Passing-Bablok Regression

Passing-Bablok regression is a non-parametric technique for comparing two methods (especially two measurement techniques) to see whether or not they yield similar results. This is also the motivation for Deming regression and Bland-Altman. Often you are comparing an existing method with some new method that has some advantages (less expensive, less invasive, easier to apply, etc.), but you still want to make sure that the new method will produce similar results.



Hintze, J. L. (2020) Passing-Bablok regression for method comparison. NCSS

Passing, H. and Bablok, W. (1983, 1984) Comparison of several regression procedures for method comparison studies and determination of sample sizes. Application of linear regression procedures for method comparison studies in Clinical Chemistry. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem

2 thoughts on “Passing-Bablok Regression”

  1. Hi,
    thanks for your web page. I am trying to compare two methods. What happens when the noise characteristics of the two methods is different? For example, one is a computer model that generates noiseless results over some range x1-x2. There is still scatter in y because the model does not perfectly capture everything. I can validate the model with a few real world measurements in the same approximate range, but not possible to set up the experiments at the same x values as the model generated. The validation results have additional experimental noise/error in addition to the same model imperfections but with only a few points the validation data can look to have even less scatter than the computer model.


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