A positive integer is a prime number if the only positive integer divisors are the number itself and one.
Worksheet Functions
Real Statistics Functions: The Real Statistics Resource Pack contains the following functions. Here, n is any positive integer up to 231-1 = 2,147,483,647.
PrimeCount(n, start) = the number of prime numbers between start and n (inclusive)
IsPrime(n) = TRUE if n is a prime number
NextPrime(n) = next prime number after n
PriorPrime(n) = largest prime number smaller than n
NthPrime(n) = the nth prime number
PrimeList(start, size) = a column array with size number of prime numbers starting with the first prime ≥ start; if start is omitted it defaults to 2; if size is omitted it defaults to the number of rows in the highlighted range
Factors(n) = a column array containing the prime factors of n (with repetitions if necessary); actually the first value in the output is the number of prime factors.
Divisors(n): returns a column array with the divisors of n
PrimeFactors(n): returns an array whose first column contains the prime factors of n and whose second column contains the number of repetitions of each prime factor.
Figure 1 demonstrates the use of these worksheet functions.
Figure 1 – Prime numbers
Examples Workbook
Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.
Caldwell, C. K. (2021) The first fifty million primes
Dear Charles,
function Factors(n) correctly decomposes numbers:
2049356 = 2*2*37*61*227
2049357 = 3*683119
2049358 = 2*173*5923
but function PrimeFactors(n) is able to decompose 2049356 and 2049358, but not 2049357.
On page :
there is a minor mistake in the name of the function. There is Primeactors(n) instead of PrimeFactors(n).
I hope it helps,
best regards,
prof. Martin Krizek
Hello Prof Krizek,
Thanks for identifying these two errors. I have changed the PrimeFactors function name on the website.
I have also fixed the bug in the software. I expect to issue a big fix release, Rel 9.1.1, in about a week.
Thanks for identifying these errors. I appreciate your help.