ARMA(p,q) Processes

Property 1: An ARMA(p, q) process


is stationary provided it is causal, i.e. the polynomial


for any z such that |z| ≤ 1.

Observation: Actually, we will only consider stationary ARMA(p, q) processes.

From Property 1, if z is a root of the polynomial 1 – φ1z – φ2z2 – ··· – φpzp, it follows that |z| > 1. As in the AR(p) case, this is equivalent to the fact that |w| < 1 for any w that satisfies the following equation


The causal property implies that (and is equivalent to) the fact that there exist constants ψj such that ψ0 = 1 and


Thus all stationary ARMA processes can be expressed as an MA(∞) process. In fact, the ψj coefficients can be determined as in Property 2.

Property 2: Let



which in turn results inimage236z

where θ0 = 1, θj = 0 for j > q and ψj = 0 for j < 0.

Proof: See ARMA Proofs

Observation: We will also restrict our attention to invertible ARMA(p, q) processes, i.e. those for which if 1 + θ1zθ2z2 + ··· + θpzp = 0 then |z| > 1.

Under construction

4 thoughts on “ARMA(p,q) Processes”

  1. Hi,

    After proving that a given ARMA process is weakly stationary, how can one proceed to obtain the mean and variance of the process?

  2. Do you provide a web page that explains your notation like, θ, φ, ψ, and so on? I took statistics decades ago and other than sigma, I don’t remember what the Greek letters signify.


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