multiple Linear Regression gave #DIV/0! and #NUM!, while the native Excel Regression feature worked. The Confidence/Prediction Interval Chart gave the error that I can use only 1 X column.
Hi Rob,
If you email me an Excel file with your data and results, I will try to figure out why you are getting these error values.
This is a very impressive collection of examples. Within seconds of opening the first sheet, I learned something about Excel’s capabilities , specifically, array functions, that I never knew existed.
Hello Joseph,
Array functions and formulas are quite useful. In fact, if you have Excel 365 there is a newer version that is even easier to use and more powerful. See Dynamic Arrays.
What is the difference between the p value and the alfa value
The alpha value is the target significance level (usually set to .05) and the p-value is calculated by a specific test and compared with the alpha value to determine whether or not the test result is significant.
Thank you very much Charles for this very valuable resource.
Unfortunately the K-S examples (which is the main reason why I am using Real Statistics) in the Non-parametric_2 workbook do not seem to work. None of the K-S links in the TOC sheet works (that is, an ‘Invalid reference’ message pops up).
Actually none of the Goodness-of-fit tests (lines 40-44) work.
All other links that I tested work fine.
Can this be fixed?
I am using the latest real Statistics package (downloaded and installed yesterday) in Excel 2010.
Sorry about that, Carlo.
I moved these worksheets to the Goodness of Fit examples workbook. I have now replaced the previous version of the Non-parametric Tests examples workbook with one that doesn’t have this confusing error.
Thanks for bringing this problem to my attention. I appreciate your help in improving the website.
Thank you very much Charles.
Great resources, Charles
Thank you
dear sir can i send long term weather data monthly for best possible statistical analysis forecasting and predictions
Sorry, but I don’t understand your comment.
Hi Charles,
You should be proud of yourself.
Thank you very much.
An amazing resource. should be much more publicised, gave me much help with my degree studies
I am very pleased that this was helpful to you. So far most of the publicity has been “word of mouth” (at least in the Internet sense).
You are a genius!
Dear Charles,
I’m running the Real Statistics Add-In on Excel 2013 and I’m getting this error message: “A run time error has occurred. The analysis tool will be aborted. Unable to set the Horizontal Alignment property of the Range class”.when I run logistics regression the above an error always occurs.how I can fix this problem.
By the way, thank you very much for the great website!
Best regards,
Abdul Haq
Hello Abdul,
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. If you email me an Excel file with your data and tell me which data analysis tool you were using, I will try to figure out what went wrong.
I never seen such an organized and comprehensive resource to help someone in need. I have checked many paid packages and resources none of them come closer to this one. Thank you Charles and the whole family, Wishing you a long and happy life.
Thank you very much.
We are planning to use your workbooks in the statistical treatment of our study and of course, we would like to acknowledge you. How sre we going to cite this article? Thank you so much!
See Citation
Hello Sir, what link should I download to get the Hedonic pricing method? Thank you
The website doesn’t support hedonic pricing. You can learn more about regression at
Multiple Regression
thank you so much ! please if you have any necessary learning material , you will send to me by email.
Sir, what link should I download to get the Bairstow’s method? Thank you
Hello Amira,
The Time Series examples workbook.
Thank you, Sir Charles.
I forgot to say: add ins does not show up in Excel. I tried different things with no luck.
Thank you.
See my previous response. Also what do you see when you enter the formula =VER() in any cell?
Hi Charles,
For a long time, I have been searching online for statistical tools in Excel. Today I came across yours and followed all the installation instructions (after reading the license agreement). I attempted to open the time series workbook, but got the following error:
“Compile error in hidden mode: Arima (and other statistical models). Do you have any suggestion on a way to fix this problem?
Thank you.
Hello Daniel,
Are you sure that the software has been installed? You can check this by pressing the key sequence Alt-TI and seeing whether RealStats (as well as Solver) appears on the list of add-ins with a check mark next to it.
Hi Charles,
I am facing the same trouble as Daniel. Downloaded the Time Series workbook and when launched the message “compilation error in hidden module: Regression” appeared. I already checked and both RealStats as well as Solver are checked.
Any idea on what could be wrong?
Thanks for your reply,
Hello Mauricio,
If you send me an Excel file with your data and what Real Statistics data analysis tool you tried to use, I will try to figure out why you are having this problem.
I have downloaded Real Statistics examples: Time series. In excel, under ADF worksheet, from column J onward, all cells are being shown as “#NAME?”. Pl help me the rectification. I shall be thankful.
Hello Rohit,
These are references to Real Statistics formulas. You should see the correct values once you have installed the Real Statistics software. This is available for free download from the website at
Real Statistics Resource Pack.
very good
I’m wondering if there is a way to compare vector data taken more than just twice. Is there a way to run Hotelling T2 “paired samples” beyond just two sets of data? Basically what I’m thinking is something like a two factor ANOVA. But I’m not sure if that’s appropriate for vector type data.
Just like ANOVA is the extension of the t test for more than two sets of data, MANOVA is a similar extension of Hotelling’s T-square test.
Hi Charles,
Would you please help checking the availability of the following files, since I cannot download these from the links? thank you very much
1, Basics
2, Non-parametric Tests
3, Goodness of Fit
4, Regression Part 1
Best Regards
Hi Tom,
I was able to download these files. Please try again and let me know if you are still having problems.
Hi Charles
I can download now.
Thank you very much.
Best regards
Can I perform tukey’s test using this? If so, how do I do it?
Yes, you can do Tukey’s HSD test. See, for example, Unplanned Comparisons.
Hola buenas noches. No puedo hacer el análisis de Brand Altman por que no se abre la opciĂłn hability en el cuadro de opciones del Real statistics. Dice Restore Real statistics on Add ins Ribbon. Por favor indĂqueme que puedo hacer
Hello Tania,
Press the key sequence Ctrl-m
Hola Charles, eso fue lo que hice primero, presionar la secuencia Ctrl-m. Cuando esta se abre no tiene la opción hability que es donde se encuentra el análisis de regresión de Brand Altman, en su lugar dice Restore Real statistics on Ads ins Ribbon.
También ocurre que cuando vuelvo a instalar el programa se abre una ventana pidiendo una clave, la cierro y se abre el programa con la secuencia Ctrl-m. Por favor oriénteme, agradezco su tiempo y atención
Hello Tania,
After pressing Ctrl-m, you need to click on the Corr tab (the sixth tab) and then select the Interrater Reliability option.
I ran Chi square test using excel and now I want to plot my results in a figure.
I tried looking for solutions on YouTube but all they have is how to conduct a Chi Square test on excel and hardly anything about how to show those results in a figure and the one which did show was for the (obs-expected)2/exp table which is not the same as Chi square.
Could you please tell me how do I go about it?
Hi Sahana,
I don’t know of a standard version of such a plot. What do you want the plot to look like?
Dear Sir,
May I know how to perform multiple imputation using your package ? Thank you.
Hello Terry,
See Multiple Imputation
Dear Mr Zaiontz,
Thank you for this resource pack. I am a beginner in statistics and I hope that now it will become easier.
I downloaded the example workbooks too, but I see an error in the “Basics” file: the formula =QSORTRows(D3:E14,1,,TRUE) does not calculate correctly. Is it possible that I didn’t install the pack properly? Or it’s another reason?
How can I make it work?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you
When you insert the formula =VER() in any cell, what do you see?
What error do you see?
Hi Charles
Thanks for this resource.
Having a bit of a problem where my old excel files and the new workbooks I am downloading show #NAME? in many places.
Just wondering what the solution for this is.
See the following webpage for how to deal with this sort of problem.
Hi Charles,
I’m studying the severity of infection of (1) anthracnose and (2) stem-end-rot on mango using 3 different treatments (with 1 control group). Data gathered covered the results for 7 days after treatment (7 DAT) and 14 DAT. I am doing the multivariate analysis. My question is how to lay out the data on excel table to do the Hotelling’s t-squared. I would appreciate your help on this.
Best regards,
KLBSebastian (PhD student)
See https://real-statistics.com/multivariate-statistics/hotellings-t-square-statistic/
and especially https://real-statistics.com/multivariate-statistics/hotellings-t-square-statistic/hotellings-t-square-real-statistics-functions/
Hi. Great tool!
Maybe I muffed up the installation, but on some functions, there are no numbers showing, only #NA. In Tukey HSD , I can see most values, but not lower, upper and x-crit, which I really don’t need for my purposes anyway, but if there is an easy fix…
Many thanks in advance!
This generally shouldn’t happen. If you email me an Excel file with an example where this is happening, I will try to figure what is going wrong.
thank you !!
Dear Charles,
Thanks for a great resource.
I am currently studying tick’s parasites interactions, co-infections of ticks by different groups of parasites. Usually it is recommended to use markov network to better describe this. Do you have such or alternative option (example) in your Real Statistics package?
Thank you,
I am not an expert on statistical analysis of tick parasites and so I can’t comment on whether you should use Markov networks or something else. In any case, the Real Statistics website doesn’t presently contain information about Markov networks
Hi Charles
One Way Anova. Your examples are really useful. However, how do we convert text data to numerical? For example I have satisfaction scores recorded as Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Do I just convert these to 1,2,3,4 (in any order) and then perform the one way Anover?
Student Staff Public
Excellent Excellent Good
Good Excellent Good
Since the data has an ordered relationship, the coding that you are suggesting (only 1,2,3,4 or 4,3,2,1) is a good approach.
Thank you.
Hi Charles
For my one way anova I have a variation in sample size, as follows:
Groups Count
Healthcare professional 746
Other 427
Patient/Service-user/Carer 25
Student 6455
Tutor/Teacher/Lecturer 221
Am I correct in thinking that we do not need to have equal sample sizes for a one way anova?
Yes, you don’t need equal sample sizes for one-way ANOVA.
There are invalid errors showing up in the Workbook examples such as “QSORT”
How can I solve these.
This shouldn’t happen. If you send me an email with the file containing your data and output, I will try to figure out what went wrong.
Hi Charles, This all looks fabulous. 2nd March 2018. Excel 2016. I’ve installed, and tried to opened the sample workbooks but I’m getting an error message: “Compile error in hidden module: Non Central. This error commonly occurs when code is incompatible with the version platform. Click “Help” … ” Could you please advise. Cheers Rebecca
The usual reason for this is that Solver is not activated. Press Alt-TI and see whether Solver is on the list of add-ins with a check mark next to it.
Hi Charles,
My case is a lot like Rebecca. When I opened the Example 1A file, there’s a pop-up error “Compile error in hidden module: NonCentral”, but without the rest of things (aka, without ‘This error …’). Solver was already activated. What should I do?
What do you see when you enter the formula =VER() ins any cell?
See the Troubleshooting section on the webpage Download Real Statistics
Dear Charles,
I’m running the Real Statistics Add-In on Excel 2016 and I’m getting this error message: “Anova: Single Factor – Input range contains non-numeric data.”.
I found the issue while following the Example 2 instructions in “https://real-statistics.com/two-way-anova/real-statistics-support-for-two-factor-anova/”, but then I noticed that I can replicate the same issue simply pushing “Config” and “OK” after “Ctrl-m”.
By the way, thank you very much for the great website!
Best regards,
This is a strange error message since I believe that it is generated by Excel’s data analysis tool and not Real Statistics. Very weird.
I suggest that you close Excel and start again. Perhaps it is some sort of memory overload problem.
I am trying to run a logistic regression with a sample of 34 columns and 48 rows.
When I use 1 column it works, but when I try all or more than 1 I keep getting a #VALUE error for coeff which then turns almost anything into the same error.
Is there something that I am not taking into account? Thanks
by the way, I am using the 2003 tool in office 2007 as the 2007 tool did not work in my computer
When you say the Excel 2007 version didn’t work on your computer what error message did you get?
If you send me an Excel file with your data and the results you got, I will try to figure out what is happening.
Hi Charles,
I would like to thank you for the resources. I have downloaded the examples woorkbook but when i have opened the file, it appears error message “Compile error in hidden module: Correlation” , when i click help for information on how i coorect this error, they give me two possible solutions: 1-“If you have access to the VBA code in the document or project, unprotect the module, and then run the code again to view the specific error”.
2-“If you do not have access to the VBA code in the document, then contact the document author to have the code in the hidden module updated”.
How i should proceed?
Hi Mohammed,
Do you get this same message when you open a new workbook?
The usual reason for receiving this message is that Solver is not activated. When you press Alt-TI do you see RealStats and Solver on the list of addins with a check mark next to each of them?
Also see the Troubleshooting section of https://real-statistics.com/free-download/real-statistics-resource-pack/
Thank you very much for the statistical package that you published. I am very sure that this masterpiece helps a lot of people like me. Greetings from Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Glad that the statistical package has been useful to you. Greeting to Yogyakarta, Indonesia from Oltre Po, Italy.
Hi Charles
It would be great if you could alert me through my email if your book comes out in 2018.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I will try to remember to let you know, but I suggest that you follow Real Statistics on twitter at @Real1Statistics. This will inform you of new releases and important events. New teats are infrequent and only occur when there is some special to report.
I wish you a Merry Christmas as well.
I installed the Real Statistics Multivariate Examples workbook. (I followed your instructions scrupulously). Then I opened Factor Analysis > Principal Component Analysis > Teacher Evaluation Example. Most tables are populated with data, but three tables (correlation matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and reduced model) show the #NAME? error in each cell. It seems that somehow the functions CORR and eVECTORS are not working. I use Excel 2016 and Windows 10. Thanks for suggesting a fix.
Just to make sure that the Real Statistics software is installed, enter the =VER() formula. If you get a #NAME? error, then the software has not been installed correctly.
If the software has been installed correctly, then after you open the workbook, try one of the approaches described on the following webpage:
Have you already tried one of these approaches? If so, try the other approach.
Good day Sir.
I would like to thank you for the resources. My question is can Holt-Winters still be effective even if there are only 3 years available of data (given per quarter) to predict the next two years. Also, may I ask what is the best way to solve for missing values given Holt-Winters? I am looking forward for your reply. Thank you.
It really depends on what you mean by “effective”. If you calculate the confidence interval for each of the forecast values, then you will have some idea of how good the forecast is. I have not yet included this for Holt-Winters, although I have included it for ARIMA. I will add this capability in a future release.
If I understand correctly, you have 12 data points (3 years, 4 quarters per year). How much missing data do you have?
You have kindly shared an amazing set of resources.
I have enabled Solver and installed Realstats in Excel 2016. On opening any of the examples workbooks, I don’t receive any prompts to update links, but I do see #NAME? wherever formulae rely on supplemental functions and, although I have macros enabled, Ctrl+M doesn’t display the Real Statistics menu.
Any ideas?
BTW, I have completely exited Excel and re-opened an examples workbook, but I’m still seeing #NAME? for {=QSORT(A4:A15)}.
This means that the Real Statistics Resource Pack has not been installed on your computer. When you press the key sequence Alt-TI, do you see Solver and RealStats on the list of addins with a check mark next to them? If not, the Real Statistics has not been installed. Also when you enter the formula =VER() you should see the Real Statistics release number.Please reread the installation instructions written on the webpage from which you downloaded the file containing the Real Statistic software.
It sounds like RealStats is not installed. When you press Alt-TI do you see Solver and RealStats on the list of adding with a check mark next to them?
Also what do you see when you enter the formula =VER()
I omitted to mention that I had followed your installation instructions carefully, both Solver and RealStats had check marks next to them on the list of addins and, consistent with my earlier posts, the formula =VER() also displayed #NAME?.
I know how difficult it can be to support users with add-ins at the best of times and my regularly updated Windows 10 and Office 2016 seem to be ratcheting up security. Having read http://www.real-statistics.com/free-download/real-statistics-resource-pack/#comment-1079612, I selected Windows Explorer > RealStats.xlam > Properties > General > Unblock. You may need to add this (irreversible per copy of the file) step to your installation instructions.
When I subsequently launched Excel, it kept crashing at the splash screen while opening Solver.xlam, until I tried to “open” RealStats.xlam from Windows Explorer. Excel did not crash and =VER() displayed 5.2 Excel 2013/2016. However, “opening” RealStats.xlam had disabled Solver. When I re-enabled Solver, it started to open and immediately crashed Excel. On re-launching Excel, I received the following error message:
Microsoft Excel
Excel is running into problems with the ‘solver add-in’ add-in. If this keeps happening, disable this add-in and check for available updates. Do you want to disable it now?
Yes No
I selected No and, again, Excel crashed at the splash screen while opening Solver.xlam.
Unfortunately, with up-to-date and fully-repaired Office 2016 and up-to-date Windows 10 Home, RealStats.xlam and Solver.xlam don’t seem to be mutually compatible.
I am not really sure what is causing this problem. I am not seeing it on my computer.
I just had a problem using Real Statistics on my Mac and I followed the following simple steps (translated to the Windows environment) to resolve it:
1. Opened blank Excel worksheet.
2. Disabled RealStats (i.e. pressed Alt-TI and unchecked RealStats, leaving Solver checked)
3. Closed Excel
4. Opened blank Excel worksheet.
5. Enabled Reals (i.e. pressed Alt-TI and checked RealStats)
Everything worked fine after doing these steps, although I don’t know why it worked.
Well done, Charles, that worked for me, too!
I thought I had followed your installation instructions to the letter, but it is possible that I had not paid sufficient attention to your instruction “If the Solver addin was not checked you need to close the Excel file before proceeding to the next step” on https://real-statistics.com/free-download/real-statistics-resource-pack/.
I’m guessing that Excel does not complete the installation of an addin until the current file is closed, or possibly the user exits Excel.
Good to hear that it now works.
Thanks for this Excel add-in. I was looking for a software able to make the Wilcoxon test for paired data with Excel and I found this package that has more that I can imagine. I test the package only with the Wilcoxon test and run perfectly.
I usually work with IBM-SPSS but it needs a VPN connection with my University and was impossible for me to do this.
Again thanks a lot for the package.
My suggestion is to do an book, Excel based, with the package and examples explained.
Glad you like the Excel add-in.
I plan to publish a series of books. The first one should come out shortly.
Hi Charles,
it seems the hyperlinks for Click for Dickey-fuller on Real Statistics Time Series Examples is dis-linked
Thanks for finding this flaw. I expect to issue a new release of the Real Statistics software within the next week. I will make this correction when I issue the new release. I appreciate your help in improving the Real Statistics service.
How do i run a GLS (generalized Linear Model) model in your soft ware?
Sam K
GLS is incorporated in a number of the Real Statistics data analysis tools. E.g. for ANOVA you can use the GLS model by choosing the Regression option.
What do you want to use GLS for?