Spline Fitting and Interpolation

Basic Concepts

Spline fitting or spline interpolation is a way to draw a smooth curve through n+1 points (x0, y0), …, (xn,yn). Thus, we seek a smooth function f(x) so that f(xi) = yi for all i. In particular, we seek n cubic polynomials p0, …, pn-1 so that f(x) = pi(x) for all x in the interval [xi, xi+1].

Property 1: The polynomials that we are seeking can be defined by

pi(x) = ai(x–xi)3 + bi(x–xi)2 + ci(x–xi) + di

where for i = 0, …, n-1degree 3 coefficient a

degree 1 coefficient c

constant coefficient d

based on hi = xi+1xi and ki = yi+1 – yiThe bi coefficients are defined via matrix operations as follows. First define for i = 1, …, nr, s, v

Now define U = [uij] to be an n+1 × n+1 matrix where i, j = 0, …, n and

U matrix

and define B = [bi] and V = [vi] to be n+1 × 1 matrices where the vi are as defined above and B is defined by

B = U-1V

Proof: See Derivation of Spline Polynomials. The proof uses calculus.


Example 1: Create a spline curve that passes through the four points in range B4:C7 of Figure 1.

The coefficients for the three cubic polynomials p0, p1 and p2 are shown in range B16:E18 of Figure 1. We show how to calculate these parameters in the rest of the figure.

Spline curve calculation

Figure 1 – Spline curve calculation

Figure 2 displays some of the representative formulas in Figure 1.

Cells Entity Formula
B4 x0 input data
C4 y0 input data
F4 h0 = x1 – x0 =B5-B4
G4 h0 + h1 =F4+F5
H4 k0 = y1 – y0 =C5-C4
I4 k0/h0 =H4/F4
B11 u10 = h0/(h0 + h1) =F4/G4
C11 u11 = 2 2
D11 u12 = 1 – u10 =1-B11
E11 u13 = 0 0
G11 v1 = 3(k1/h1k0/h0)/(h0+h1) =3*(I5-I4)/G4
I10:I13 B =MMULT(MINVERSE(B10:E13),G10:G13)
B17 a1 = (b2b1)/(3h1) =(I12-I11)/(3*F5)
C17 b1 =I11
D17 c1 = k1/h1h1(b2+2b1)/3 =I5-F5*(I12+2*I11)/3
E17 d1 = y1 =C5

Figure 2 – Representative formulas from Figure 1

We see from Figure 1, for example, that the second of the spline polynomials is

p1(x) = .000774x3 – .01747x2 + .196109x + 1.791759

Now the spline function f(x) = p0(x) for x in the interval [2, 5], f(x) = p1(x)  for x in the interval [5,13] and f(x) = p2(x) for x in the interval [13, 15]. We capture this for the values of x between 2 and 15 in Figure 3.

Spline curve fit

Figure 3 – Spline curve fit

Here, we placed the formula =B$16*(K4-B$4)^3+C$16*(K4-B$4)^2+D$16*(K4-B$4)+E$16 in cell L4. We then highlighted the range L4:L6 and pressed Ctrl-D to fill in the function values corresponding to the first interval [2, 5]. For the interval [5, 13], we inserted the formula =B$17*(K7-B$5)^3+C$17*(K7-B$5)^2+D$17*(K7-B$5)+E$17 in cell L7, highlighted range L7:L14 and pressed Ctrl-D. Finally, for the interval [13, 15], we inserted the formula =B$18*(K15-B$6)^3+C$18*(K15-B$6)^2+D$18*(K15-B$6)+E$18 in cell L15, highlighted the range L15:L17 and pressed Ctrl-D.


We next highlighted range K4:L17 and selected Insert > Charts|Scatter using the Scatter with Smooth Lines option to obtain the blue curve on the right side of Figure 3.

Finally, we note that the original data values in range B4:C7 of Figure 1 were selected based on the function h(x) = ln(x+1) for x = 2, 5, 13, and 15. In fact, when we insert the graph of this function into Figure 3 (the red curve), we see that the spline function is a pretty good fit for the natural log function based only on interpolating between four points.

Real Statistics Support

Click here for a description of the Real Statistics function and data analysis tool that simplifies the process of creating a spline curve in Excel.

Examples Workbook

Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.


Chen, M-Q (2013) Cubic spline interpolation
The link is no longer available.

Jameson, A. (2019) Cubic splines

Dunbar D. (2001) Cubic spline (Excel VBA implementation)
The link is no longer available.

13 thoughts on “Spline Fitting and Interpolation”

  1. Hello Charles,
    I am trying tu use the Excel sheet which is for download. I exchanged the X/Y data to:
    X Y
    10 13
    20 32
    30 38
    50 60
    But I have got a very distorted curve, not a real spline. Probably the matrix did not function with these numbers. If I could attach a file or at least screen shot you could see it.
    Best regards

    • Hi Paddy,
      For a random variable x, the log transformation is log x. The log can be any base you like. Base e, the natural log, is expressed in Excel as LN(x). Based 10 is LOG10(x).

  2. Hi, I was wondering if you could explain why the constant 2 is used and what this means? What happens if you changed this constant?

  3. Hi Charles,

    I think D11 u12 = 1 – u01 =1-B11 should be : D11 u12 = 1 – u10 =1-B11 in figure 2.

    I haven’t had to use matrix maths since Uni. 30 years ago so it took me a while to get the hang of this. It works. Thanks for the tutorial.

    Best regards, Nigel

    • Hi Nigel,
      Yes, you are correct. Thank you for catching this error. I have now corrected it on the website.
      I appreciate your help in improving the accuracy and usefulness of the Real Statistics website.

  4. Hi Charles,

    Thanks for the correction. I also spotted a minor error, probably just a typo,
    L4 k0/h0 =H4/F4
    should be
    I4 k0/h0 =H4/F4

    I thought your derivation of the spline polynomials was excellent. Nicely done, and I now understand why the tridiagonal matrix works.

  5. Thanks Charles, very informative.

    I think there is a mistake in the representative formulae:
    K4 k0 = y1 – y0 =B5-C4

    should be
    H4 k0 = y1 – y0 =C5-C4

    Regards RW.

    • Hello RW,
      Yes, you are correct. Thank you very much for identifying this error.
      I have now corrected the error on the webpage.
      I appreciate your help in improving the accuracy and usefulness of the website.


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