Cox Regression Models with Multiple Deaths per Time Period

In Cox Regression using Newton’s Method, we described how to calculate LL, the regression coefficients, the standard errors of these coefficients and some other statistics in the case where dj = 1 for each j, i.e. where there is exactly one death per time interval.

This is a reasonable assumption if we view time as a continuum since it is unlikely that two deaths will occur at exactly the same moment in time. If, however, we view time in discrete units, as is commonly done, then we need to revise the formula used for LL described in Cox Regression using Newton’s Method.

If we drop the dj = 1 assumption, then two commonly used approximations for the partial likelihood function (see Cox Regression Model Fit) are employed: Breslow’s approximation and Efron’s approximation. The second is more accurate, although the first is very commonly used.

We now describe these two approaches, using the terminology employed in Cox Regression using Newton’s Method.

Breslow’s approximation:  We use the following approximations



Efron’s approximation: We use the following approximation






These values can be used with Newton’s Method as described in Property 1.

Property 1 (Newton-Raphson): We can estimate the r × 1 coefficient matrix B = [bi] as Bp for some large enough p, where B0 consists of all zeros (initial guess) and for all p


where {I}_p^{-1} = [vik] is the r × r (information) matrix and Up = [ui] is the r × 1 (score) matrix where we use the coefficients b1, …, br in Bp in calculating ui and vik.

In addition, Ip is the covariance matrix for Bp at each step p in the iteration.

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