Autoregressive Process Proofs

Property 1: The mean of the yi in a stationary AR(p) process is

Mean of AR(p) process

Proof: Since the process is stationary, for any k, E[yi] = E[yi-k], a value which we will denote μ. Since E[εi] = 0, E[φ0] = φ0 and

it follows that

Mean of AR(p) process

Solving for μ yields the desired result.

Property 2: The variance of the yi in a stationary AR(1) process is

Proof: Since the yi and εi are independent, by basic properties of variance, it follows that

[actually, φ1var(yi-1) above should be φ12var(yi-1)]. Since the process is stationary, var(yi) = var(yi-1), and so

Solving for var(yi) yields the desired result.

Property 3: The lag h autocorrelation in a stationary AR(1) process is

Proof: First note that for any constant a, cov(a+x, a+y) = cov(x,y). Thus, cov(yi,yj) has the same value even if we assume that φ0 = 0, and similarly for var(yi) = cov(yi,yi). Thus, it suffices to prove the property when φ0 = 0. In this case, by Property 1, μ = 0, and so cov(yi,yj) = E[yiyj].


since by the stationary property, E[yi-1,yi-k] = γi-1. Now, by induction on k, it is easy to see that


8 thoughts on “Autoregressive Process Proofs”

  1. I love that you have proofs here, and I love the format. This has been useful for my final exam study for my time-series course. Many textbooks only provide proofs for the general AR(p) case, which makes it more difficult to follow, and frustrating when I know how to use the formula.

  2. Dear Charles, In Property 2 proof, line 6. It mentioned the below.
    “Since the process is stationary, yi = yi-1, and so”. Would you please elaborate how true this statement is ? Shouldn’t the statement states that, Since the process is stationary, var(yi)=var(yi-1), and so ?

    • Pankaj,
      Sorry, but it looks like I forgot to add this webpage. I am now finishing up the testing for the next release of the Real Statistics software (rel 5.3). When I have finished this, I will add the missing proofs.


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