Real Statistics Release 8.6

The following is an overview of the new features in Release 8.6.

LOESS Regression

The new release provides the following worksheet function to perform LOESS regression.

LOESS(Rx, Ry, Rx0, npts, deg): returns a column array with the fitted values of the LOESS regression defined by Rx, Ry, and npts for the x values in Rx0.

Here we assume that Rx is a column array or range containing x data values, Ry is a column array or range with the corresponding y values, Rx0 is a column array with any number of x values, and npts = the number of points in the span.

If Rx0 is omitted it defaults to the array values in Rx. deg = 1 (default) for weighted linear regression and deg = 2 for weighted quadratic regression. If npts is omitted (or set to zero) then npts is reset to (n+deg)/3 or the next larger integer where n = the # of elements in Rx (or Ry). Rx0 can also take a scalar x value, in which case the output is the fitted y value corresponding to this x value.

For more information, see LOESS Regression using Excel.

Runs Test with more than two categories

In this release, we extend the existing runs test to sequences with more than two categories (such as 122213323113). The following new worksheet functions are supported:
  • RUNS_TEST(s, tails) = the p-value of the runs test for the sequence defined in the string s.
  • RUNS_TEST(R1, tails) = the p-value of the runs test for the sequence defined by the column or row array or range R1.
  • RUNS(s) = the number of runs in string s
  • RUNS(R1) = the number of runs in the row or column array or range R1.

See Runs Test with more than Two Categories for more details.

Seasonal Kendall Test

The new release supports the Seasonal Kendall Test, which determines whether there is a monotonic trend for data that has seasonality. It is essentially the Mann-Kendall test for seasonal data. The following new function is now supported:

SK_TEST(R1, per, lab, tails, alpha): returns a column array with the values test statistic, s.e., z-stat, p-value, and trend.

The arguments for this function as well as the output are the same as for the MK_TEST function except that the per argument specifies the period of seasonality (e.g. per = 4 for quarterly, per = 12 for monthly, etc.).

See Seasonal Kendall Test for more details.

Queueing Models (analytic approach)

The new release provides extensive support for various single-server and multi-server queueing models.
The following new worksheet functions provide analytic solutions to queueing models with exponential arrival and service times. For each of these, λ = the mean arrival rate, μ = the mean service rate, and s = # of servers (if omitted s = 1).
The output consists of a column array with the values L, Lq, W, Wq, and ρ, where, once a steady state has been reached, L = the mean number of customers in the system, Lq = the mean number of customers in the queue, W = the mean time a customer remains in the system, Wq = the mean time a customer remains in the queue, and ρ = server utilization. If lab = TRUE (default FALSE), then a column of labels is appended to the output.

Exponential service rate

  • MM1X(λ, μ, lab): M/M/1 queueing model
  • MMs(λ, μ, s, lab): M/M/s queueing model
  • MM1K(λ, μ, k, lab): M/M/1 model with a finite queue of size k
  • MMsK(λ, μ, s, k, lab): M/M/s model with a finite queue of size k
  • MM1N(λ, μ, nn, lab): M/M/1 model with a finite # of customers equal to nn
  • MMsN(λ, μ, s, nn, lab): M/M/s model with a finite # of customers equal to nn

Non-exponential service rate

In addition, the new release provides the following new functions supporting queueing models with exponential arrival rates, but non-exponential service rates.
  • MD1X(λ, μ, lab): M/D/1 queueing model; constant (deterministic) service rate
  • MG1X(λ, μ, σ, lab): M/G/1 queueing model; general service rate; σ = standard deviation of the service time
  • MGinf(λ, μ, lab): M/G/∞ queueing model; general service time, infinite # of servers

Priority queueing

The new release also provides the following functions that support priority queueing. Here R1 is a column array of λ values, one for each of the priority classes, and R2 is a column array of μ values, one for each of the priority classes. The output consists of an array with the values L, Lq, W, Wq, and ρ for each priority class.
  • MM1P(R1, μ, lab): M/M/1 queueing model with non-preemptive priority queueing
  • MMsP(R1, μ, s, lab): M/M/s queueing model with non-preemptive priority queueing
  • MM1PS(R1, R2, lab): M/M/1 queueing model with non-preemptive priority queueing with variable service means
  • MM1PP(R1, μ, lab): M/M/1 queueing model with preemptive priority queueing

For the following new function, the output consists of a row array with the Wq values for each priority class.

  • MMsPP(R1, μ): M/M/s queueing model with preemptive priority queueing

Probability of n customers being served

The following new worksheet functions provide additional information about some of the queueing models. For each of the following when cum = FALSE (default) then pn is returned, while if cum = TRUE then Pn is returned. Here, pn = the probability that n customers are in the system, and Pn = the probability that at most n customers are in the system.
  • MM1Pn(λ, μ, n, cum): M/M/1 queueing model
  • MMsPn(λ, μ, s, n, cum): M/M/s queueing model
  • MM1KPn(λ, μ, k, n, cum): M/M/1 model with a finite queue of size k
  • MMsKPn(λ, μ, s, k, n, cum): M/M/s model with a finite queue of size k
  • MM1NPn(λ, μ, nn, n, cum): M/M/1 model with a finite # of customers equal to n
  • MMsNPn(λ, μ, s, nn, n, cum): M/M/s model with a finite # of customers equal to n
  • MD1Pn(λ, μ, n, cum): M/D/1 queueing model
  • MGinfPn(λ, μ, n, cum): M/G/∞ queueing model

Probability of service or queueing times

Finally, the following new worksheet functions have been added. In the following, w = the time a customer remains in the system, and wq = the time a customer remains in the queue.

  • MM1W(λ, μ, t) = P(w > t) for an M/M/1 queueing model
  • MM1Wq(λ, μ, t) = P(wq > t) for an M/M/1 queueing model
  • MMsW(λ, μ, s, t) = P(w > t) for an M/M/s queueing model
  • MMsWq(λ, μ, s, t) = P(wq > t) for an M/M/s queueing model
  • MD1W(λ, μ, t) = P(w > t) for an M/D/1 queueing model
  • MD1Wq(λ, μ, t) = P(wq > t) for an M/D/1 queueing model
  • MM1KW(λ, μ, k, t) = P(w > t) for an M/M/1 queueing model with a finite queue of size k
  • MM1KWq(λ, μ, k, t) = P(wq > t) for an M/M/1 queueing model with a finite queue of size k
  • MMsKWq(λ, μ, s, k, t) = P(wq > t) for an M/M/s queueing model with a finite queue of size k

See Queueing Theory for more details.

Queueing Models (simulation approach)

The new release provides the following worksheet array functions. Here, R1 is a column array containing inter-arrival times for the queueing system under study and R2 is a column array of the same size containing the corresponding service times.
The output from the functions consists of a column array with the values L, Lq, W, Wq, and ρ, and optionally a column of labels.
  • QUEUE_SIM(R1, R2, lab); single server model for R1 and R2
  • QUEUE_SIMX(R1, R2, s, lab): multi-server model for R1 and R2 where s = # of severs

Since these functions employ a simulation, they can be used with a wide variety of G/G/1 and G/G/s queueing systems. For example, if you want arrivals to follow a gamma distribution, you would place the formula =GAMMA.INV(RAND(), alpha, beta) in all the cells of R1 where alpha and beta are the parameters of the gamma distribution. The accuracy of these functions depends on the size of the R1 and R2 arrays.

POISSON_INV Enhancement

The existing POISSON_INV worksheet function has been revised to improve the processing speed.

Bug Fixes

  • Eliminated errors related to TRUE/FALSE values in the output of some of the data analysis tools that were inadvertently introduced in Rel 8.5 (e.g. the Correlation data analysis tool). This includes the elimination of extraneous punctuation marks.