Release 2.16 of the Real Statistics Resource Pack

I am pleased to announce Release 2.16 of the Real Statistics Resource Pack. The new release is available for free download (Download Resource Pack) and is compatible with all Windows versions of Excel.

This new version of the software is especially important for users of Excel 2003 and Excel 2002 since this is the first new release for such users since March 23.

The Real Statistics Examples Workbook has been updated to reflect the new release. You can also download this file for free (Download Examples). The website is being updated to reflect the new features. These changes will be available in a day or two.

The release provides the following new functions:

TRIMDATA(R1, p): returns a column range equivalent to R1 after removing the lowest and highest p/2 % of the data values.

WINSORIZE(R1, p): returns a column range which is the Winsorized version of R1 removing the lowest and highest p/2 % of the data values.

WINMEAN(R1, p) = Winsorized mean of the data in range R1 removing the lowest and highest p/2 % of the data values.

MANN_TEST(R1, R2, lab, alpha, tails): returns a 7 × 1 column range with the following values for the Mann-Whitney test: U, alpha, tails, z, r, U-crit, p-value, where R1 and R2 are the independent samples, alpha is the α value (default .05) and tails is the number of tails (1 or 2 = default). If lab = TRUE then an extra column with labels is included.

SRANK_TEST(R1, R2, lab, alpha, tails): returns a 7 × 1 column range with the following values for the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test for Paired Samples: T, alpha, tailsz, r, T-crit, p-value, where R1 and R2 are the paired samples, alpha is the α value (default .05) and tails is the number of tails (1 or 2 = default). If lab = TRUE then an extra column with labels is included.

SRANK_TEST(R1, hyplab, alpha, tails): returns a 7 × 1 column range with the following values for the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test for a Single Sample: T, alpha, tailsz, r, T-crit, p-value, where R1 is the single sample, hyp is the hypothesized median, alpha is the α value (default .05) and tails is the number of tails (1 or 2 = default). If lab = TRUE then an extra column with labels is included.


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