Release 4.3 of Real Statistics Resource Pack

I am pleased to announce Release 4.3 of the Real Statistics Resource Pack. The new release is now available for free download (Download Resource Pack) for Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013 environments.

The spreadsheets for all the examples used on the Real Statistics website, including those related to the new Release 4.3 features) are available for free download (Download Examples Workbooks). These are now contained in three Excel files (i.e. workbooks): Examples Workbook Part 1, Examples Workbook Part 2 and Multivariate Examples. See Workbook Examples for a description of which examples are contained in which files.

The Real Statistics website is in the process of being updated to reflect the new features. These changes will be made over the few days.

Release 4.3 contains the following new features:

Survival Analysis

There is a new Survival Analysis data analysis tool which provides access to the following capabilities:

  • Kaplan-Meier procedure: one and two sample versions, survival curves, log-rank test, hazard ratio, etc.
  • Cox Regression: regression analysis

In addition there are the following new array functions

COXEST: similar to Excel’s LINEST function (for multiple regression), but for Cox regression.

COXPRED: predicts the hazard ratio between two subject profiles based on a Cox regression model

LOGRANK: calculates the log-rank related statistical tools to determine whether two survival curves are statistically different.

Step Chart Data Analysis Tool

Enables you to create charts of step functions

Confidence and Prediction Intervals for Multiple Regression

The new RegPRED array function lets you to calculate the confidence and prediction intervals for multiple regression.

New Sort Functions

In addition to the existing QSORTRows function that enables you to sort a range by rows based on one key, there are now two new functions that allow you to sort by rows using a primary and secondary key.

QSORT2Rows: sorts the rows in ascending or descending order

QSORT2RowsMixed: sorts the data in ascending or descending order of the primary key, but in case of a tie it sorts the secondary key in the opposite order

Matrix Merge Function

The following new array function has been added

MERGE(R1, R2): outputs an m × n1+n2 range which contains the values in the m2 × n2 range R2 adjoined to the right of the  m1 × n1 range R1, where m = max(m1, m2) and any missing values are filled with empty cells


In calculating the p-value for the original version of the Shapiro-Wilk test, harmonic interpolation is now used for values in Shapiro-Wilk table. If you prefer using linear interpolation, you can specify that h = FALSE in the following functions.

  • SWPROB(n, W, b, h) = p-value for the Shapiro-Wilk test
  • SWTEST(R1, b, h) = p-value for the Shapiro-Wilk test

Checking assumptions for Two Factor ANOVA

To make it easier to check the normality and homogeneity of variance assumptions for two factor ANOVA, a new Reformat option has been added to the Two Factor Anova data analysis tool. This option converts data in two factor Anova Excel format to one factor Anova Excel format. In this format, you can use the Descriptive Statistics and Normality (esp. Shapiro-Wilk) and Levene’s test data analysis tool capabilities to check for normality, outliers and homogeneity of variances.

Multiple Linear Regression

The RegCoeff function and the Linear Regression data analysis tool will now support more than 64 independent variables. Actually they will support as many variables as the the size of the largest matrix that can be inverted using the MINVERSE function.

Bug Fixes

  • ANCOVA data analysis tool: the SSBet value in the output has been corrected, which impacts the values of other cells in the output.
  • Two factor repeated measures ANOVA data analysis tool: The F-crit value for the Rows factor has been corrected.