Cox Regression using Newton’s Method


We use the following terminology for any subject s, for any j = 1, …, m and for any i and k = 1, …, r




We also assume that dj = 1 for all times tj and define gj(X) = gs(X) where s is the unique subject that dies at time tj.

Newton’s Method

Property 1 (Newton-Raphson): We can estimate the r × 1 coefficient matrix B = [bi] as Bp for some large enough p, where B0 consists of all zeros (initial guess) and for all p


where {I}_p^{-1} = [vik] is the r × r (information) matrix and Up = [ui] is the r × 1 (score) matrix where we use the coefficients b1, …, br in Bp in calculating ui and vik.

In addition, Ip is the covariance matrix for Bp at each step p in the iteration.

Example of Newton’s Method

Example 1: Find the standard error of the correlation coefficients calculated in Example 1 of Cox Regression using Solver and test whether each coefficient is significantly different from zero.

Instead of going through all the steps of Newton’s Method, we will show how to use the fact that {I}_p^{-1} is the covariance matrix for B to address Example 1.


Figure 1 – Calculation of Coefficient Covariance Matrix

Key formulas from Figure 1 are shown in Figure 2 (with references to Figure 3 of Cox Regression using Solver).

Cells Entity Formula
Q4 g1 =L4+Q5
R4 g11 =I4*L4+R5
S4 g12 =J4*L4+S5
T4 u11 =IF(H4=1,I4-R4/Q4,0)
U4 u12 =IF(H4=1,J4-S4/Q4,0)
V4 g111 =I4*I4*L4+V5
W4 g112 =I4*J4*L4+W5
X4 g122 =J4*J4*L4+X5
Y4 v111 =IF(H4=1,(V4-R4*R4/Q4)/Q4,0)
Z4 v112 =IF(H4=1,(W4-R4*S4/Q4)/Q4,0)
AA4 v122 =IF(H4=1,(X4-S4*S4/Q4)/Q4,0)
T22 u1 =SUM(T4:T21)
U22 u2 =SUM(U4:U21)
Y22 v11 =SUM(Y4:Y21)
Z22 v12 =SUM(Z4:Z21)
AA22 v22 =SUM(AA4:AA21)
AC4 v11 =Y22
AC5 v21 =Z22
AD4 v12 =Z22
AD5 v22 =AA22
AC8:AD9 cov matrix =MINVERSE(AC4:AD5)
AC12 u1 =T22
AC13 u2 =U22

Figure 2 – Key formulas from Figure 1


First, we note that when Solver (or Newton’s Method) converges to a solution the value of the U vector will be close to a zero vector. Based on the values in B and the covariance matrix, we can create the output shown in Figure 3.

Cox regression Excel output

Figure 3 – Cox Regression output

We see from Figure 3 that the Age coefficient is not significantly different from 0, but the Size coefficient is significantly from zero. Except for the values of the regression coefficients, the estimates given in Figure 3 are based on having a large enough sample so that the regression coefficients follow a normal distribution.

The formulas for the Age row of Figure 3 are shown in Figure 4 (with references to Figure 3 of Cox Regression using Solver and Figure 1 above). The Size entries are similar.

Cells Entity Formula
R27 coefficient b1 =O4
S27 s.e. =SQRT(AC8)
T27 z =R27/S27
U27 p-value =2*(1-NORM.S.DIST(T27,TRUE))
V27 1-α CI lower =R27-S27*NORM.S.INV(1-V24/2)
W27 1-α CI upper =R27+S27*NORM.S.INV(1-V24/2)
X27 exp(b) =EXP(R27)
Y27 1-α CI low =EXP(V27)
Z27 1-α CI upper =EXP(W27)

Figure 4 – Key formulas from Figure 3

Confidence intervals for both the regression coefficients (range V27:W28) as well as the exponential of the regression coefficients (range Y27:Z28) are shown in Figure 3. Note too that sometimes the Wald value of the coefficients is calculated (as for logistic regression); these are equal to z2. In this case, the p-values can be calculated using the chi-square distribution; e.g. the p-value for b1 can be calculated using the formula =CHISQ.DIST.RT(T27^2,1), yielding the same value shown in cell U27.

Increased Risk

Example 2: How much does the risk of cancer increase for a tumor of size 10 compared with one of size 8, based on the model in Example 1 (for subjects of the same age)?

Since we don’t know the age of the subject under consideration, we will simply compare X1 = (age, 8) with X2 = (age, 10) for any value of age.  Since


we know that



Thus the hazard ratio (i.e. relative risk) is


Observation: The same line of reasoning shows that for any regression coefficient bi, ebi is the relative increase in risk based on one unit of increase of the ith covariate assuming the values of all other covariates are held constant. An equivalent interpretation is that bi is the natural log of the hazard ratio when the value of xi is increased by one unit.

Example 3: How much does the risk of cancer increase for a 70-year old with a tumor of size 5 (profile 2) compared with a 65-year old with a tumor of size 10 (profile 1), based on the model in Example 1? Also, give the 95% confidence interval for this increase.


We see that a subject with profile 2 is 71.6% more at risk of dying of cancer than a subject with profile 1. To get the 95% confidence interval, first, we need to calculate the standard error. To do this, we calculate the variance of the nature log and use the fact that var(x+y) = var(x) + var(y) + 2cov(xy). Thus, using the covariance matrix of range AC8:AD9 of Figure 1


= 25(.012664 + .001844 – 2 · .002877) = .2188

Thus the standard error = .4678. The 95% confidence interval for the natural log of the hazard ratio is therefore


Taking the exponential of this interval, we see that the 95% confidence interval for the hazard ratio is (.686, 4.29).

10 thoughts on “Cox Regression using Newton’s Method”

  1. Hello, Professor, I ask you a question, which I don’t know if it really makes sense.
    Is it possible to express the calculation of the columns from “Q” (column “G”) to “AA” (column “V22”) of figure 1 in example 1 in matrix form, in order to speed up the calculation of the coefficients, of the covenrgence matrix and of the covariance matrix?
    I greet you cordially, Roberto

    • Hello Roberto,
      Perhaps, but when I created this spreadsheet such an approach didn’t occur to me, and I haven’t thought about it since then.
      Sorry that I don’t have a more helpful answer for you.

  2. Hello Charles,
    I´ve got a question concerning Example 3. If you write below Fig.3 that “We see from Figure 3 that the Age coefficient is not significantly different from 0”, shouldn´t we set b(age) to zero?

    • Hello Jiří,
      No. The coefficient is whatever value is calculated. If you set the significance level to alpha = .10 (instead of alpha = .05), then the coefficient would be significantly different from zero.

  3. Dear Charles,

    You state on this website
    “To do this, we first calculate the variance of the nature log and use the fact that var(x+y) = var(x) + var(y) + 2cov(xy). Thus, using the covariance matrix of range AC8:AD9 of Figure 1”

    The outcome of the sum then presented according to my calculator should be .21885 in stead of .2821 Then the outcome of the s.e being .4678 also makes sense again. As .4678^2 equals .21885

    • Hi Tim,
      Yes, you are correct. I don’t know where the .2821 value came from since the spreadsheet contains the correct value.
      In any case, thank you very much for catching this error. I have now corrected it on the website.

  4. Prof, can Cox Regression be appropriate for categorical (0,1) predictors? When comparing two cases/samples – basically the differences are the predictors.

    • Hi Brendon,
      Thanks for catching this mistake and improving the accuracy of the website. I have now corrected the error on the webpage.


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