Autoregressive Process Proofs

Basic Properties

Property 1: The mean of the yi in a stationary AR(p) process is

Mean AR(p)

Proof: Since the process is stationary, for any k, E[yi] = E[yi-k], a value which we will denote μ. Since E[εi] = 0, E[φ0] = φ0 and


it follows that

Mean AR(p) derivation

Solving for μ yields the desired result.

Property 2: The variance of the yi in a stationary AR(1) process is

Variance AR(1)

Proof: Since the yi and εi are independent, by basic properties of variance, it follows that

Variance AR(1) derivation

Variance AR(1) proof

Since the process is stationary, var(yi) = var(yi-1), and so

Variance AR(1) proof 3

Solving for var(yi) yields the desired result.

Property 3: The lag h autocorrelation in a stationary AR(1) process is

Proof: First note that for any constant a, cov(a+x, a+y) = cov(x,y). Thus, cov(yi,yj) has the same value even if we assume that φ0 = 0, and similarly for var(yi) = cov(yi,yi). Thus, it suffices to prove the property when φ0 = 0. In this case, by Property 1, μ = 0, and so cov(yi,yj) = E[yiyj].


Autocovariance AR(1) derivation

since by the stationary property, E[yi-1,yi-k] = γi-1. Now, by induction on k, it is easy to see that

HenceYule-Walker equations

Property 4 : For any stationary AR(p) process, we can calculate the autocovariance at lag k > 0 by


Similarly the autocorrelation at lag k > 0 can be calculated as


Proof: As usual, we can assume that the mean is zero (and so φ0 = 0), Thus, we are dealing with the process



Walker-Yule equations derivation

The second form of the property follows by dividing both sides of the equation by γ0.

Proof of Property 7

Property 7: The variance of the yi in a stationary AR(2) process is



Property 7 - 1

Property 7 - 2

Property 7 - 3

By the stationary property

Property 7 - 4

and so

Property 7 - 5

But by Property 4, 

Property 7 - 6

and so

Property 7 - 7

The result follows by expanding the terms in the denominator and seeing that these are equal to the expansion of the denominator in the statement of the property.


Alonso, A. M., Garcia-Martos, C. (2012) Time series analysis: autoregressive, MA and ARMA processes

8 thoughts on “Autoregressive Process Proofs”

  1. I love that you have proofs here, and I love the format. This has been useful for my final exam study for my time-series course. Many textbooks only provide proofs for the general AR(p) case, which makes it more difficult to follow, and frustrating when I know how to use the formula.

  2. Dear Charles, In Property 2 proof, line 6. It mentioned the below.
    “Since the process is stationary, yi = yi-1, and so”. Would you please elaborate how true this statement is ? Shouldn’t the statement states that, Since the process is stationary, var(yi)=var(yi-1), and so ?

    • Pankaj,
      Sorry, but it looks like I forgot to add this webpage. I am now finishing up the testing for the next release of the Real Statistics software (rel 5.3). When I have finished this, I will add the missing proofs.


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