I am pleased to announce Release 9.4.5 of the Real Statistics Resource Pack. The new release is now available for free download at Download Resource Pack for Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, and 365 Windows and Mac environments.
This is a bug-fix release with a few new features.
I want to thank everyone who made suggestions or identified errors in the website or software. Your help has improved the utility and accuracy of Real Statistics.
I also want to express my appreciation to all of you who have donated to Real Statistics. These donations help offset the costs of maintaining the website. If you are getting value from the Real Statistic website or software, I would appreciate your donation by going to Please Donate.
The following is an overview of the new features in Release 9.4.5.
Chi-square Independence Test Enhancement
The Chi-square Test for Independence data analysis tool has been enhanced to output the adjusted standard residuals.
Anderson-Darling Enhancement
The Anderson-Darling test can now be used to determine whether data is normally distributed when the mean or variance is known. This has been accomplished via enhancements to the ANDERSON, ADTEST, ADCRIT, and ADPROB worksheet functions. To you the new capabilities, you specify the dist argument as norm-mean (or 1.1) when the mean is known or norm-var (or 1.2) when the variance is known.
Time-series Enhancements
The Mann-Kendall (MK_TEST) function has been enhanced to support larger time series. It has been tested to support time series with at least 60,000 values. The SEN_SLOPE and SEN_INTERCEPT have also been enhanced to support time series with up to 10,362 values.
Fixes a bug in the Std3Art worksheet function that could have produced error values in certain situations.
Fixes a bug in the Kaplan-Meier option to the Survival Analysis data analysis tool that produced an error in the confidence intervals when two input ranges were specified.