Good news for Mac users. I have finally been able to issue a new release of the Real Statistics Resource Pack that will work with Excel 2011 on the Macintosh.
This is Release 3.1, which was announced yesterday for Windows users.
I have actually removed a couple of features since the programming language that I am using (VBA for Excel) doesn’t support the new functions provided in Excel 2010 and 2013 (even though these are available in Excel 2011).
As far as I can tell, the only features that are not available for Mac users are the Use exclusive version of quartile on the Descriptive Statsitics and Normality Tests data analysis tool (if you select this option, you will still get the inclusive version of quartiles) and the HYPGEOM_INV and NEGBINOM_INV functions.
Please let me know if you run into any problems. I have to admit that since I only had the mac computer for a limited amount of time, I have not been able to do as much testing as I would have liked.