Inflection Point

Basic Concepts

An inflection point c for a function f(x) occurs where f ″(c) = 0. On one side of x = c, the curve of the function is concave up and on the other side, it is concave down.

Identifying an inflection point is a problem when we use Newton’s method to find the root of the derivative f ′(x) since this approach uses the iteration xn+1 = xnf ′(xn)/f ″(xn). But for xn near the inflection point x = c, thus is close to division by zero.


Example 1: Find the critical points for the function f(x) = x3 – 3x – 3.                 

We see from Figure 1 that a local maximum occurs at about x = -1, a local minimum at x = 1, and an inflection point at x = 0.

Inflection point

Figure 1 – Inflection point

We can use the MNEWTON function (see Maxima/minima of a Continuous Function) to confirm the local maximum and minimum. Using an initial guess of -2 we obtain a local maximum at x = -1; using an initial guess of 2, we obtain a local minimum at x = 1. As expected, we get an error value near the inflection point at x = 0 (cell N7).

For example, we use the array formula =MNEWTON(N3,N6) in range N7:N9 where cell N3 contains the formula =M3^3-3*M3-3.

We now observe that f ″(0) = 0 (cell N14) and so x = 0 is an inflection point. Cell N14 contains the formula =DERIV2(0,N3). Also, cell N12 contains the formula =FUNC(0,N3) and cell N13 contains the formula =DERIV(0,N3).

Examples Workbook

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Mahaffy, J. M. (2001) Newton’s method – examples

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