Converting a Fraction to a Decimal

On this web page, we show how to convert a fraction h/k to decimal form.

Long Division

The basic approach for converting a fraction h/k to decimal form is by using long divisions. E.g. the fraction 3/44 can be converted to the decimal .06818181… as shown in Figure 1.

Long division

Figure 1 – Long division

We see that the 36 difference in the calculation is repeated, which results in the repeating 81.

Repeating and Terminating Forms

As described in Converting a Decimal to a Fraction, rational numbers when expressed as a decimal number can take one of two forms: (1) terminating, i.e. they have a finite number of decimal places, or (2) repeating, i.e. the decimal portion repeats endlessly. E.g. 1/2 = .5 and 3/8 = .375 are terminating, while 1/3 = .333… , 2/11 = .181818…, and 2/15 = .1333… are repeating.

Note that which form the fraction m/n takes only depends on the denominator n.

If n > 1 is of the form 2h5k where h and/or k is a non-negative integer, then m/n is terminating; otherwise, it is repeating.

Worksheet Functions

Excel supports decimals with 15 significant digits. Unfortunately, for many fractions 1/n even with a small value of n, the repeating part of the decimal exceeds 15 digits. E.g. the repeating part of 1/19 requires 18 digits and the repeating part of 1/23 requires 22 digits. Thus, we need to represent such decimal expressions as text instead of a number.

Real Statistics Functions: The Real Statistics Resource Pack provides the following worksheet functions.

FRAC2DEC(n, m) = a text representation of m/n as a decimal where 1 ≤ m < n

FRAC_REP(n, m) = the number of repeating digits in the decimal representation of m/n

FRAC_FIXED(n, m) = the number of fixed digits in the decimal representation of m/n

If m is omitted it defaults to 1.

For example

  • FRAC2DEC(4, 3) = “0.75”
  • FRAC2DEC(6) = “0.1 6…”
  • FRAC2DEC(19) = “0. 052631578947368421…”.

Fractions that have a repeating part terminate in “…”. The repeating part is preceded by a space. Thus, 1/6 is expressed by “0.1 6…” where .1 is the fixed part and 6 is the repeating part. 3/4 doesn’t have a repeating part and so is expressed as “0.75” (no space and no terminating …).


  • FRAC_REP(4, 3) = 0, FRAC_REP(6) = 1, FRAC_REP(19) = 22
  • FRAC_FIXED(4, 3) = 2, FRAC_FIXED(6) = 1, FRAC_FIXED(19) = 0

More information

Click here for more information about how to calculate the length of the fixed and repeated parts of a decimal representation of a fraction.

Examples Workbook

Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.


Wikipedia (2023) Repeating decimal

Lyons, C. (2016) The secret life of 1/n: A journey far beyond the decimal point. Mathematical Enthusiast

Pierce, R. (2023) Long division

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