
Charles ZaiontzDr. Charles Zaiontz has a PhD in mathematics from Purdue University and has taught as an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida as well as at Cattolica University (Milan and Piacenza) and St. Xavier College (Milan).

Most recently he was Chief Operating Officer and Head of Research at CREATE-NET, a telecommunications research institute in Trento, Italy. He also worked for many years at Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), one of the most prestigious research institutes in the US, and is widely credited with implementing the Arpanet and playing a leading role in creating the Internet.

Dr. Zaiontz has held a number of executive management and sales management positions, including President, Genuity Europe, responsible for the European operation of one of the largest global Internet providers and a spinoff from Verizon, with operations in 10 European countries and 1,000 employees.

He grew up in New York City and has lived in Indiana, Florida, Oregon, and finally Boston, before moving to Europe 36 years ago where he has lived in London, England and in northern Italy.

He is married to Prof. Caterina Zaiontz, a clinical psychologist and pet therapist who is an Italian national. In fact, it was his wife who was the inspiration for this website on statistics. A few years ago she was working on a research project and used SPSS to perform the statistical analysis. Dr. Zaiontz decided that he could perform the same analyses using Excel. To accomplish this, however, required that he had to create a number of Excel programs using VBA, which eventually became the Real Statistics Resource Pack that is used in this website.

491 thoughts on “Author”

  1. Charles – is there literature available on your website explaining/interpreting the output of the logistic regression tool?

  2. Dear Charles,

    I downloaded your tool today. I came across your website by accident, but I’m really glad I did. This is already proving to be of great help. I’m currently working on a master thesis about the relationship between prosperity and residential solid waste generation. Your website will be duly cited, of course. Thank you very much indeed for sharing your know-how. This is what I remember the internet used to be about!

    Best wishes,

  3. Hello Dr. Zaintoz,

    I have question performing F test in excel. It is suggested that one needs to sure the variance of variable 1 is higher so the numerator value is higher when calculating F. But even if you don’t make sure the variance of variable one is higher the p value remains the same on excel. So why worry about that part? with a confidence of 95% alpha =0.05, if p is greater than 0.05 you accept the null hypothesis. We care about the p value which doesn’t change with variable 1 higher or lower. right?
    Thanks for your time

    • Hello Uday,
      =FDIST(x/y,df1,df2) yields the same answer as =1-FDIST(y/x,df2,df1)
      Thus, you don’t have to make sure that the variance of variable 1 is higher, but in that case you will need to make the adjustment to the test as described by the above equality.

  4. Hi, Dr. Charles

    Actually i need development a method for detectec periodicity in a data series, ¿is there any way to do this method completly in excel?


  5. dear sir, can I have your email ID? I want to email you my research proposal, can u please suggest an econometric technique that I can apply to quantify results.

  6. Dear Charles,
    Thank you for some tips on statistics as I want to prepare a paper for my exam using Excel. However I am buffered with spelling of your surname spelling. I assume on the base how sounds your surname, you are of polish origin. Perhaps you have some relatives called Zając. Once again thank you for your help.

  7. Hey Charles,

    I was trying to automate a binary logistics regression analysis on the RealStat add-in using a VBA, is there a way that I could do that? So I can just press a macro button to do the binary logistics regression.

  8. Really good! I have one question, you people may find simple to answer. What should be the maximum value/level/cutoff of within group variance to conduct an ANOVA or depends on ANOVA result? I dont mind whether mean are differing significantly or not. I know there are many tests to know suitability of data to perform an ANOVA, but its does not satisfy my need. I want know, what should be maximum within group variance to understand that sampling was correct. since many a time high withing group varince reduce the F-ratio and make group mean difference insiginficant, despite of high variation between group.

  9. Hi Charles,

    Great website! A wonderful resource for those looking to deepen and broaden their statistical knowledge.

    One question: I downloaded the Excel add-in and when I tried to run a logistic regression model I got the following message:

    “Compile error in hidden module: Logistic Regression. This error commonly occurs when code is incompatible with the version, platform or architecture of this application. Click help for information on how to correct this error.”

    How to fix this error?


        • Mark,
          The usual reason is that the Real Statistics addin has not been installed properly. A common problem is that Solver has not been installed prior to the installation of the Real Statistics addin. You can determine whether Solver was installed by pressing Alt-TI and seeing whether Solver is on the list of addins with a checkmark next to it.

  10. Please help me! I have to make a homework, multiple analysis regression but i don”t know what to take like depended and indepded variable( i know whAt they are but i want example, conctret example) than i will try to find statistics for time series for minimum 30 years,,, please help meee

    • Anna,

      I have a lot of information on the website about multiple linear regression. Please look at the following webpage for the list of topics about this subject. Click on any of the topic that is relevant to you. There are examples that you can use.

      Multiple Linear Regression

      If your data is time series data, then you also need to worry about autocorrelation. This topic is covered on the website, but other topics about time series data will be added shortly.


      • Thank you! But i want for example i take like depended variable loans with problems in united kingdom= gdp rate , inflation rate, unemployment, interest of loans rate, exhange paund- us $ ,,, i found some statistics but for the loans with problems i found only for some years not for 20 or 30 years ,,, i dont know if you u derstend me ,,, can you help me?

        • Anna,
          I understand you and am happy to answer specific questions, but I don’t have a specific example of the type you describe. You can find these types of examples in references on time series or statistics for economics.

  11. hello l’m carlo mallari, how can i know the computation for the least significant studentized range distribution table of Duncan’s multiple range test? its formula?

    • Carlo,
      The Real Statistics Resource Pack doesn’t support Duncan’s multiple range test, since I use Tukey’s HSD test instead. The resource pack does calculate the studentized range distribution as well as the critical values from that distribution. With this information, you should be able to carry out Duncan’s multiple range test,

  12. Dr. Zaiontz,
    The Paired Sample Hotelling T2 example is very similar to something a friend is working on. When she showed me her data (“scores” like data), I was hesitant to go the Hotelling / paired-T route as I was uncomfortable about the normal assumption for the data since it was more ordinal in nature. If you were to do that example in a non-parametric analysis, would you do Wilcoxon signed rank with Bonferroni like control for Type I or do you have a better suggestion?
    Thank you!

    • The Wilcoxon signed-ranks test is a commonly used non-parametric test in case the assumptions for the t test don’t hold. Hotelling’s T-square test is the extension of the t test when there are multiple dependent variables. I don’t know of any non-parametric versions of this test, although I came across the following article which may be suitable:

  13. Dear Charles:

    I have been using the realstats to calculate Principal Component Analysis, but there is an issue. I use 4 variables to do the covariance matrix and then I obtained the coefficients for these variables with the evectors function. However if I changed the order of the variables in the covariance matrix and put one of them in the first place, I obtained the same coefficients as before but with different sign. why happens that? Am I doing something wrong? or there is a problem with the variables? thank you for your answer

    • Miguel,
      If I understand what you are saying correctly, this is completely normal. You aren’t doing anything wrong and there isn’t any problem with the variables.

      • Thank for your answer Charles, but I´d better explain with numbers my doubt:
        I used variables A, B, C and D to do the PCA. And I put them in the order: “ABCD” in the covariance matrix function and then in the evectors function.The coefficients for the first component were A: 0.5, B: 0.4 , C: 0.3, D: -0.2.

        Then I changed the order of the variables: “DABC” in the covariance matrix and evectors functions and the coefficients for the first component were A: -0.5, B:-0.4, C:-0.3, D: 0.2. Therefore, the values for the first component are not the same for the two arrangements even tough are the same variables A, B,C and D and now I want to graph the first component but I don’t know which are the correct ones.

        Hope I clarified my doubt and I´d appreciate your comments about it, thank you

        • Miguel,
          If A is an eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue c, then so is -A. Thus there is no problem when the signs get reversed. This is normal and won’t effect your final result. If, for example you have a column with say 7 negative values and 2 positive values, you can simply flip the signs so that you have more positive value if this makes the real-world interpretation better. I believe that I did this in one of the examples I gave (although perhaps I did this in an earlier version of the website).

  14. Dear Charles,

    May you can help me.I am doing a reserch in UVA\UVB treatments.
    I have done an taste test:
    18 peoples tasted salad from diferent treatments and asnwred the questions.
    Which salada is best taste?
    Which salade is most bitter taste?
    They dont give me score only replay
    How can I organise the data for a anova analysis.

    Salad 1 = control salad 2 = UVA treatment salade3 = UVA\UVB treatment

    Thanks in advance


    I am from Brasil but my studies is at NMBU university in Norway

    • This depends on a couple of things:
      1. Are the same 18 people answering both questions? (and are these the only questions?)
      2. What exactly are you testing? (i.e. what is your null hypothesis?)

  15. Dear Dr. Charles;

    Hi, Hope you to begin a happy new year full of health and Joy. I’m Ramin and I’m from Iran. May I draw your attention to building coefficient of orthogonal contrast. If you Have only 3 means to compare you can easily have:

    contrast C1 C2 C3
    1 vs 2 1 -1 0
    1 vs 3 1 0 -1
    2 vs 3 0 1 -1
    now consider that you have (for instance) 50 means to compare. writing of a dimension of 50*50 matrix of orthogonal coefficient(as we see in example below for 3 means) is very time consuming and boring of course. is there any macro available in excel to build coefficient of orthogonal contrast for pairwise comparison of n means (50 for instance)?
    I do appreciate for your comment beforhand

    • Ramin,
      I am not aware of any such macro, but in any case, any such set of orthogonal contrast coefficients may or may not be the set that is useful to someone in a particular situation.

  16. dear charles,
    i am from pakistan. may be my english is very poor because it is not our mother language. anyhow, i want to learn logistic regression theoritically and its usings practically. can you help me in solving my problem?

  17. Dear Sir

    I have two data sets. One (Sr concentration) coming from ICP-MS analysis along an animal shell. This has around 12,000 data points covering 9 years of shell growth. And the second data set is monthly temperature for that 9 years which has 108 data points. Can I correlate these data to see weather Sr concentration increase with temp. ? If so what is the method I can use? If not what can I do to see the relationship between these two data sets?

    Thank You

    • Dear Dilmi,
      The two sets have to have the same number of data elements in order to perform a correlation. If you know they temperature for each of the 12,000 data points then you can perform a correlation. You can also use linear regression to better see what this relationship is and to make predictions.

    • If I understand your question, then you are looking for interactions in regression. If you have two variables x and y, then you model the interaction in regression by xy. See the following webpage for more details:

  18. Hello Dr. Zaiontz,
    Can the t-test be used in a correlational study? The nature of my study is quantitative and correlational in design and I have two groups: (1) CEOs with terminal degrees in Business disciplines, and (2) CEOs with terminal degrees in non-Business disciplines.
    Is it appropriate to use the t-test in this study? I know correlational studies examine the relationship between two or more variables, whereas comparative studies examine the similarities and differences between two or more groups; however, someone is saying that it is not appropriate to use t-test in correlational studies.
    Thank you in anticipation of your response.

    • A t test can be considered as a form of correlation, as shown on the webpage
      Correlation in relationship to t test

      Provided we are using the term “correlation study” in the same way, I don’t see any problem with using a t test to determine whether is a difference between the two classes of CEOs.


  19. Dear Dr. Zaiontz,
    Thank you so much for making our lives easy who are not statistician/mathematician. I need to analyze data to see the effect of a process on microbial loads (3 types of microbes checked pre- and post-process). There are around 1600 samples analyzed (not divided equally pre- and post-process) for each type of microbe (A,B,C). All these observations come from 3 different states, covering 4 seasons, and 2 years. I’ve used SAS (GLM, PLM) to analyze them. However, I would like to check with Excel since I am more comfortable in using the later. What analysis I can use to check the effect of the process? How can I check if season, year, state had any effect on the result? Also in one category (microbe C) I get only around 6% considerable value, while rest of the 94% is below detection (0). I am using log10 transformed values of bacterial counts for all these analysis. I am assuming the original number=1 (so, log10 of 1=0) when I don’t get a real value (in 94% cases). How can I justify this assumption?

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards,

  20. Dear Dr.Zaintoz,
    Thank you for this very useful – and free! – package. The examples and the website are very clear.
    I sue statistics almost daily and having a easy to use tool integrated to Excel is a must.

  21. Dear Dr. Zaiontz,

    This website has been a huge help for me in my summer internship. I’m currently making a model to predict GDP and I really enjoy how you show the formulas to how everything is calculated.

    Thank you,

    Michael G.

  22. Hello Charles,

    Thanks for this material! It’s clearly carefully done and I’ve already found some of the multivariate functions in your package very helpful. I’m quite amazed at what you’ve put together and made freely available here. Bravo!

    For many reasons, I do my best to convince university students to use R for an open source (free) way to do statistical computations. But EXCEL is ubiquitous and sometimes considerations of what is most familiar clearly make using it the only real option. Your kind work makes it substantially less painful.

    Best Regards,

    Steve Vardeman

    • Hello Steve,
      Thank you very much for your very kind words. This means a lot to me, especially coming from you, a person who has had a very illustrious career in statistic research, teaching and consulting.
      I am constantly updating the website and software, and I plan to add some interesting capabilities in the next few releases.

  23. Thank you so much for all of your work on this website. I’ve never had the strongest grasp of statistics but your website made everything easy to understand. Your resource pack is a lifesaver and greatly expanded my ability to perform data analysis in my research.

  24. Dear Sir,

    Slight error in the previous message. There are nine coefficients plus one intercept to be found. The R-square value is .94. But the p-values are very high like .74, .96 etc.

    Can I still use this equation for my prediction Sir?


    • Ranjit,
      You shouldn’t see a high R-square value when all the coefficients are insignificant.
      If you send me an Excel file with your data I will try to figure out what is going on. See Contact Us for my email address.

      • Dear Sir,

        Thank you very much but also sorry for not responding promptly. I have sent an e-mail with the data values to your e-mail id. Please provide your valuable comments.


    • Ranjit,

      By reading your comments it sounds like your model has multi-collinearity (correlations between your independent variables) which inflate their variances and produce high p-values in the parameter estimates. Or you might be over-fitting the model. These are my suggestions. Check to see if they are causing your problem.

      Ryan W.

      • Dear Mr.Ryan,

        Thank you Sir.

        There are correlations between the independent variables. But I didn’t understand what you meant by ‘overfitting’. Does this mean I am using more number of observations?


        • Ranjit,

          Sounds like you found your problem. By over-fitting I meant creating a model with high R^2 but with low predictive ability. Now that you know your independent variables are correlated, you can apply transformations to them or remove some from the model if necessary.


  25. Dear Sir,

    Hope you are doing well.

    I am currently doing a project as part of my M-Tech course.

    I have few data with me but when I fit a regression equation to the data, I get the p-values as high and r-square values as low for all (or majority) of the independent variables (both with and without interaction).

    There are three independent variables for one dependent variable.

    Can you help me understand why this is happening.

    Currently I am unable to use the equation because of the above problem.

    Please advise.

    • It could be that your data does not fit with the linear regression model.
      You say that the “r-square values as low for all (or majority) of the independent variables”. Did you you build the regression model using all three independent variables? Have you tried to create three scatter plots between one of the independent variables and the dependent variable? Do the plots look linear?

      • Dear Sir,

        Yes, I built the regression model using all the three independent variables.

        There is low correlation between all the independent variables and the dependent variables.

        Alternately, is there any other method by which I can get a good fit for the data I have?


          • Dear Sir,

            I used quadratic regression with interactions (three independent variables). So totally there were ten coefficients to be found including the intercept.

            I got an R-square value of 0.94. But the p-values for all the coefficients are very high, like .74, .96 etc. So can I use this equation for my prediction?

  26. Dear Dr. Zaiontz,
    Your job and generosity much appreciated, thank you. I have just downloaded the add inn and discovered its numerous abilities. I will use it for my “Data Analysis using Excel” course during the next academic year.
    All the best,


  27. I have an excel sheet with about 300 variables in 700 rows ( sample). I have random missing data and they are empty. I would like to put 99 in the empty boxes ( missing data). Do you have any suggestion, please?
    Thank you.

    • Rose,
      If your 700 x 300 sample starts in cell A1 then place the formula =IF(A1=””,99,A1) in cell KP1 (the 302nd column). Now highlight the range KP1:ALM700 and press Ctrl-R and then press Ctrl-D. The range KP1:ALM700 will now contain the data as you desire it.

  28. Great website Dr.Zaiontz. It helps me a lot when I have to rapidly apply a concept that I have a vague memory of.

    Also, as a fellow Purdue grad, Boiler-UP!

  29. hi DR… i am very weak in statistic but i decided to improve my skill …i live in Iran and in Iranian web sites i could not find many and useful topics about effect size…i wish that you help me in this field… i have a question about G power … my question is about founding effect size(Cohen d) in one sample case … i see in very texts that The standard effect size for a one-sample t-test is the difference between the sample mean and the null value in units of the sample standard deviation… we use this effect size to specify our sample size….

    now my problem is that i can not distinguish “null value” and “sample mean”….
    i am interpreting that when we do not specify our sample size yet ,how can measure its mean?!!!!
    please help me and in a simple example clarify this issue for me….thanks a lot…

    • Reza,

      It is an excellent question.

      The null hypothesis mean is based on what hypothesis that you are testing. The sample mean is measurable. Together with the estimated standard deviation you can estimate the effect size. Having said all of this, in reality, however, you estimate the effect size either based on experience, a guess or a previous study. There are rules of thumb such as a small effect is .1, a medium effect is .3, etc., but this may not help much either without some experience in running similar tests. With time, you get a feel for what are reasonable values, but even then you may find that your initial estimate for the effect size is wrong.

      An important thing to note is that the smaller your estimate of the effect size the larger your sample will need to be so that your statistical test will find it (if indeed your null hypothesis is shown not likely to be true based on on your statistical test).

      Thus you may estimate the effect size to be medium and so choose a sample of size consistent with this effect size, only to find that the test shows a smaller effect size, and so you actually needed to choose a larger sample, or that the test shows a larger effect size, in which case the sample you chose was larger than it needed to be.

      There are many concrete examples on the website for how to use the effect size to specify the sample size. E.g. Sample Size Normal Distribution and Sample Size of t Test.


  30. Hi Charles,
    I would really appreciate your effort in putting very good statistics resources. Especially excel calculation and immediate reference to linear algebra.
    All the very best!!!
    Best Regards,

  31. Caro dr. Charles,
    innanzitutto ringrazio la prof. Caterina per la splendida idea che ha avuto.
    Frequento internet da quando lo schermo era nero con scritte bianche. Il WEB ha portato la “visione delle cose” e inevitabilmente, tanta schifezza e ripetitività.
    Questo è l’esempio positivo di quello che dovrebbe essere un sito: Semplicità e Contenuti. E’ superfluo cercare di quantificare l’enorme mole di Pregevoli Contenuti.

    Se Lei ha conosciuto sua moglie in Italia, il fatto (mi auguro di cuore) è positivo. Altrimenti è difficile avere dei vantaggi (sopratutto morali) venendo in questo Paese di delinquenti profondamente vigliacchi e corrotti.

    Auguro alla Sua famiglia tanta serenità, ringraziandoLa dello straordinario lavoro messo a disposizione in questo sito.

    sergio colautti

    • Gentile Sergio, grazie delle sue parole di apprezzamento !! Sono contento che il mio lavoro le sia utile. Continuero’ ad aggiornarlo e ad aggiungere nuovi contenuti.
      Auguri anche a lei
      Charles e Caterina Zaiontz

  32. Thanks Dr Charles,
    thank you for your kind providing very good your Real Statistics Resources for other people.
    You are great statistician and very good people.

  33. Dear Dr.Zaintoz:
    I just wanted to drop you a note to say how much I appreciate your outstanding website and the clarity of your examples. I certainly will recommend your website to my students. I only wish that you would have taken the trouble of putting together a book with a compendium of your examples.

    Thanks very much for so unselfishly sharing your knowledge.


    • Dear Dr. Raju,
      I am very pleased to read your comment.
      I have written a couple of books based on the website and plan to publish the first of these in January.

  34. Hi Dr Charles,
    Thanks for your resource and guidance on excel stats works. very much appreciated.
    I am MBA student doing research in social entrepreneurship. I have develop 18 scale items for the specific research context and i want to check validity of those items. how can i perform? i checked your factorial analysis guide. but couldn’t, it is appreciable if you guide on excel sheet. thanks


  35. Dear Dr. Charles Zaiontz,

    How can I do the simulation of a time series of 50 weeks of returns using CAPM beta, non-systematic standard deviation, standard deviation of market, risk premium and risk free.

    The whole task is “You are asked to simulate a time series of 50 weeks of returns on each of the above stocks. Start by simulating six 50-week return series which are orthogonal (i.e. ignore correlation among the stocks) and have zero mean, then use those six orthogonal series to generate six series which have the right covariance matrix and the right expected return.”

    With kind regards,

  36. Charles,

    Thank you very much for providing the Real Statistics add-in capability for Excel. I now have what I need to independently do my work with Excel. Tremendous!

    All the best to you, Sir.


    Alex Kesaris

    PS: I’ve tweeted about Real Statistics via @Sustenant and I’m now following you on Twitter. AK

  37. Charles,I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for this incredible trove of information. I can tell you that, indirectly, it is used to the great benefit of many people. SAS / SPSS have their places, but when you’re building a dynamic model, Excel is the medium for a lot of statistics. Having a website like this makes the difference. Kudos.

  38. The site and excel addin are both excellent. Everything is very straight forward, and easy to follow and implement. It makes things I used to do in R and Matlab easily accessible in Excel. Thanks so much for this creation.



  39. Good morning Charles,

    Yes, you are absolutely right (like always). I’ve restarted excel and your package was not running. Yes I do have ver 2.15… I guess this is the latest one.
    Since I am not a “statistician” I would like to know if the significance [Sig. (2-tailed)] .000 (SPSS) is correct and does have a positive meaning or not.

    Thank you for your time answering my questions. I really appreciate if.


  40. Hello Charles… I am really speechless with your website and your hard work. Congrats.
    I’ve been searching online to try to find a good explanation of SPSS about my results, but I couldn’t find something that will answer my needs.
    However, My wife is doing Masters in Psycho-Sociology with the subject Children-parent Attachment and she had a questionnaire with 20 questions for parents and there were 40 children ages 2-5. I’ve entered all the information correctly on SPSS but for some reason I am not getting the same results that someone else did previously.
    I would appreciate if you could give me a brief guide how to do get the same results that previous calculations.

    Thank you and God Bless.

    • Hello Matt,

      Thank you for your kind words about my website. I have tried to create an environment where people can use Excel to perform real statistical analysis and also learn a lot about statistics.

      I can’t tell from your comment which type of analysis your wife is trying to do in SPSS. I am not an expert in SPSS, but perhaps I can tell you how to do the analysis using the Real Statistics Resource Pack.


      • Thank you for your prompt reply.

        Basically she is trying to find the child attachment and his/her socialization, she need to get results of Cronbach Alpha, T-test, and results from attachment and socialization. I don’t know if I can send you my data you will see and I am sure you will understand. I am copying everything to excel and I am trying to run your calculator and see how it will come out.

        If you agree on sending you my data, please email me and I will send you asap.

        Thank you in advance.

        • Matt,
          You can run Cronbach’s Alpha (via the CRONALPHA function) and T-tests (via the T Tests and Non-parametric Equivalents data analysis tool) using the Real Statistics Resource Pack. If you run into problems let me know.

          • Good morning Charles,

            I’ve downloaded from your website RealStats.xlam, and I am not seeing CRONALPHA function when I open your pack. Have I downloaded the wrong pack?

            Is there anyway to upload a screenshot that I wanted to show you?


          • Matt,
            You won’t find CRONALPHA in the list of data analysis tools when you press Ctrl-m, but you should be able to enter it as a function. If R1 is a range which contains your data as formatted in Example 1 or Example 4 of then =CRONALPHA(R1) will return the value of Cronbach’s alpha. If this doesn’t work then you are probably using a very old version of the software. To find this out which version of the software you are using, enter =VER() in any cell.

  41. my boss said go see if you can learn PCA。 i nearly quit my job, not really used my brain in so many years。。。。 your coverage of PCA more than gives me hope, thx so much for all the free information on PCA and so much more。 i hope to be able to look at differences in equipment matching behavior using PCA。。 I’ll tell you later if its a success。

    • Kevin,
      I am very happy to hear that my coverage of PCA has helped you. I look forward to hearing how everything works out.


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