Kendall’s coefficient of agreement u for paired rankings

Basic Concepts

We can also use Kendall’s u (as described in Kendall’s u for Paired Comparisons) when the data are based on ranks, although the significance test for agreement is different.

Note that the minimum value for u is -1/(k-1) when k is even and -1/k when k is odd. We often prefer an agreement statistic that ranges between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating no agreement and 1 indicating total agreement. To accomplish this, we use a related statistic WT that has the desired property, namely

W_T statistic

We can use a chi-square statistic to determine whether the population parameter corresponding to WT is significantly different from zero (indicating no agreement between the judges). The test is

W_T significance test


Formula for s

Formula for t

Formula for df


Example 1: Suppose that four judges (W, X, Y, Z) rank five wines (A, B, C, D, E) as shown in range A1:G5 of Figure 1. Use Kendall’s u to determine whether there is significant agreement between the judges.

We start by creating an n × n Preference Matrix (shown in A8:G14), where n = 5 is the number of wines (subjects) being ranked. Each cell in the preference matrix counts how many times the ranking for the wine with a row label is ranked better than the wine with a column label. Here, 1 is the rank of the best wine and 5 is the rank of the least favored wine. E.g. all four judges give wine A a better rank than wine B, and so we see that cell C9 contains a 4 (and cell B10 contains 4-4 = 0).

Data and preference matrix

Figure 1 – Ranking data + preference matrix

We can now obtain ∑i<j aij and ∑i<j aij2 as we did for Example 1 of Kendall’s u for Paired Comparisons. Here, we show a different approach.

We obtain ∑i<j aij (in cell H15) by inserting the formula =SUM(OFFSET(C9,0,0,C7-1,1)) in cell C15, highlighting range C15:G15, press Ctrl-R, and then insert the formula =SUM(C15:G15) in cell H15.

We obtain ∑i<j aij2  (in cell H16) by inserting the formula =SUMSQ(OFFSET(C9,0,0,C7-1,1)) in cell C16, highlighting range C16:G16, press Ctrl-R, and then insert the formula =SUM(C16:G16) in cell H16.

The remaining calculations are shown in Figure 2.

Kendall's u test

Figure 2 – Kendall’s u for paired ranks


Since p-value = .115281 > .05 = alpha, we cannot reject the null hypothesis (WT = 0) that there is no agreement between the judges.

We can obtain the same output by using the formula =KENDALLU(B9:G14,TRUE,FALSE), as shown in range O9:P13 (see Kendall’s u for Paired Comparisons) for a description of the KENDALLU worksheet function).

Worksheet Function

Real Statistics Function: The Real Statistics Resource Pack provides the following function for a k × n array or range R1 that contains the rankings for n subjects by k raters.

PREF_MATRIX(R1): returns an n × n preference matrix corresponding to the rankings in R1.

For Example 1, we can obtain the preference matrix shown in range B9:G14 via the formula =PREF_MATRIX(B2:G5).

Examples Workbook

Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.


Siegel, S., Castellan, N. J. (1988) Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences, 2nd ed.

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