Announcing a minor bug-fix release of the Real Statistics software, Rel 7.7.2. This release is now available for free download for both Windows and Mac environments.
This release corrects the following bugs:
- A bug in the Anova2Std function that omits the last column of data. This function is used when selecting the Excel format option of the Two-Fixed Factor ANOVA data analysis tool
- Errors in the following functions: MULTINOMDIST, DIRICHLET_RAND, DIRICHLET_DIST and IGAMMA_DIST (when cum = FALSE)
This release also adds the following functions:
- SICHISQ_DIST and SICHISQ_INV: these functions calculate the pdf/cdf and inverse of the scaled inverse chi-square distribution
- MBETA: this function calculates the multivariate version of the beta function