Gwet’s AC2 Basic Concepts

We now describe another approach to interrater reliability which avoids a number of situations where agreement is not adequately reflected by the measurement.

We will assume that rating data and weights are formatted as for Krippendorff’s alpha. As for Krippendorff’s alpha, Gwet’s AC2 can handle categorical, ordinal, interval, and ratio rating scales as well as missing data.

Gwet’s AC2 measure is also calculated by the formula

Gwet's AC2 formula

but the formulas for pa and pe are similar but different from those for Krippendorff’s alpha. Once again pa is based on pairwise values, but the value of pe is based on all subjects that are rated at least once.

We begin by defining the following where the rik are the entries in the Agreement Table and the whk are the weights in the Weights Table:

ri = the number of raters that assigned some rating to subject i.

n = the number of subjects that are rated by at least one rater; i.e for which ri ≥ 1

n* = the number of subjects that are rated by at least two raters; i.e for which ri ≥ 2

The formulas for pa and pe are now defined as follows:

Here, the pi are only defined when ri ≥ 2.


Example 1: Calculate Gwet’s AC2 for the data in Figure 1 of Krippendorff’s Alpha Basic Concepts (repeated in range A3:F13 of Figure 1 below), based on categorical rating weights.

Rating and Agreement Tables

Figure 1 – Rating and Agreement Tables

The agreement table can be calculated from the rating table, as for Krippendorff’s alpha, except that this time, we retain all non-blank rows from the rating table; i.e. only row 9 from the rating table is not captured in the agreement table.

We now calculate Gwet’s AC2 in Excel as shown in Figure 2.

Calculation of Gwet's AC2

Figure 2 – Calculation of Gwet’s AC2

Key formulas are as shown in Figure 3.

Cell Entity Formula
T4 r1  =SUM(I4:L4)
U4  p1 =IF(T4>=2,SUMPRODUCT(I4:L4,O4:R4-1)/(T4*(T4-1)),””)
U15  n =COUNT(H4:H12)
U16  n* =COUNTIF(T4:T12,”>=2″)
U17  q =COUNT(I3:L3)
U18  u =SUM(O16:R19)
U19  pa =AVERAGE(U4:U12)
O21  π1 =AVERAGE(I4:I12/$T4:$T12)
U20  pe =U18*SUMPRODUCT(O21:R21,1-O21:R21)/(U17*(U17-1))
U21 AC2 =(U19-U20)/(1-U20)

Note that the formulas for the πk are array formulas.

Worksheet Functions

Real Statistics Functions: The Real Statistics Resource Pack contains the following function:

GWET_AC2(R1, weights, ratings) = Gwet’s AC2 for the agreement table in range R1 based on the weights and ratings in the second and third arguments.

The weights argument is a q × q range containing the weights or the value 0 (default) if categorical weights are used, 1 if ordinal weights are used, 2 for interval weights and 3 for ratio weights.

The ratings argument is a q × 1 or 1 × q range containing the rating values. If omitted then the ratings 1, …, q are used.

The Real Statistics Resource Pack also contains the following array function where R1 is a range containing a rating table:

GTRANS(R1): returns the agreement table that corresponds to the rating table in range R1.

GTRANS(R1, col): returns the agreement table that corresponds to the rating table in range R1 where column col is removed.

For Example 1, =GWET_AC2(I4:L12) takes the value .16721, which is the same value as that found in cell U20. The array formula =GTRANS(B4:F13) returns the array in range I4:L12. The worksheet formula =GWET_AC2(GTRANS(B4:F13)) also outputs the AC2 value of .16721.


Gwet, K. L. (2001) Handbook of Interrater reliability. STATAXIS Publishing

Gwet, K. L. (2015) On Krippendorff’s alpha coefficient

16 thoughts on “Gwet’s AC2 Basic Concepts”

  1. Hi Charles,

    I have data with a non-disjoint categorical rating (thus, an agreement table, where the row sums can become > the number of raters). Can I still apply Gwet’s AC1?

    … and thanks a lot for your page! It is very helpful!


      • Hi Charles,
        I tried that by dividing each vote by the number of categories the rater selected for the respective subject. While without doing this, the agreement calculated was very low (~2%), now I even get negative values (~-23%). I’m not sure how to interpret this in the context of uncertainty if it is applicable at all to this type of data. Our methodology includes that all raters at the end come to a consensus after discussing their individual votes, so I guess providing the inter rater reliability for the intermediate result is not that crucial and I will just skip that.
        Nevertheless, I would be curious if someone has some recommendation, what is the appropriate measure in such a case.

  2. Hi charles. Im having some trouble entering the data and installing the excel. For example how do i enter data for a questionnaire that has 25 questions, and there are more than 1 pair, e.g.
    Pair a = rater 1 and rater 2
    Pair b= rater 1 and rater 3


  3. Hi Charles,
    Thanks so much for your site.

    I have a data where two raters score 800 comments for the presence or absence of a variable (so, categorical), and the variables rarely occur (so, Gwet’s).

    I’m having trouble following all the steps needed to make my data ready to analyze. My data currently looks like:
    Comment Rater 1 Rater 2
    1 1 0
    2 0 0
    3 1 1

    and so on.

    It sounds like I need to make a weights matrix, is that just going to be [1,0][0,1]? If there’s no missing data do I still need to make an agreement table? I started with Krip’s alpha basic concepts but I didn’t get super far. Thanks very much for your help in advance!

    • Hello David,
      There isn’t clear-cut agreement on what constitutes good or poor levels of agreement, although a common, although not always so useful, set of criteria is: less than 0% no agreement, 0-20% poor, 20-40% fair, 40-60% moderate, 60-80% good, 80% or higher very good.

  4. Hello Charles,
    Thanks a lot for your page!
    I had a problem with the analyze of my results with fleiss’ Kappa so i used Gwet AC2 (Because for one group of patients, all the raters are agreed , so I was expecting to see a perfect agreement, and Fleiss’ kappa of 1, but when i tried to use the “interrupter reliability” tool, no Kappa was calculated (says there is an error in the formula) or the Kappa was negative.)
    Can we analyze the Gwet AC2 in the same way as Fleiss’ Kappa ? With Landis and Koch’s interpretation ?:
    0.0-0.20 Slight agreement
    0.21-0.40 Fair agreement
    0.41-0.60 Moderate agreement
    0.61-0.80 Substantial agreement
    0.81-1.0 Almost perfect agreement


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