Real Statistics Release 7.0.2

The latest bug-fix release is now available. Most existing users should upgrade to this new release. This release fixes the following bugs:

Kuskal-Wallis Test

This release fixes a bug in the function KRUSKAL(R1,ties). When ties = TRUE (default), the function incorrectly returned the value of the Kruskal-Wallis statistic without the ties correction (instead of with the ties correction). The value of the function when ties = FALSE was also incorrect.

The Conover post-hoc test also contained an error (thanks to Raul for identifying this error). This error has now been fixed. In addition, an improved version of the test has been implemented that gives slightly better results when ties are present.

I will be updating the website and examples workbook shortly.

Quick Sort

The correction to the QSORT, QSORTRows and QSORT2Rows functions made in Rel 7.0.1 only worked for numeric data. This has now been corrected. 

This bug also affected some other functions, especially when there is a ties correction (e.g. MWTEST and SR_TEST).