Today, I have published release 1.4 of the Real Statistics Resource Pack. This release is backwards compatible with the previous releases, but also includes some new functions and bug fixes. The release is the one that is available on the Free Download page, and includes the following features:
1. Improved non-parametric functions:
- For the Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon Rank-Sum and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks tests, the functions MANN(R1, R2), MTEST(R1, R2), WILCOXON(R1, R2), WTEST(R1, R2), SRankPair(R1, R2) and SRTEST(R1, R2) can now be used with ranges R1 and R2 that are not contiguous
- The functions MANN1(R1, n), MTEST1(R1, n), WILCOXON1(R1, n) and WTEST1(R1, n) have been replaced by MANN(R1, n), MTEST(R1, n), WILCOXON(R1, n) and WTEST(R1, n)
- New rank-sum (RANK_SUM and RANK_COMBINED) functions have been added
- There is new information on the web pages regarding how to calculate the effect size for the Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon Rank-Sum and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks tests
2. Improved Levene homogeneous variance testing
- The LEVENE function has been extended to allow a choice of residuals from group means, group medians and 10% trimmed group means
3. New correlation matrix array function
- The new function CORR(R1) calculates the correlation matrix for the data in range R1
4. New Matrix Operations data analysis tool (accessed as usual by pressing Ctrl-m)
- The Inverse, Transpose and Covariance Matrix data analysis tools has been replaced by the Matrix Operations data analysis tool, which includes these capabilities plus additional functionality (including Identity Matrix, Diagonal Matrix, Correlation Matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors)
5. Improved effect sizes for Chi-square independence testing
- For 2 × 2 contingency tables the Odds Ratio effect size measure is provided in additional to the Cramer V effect size.
6. Various bug fixes
If you have an earlier version of the Real Statistics Resource Pack, you might want to download the latest version. You can learn which release you have by entering the function VER() in any worksheet.
All the Excel examples in this site can also be downloaded for free from the Free Download page. These examples are all compatible with release 1.4.
I hope that you find these updates helpful. Most were suggested by the Real Statistics user community.
Dr buenas noches, realmente es muy gratificante para nosotros, hablo respetuosamente en nombre de los usuarios, recibir de Ud tal colaboraciòn y facilidad para poder desarrollar con nuestros estudiantes e investigadores el analisis de datos.
Que Dios lo bendiga, es un placer trabajar en excel con Real Statistis.
Muchas gracias nuevamente, por favor no deje de estar actualizando el software y por favor permitame algùn dia poder trabajar en algùn proyecto con Ud.
Dr good night, really is very rewarding for us, I speak respectfully on behalf of users, you receive such collaboration and easy to develop with our students and researchers data analysis.
God bless him, it is a pleasure to work with Real Statistis excel.
Thank you very much again, please do not stop being updating the software and please allow me someday to work on a project with you.