Triangular Distribution

Basic Concepts

The triangular distribution is a continuous distribution defined by three parameters: the smallest (a) and largest (c), as for the uniform distribution, and the mode (b), where a < c and abc. This distribution is similar to the PERT distribution, but whereas the PERT distribution has a smooth shape, the triangular distribution consists of a line from (a, 0) up to (b, m) and a line from (b, m) back down to (c, 0) where m = the pdf at b.

Like the PERT distribution, the triangular distribution can be useful when you only have limited information about a distribution but can estimate the upper and lower bounds, as well as the most likely value.

In the mean for the triangular distribution, the three parameters have equal weight, unlike in the PERT distribution where the mode has 4 times the weight of the other two parameters.

The pdf isTriangular distribution pdf

The shape of the pdf curve is a triangle.

The cdf isTriangular distribution cdf

The inverse function isTriangular distribution inverse function


Key statistical properties of the triangular distribution are given in Figure 1.

Key properties

Figure 1 – Key properties of the triangular distribution

Worksheet Functions

Real Statistics Functions: Excel provides the following functions:

TRIANG_DIST(x, a, b, c, cum) = the pdf of the triangular function f(x) when cum = FALSE and the corresponding cumulative distribution function F(x) when cum = TRUE.

TRIANG_INV(p, a, b, c) = x such that TRIANG_DIST(x, a, b, c, TRUE) = p; i.e. the inverse of the cdf of the triangular distribution.


Leemis, L. (2012) Triangular distribution. College of William & Mary

GoldSim (2019) Help on Triangular Distribution

5 thoughts on “Triangular Distribution”

  1. Charles has explained the Triangular distribution, its density function, and cumulative, as well as the inverse function, quite well. You can use this if you need to find a random variable that has a Trianglular distribution and easily create an Excel worksheet.

    • Hello Milan,
      It is not one of the data analysis tools. It can be calculated via a worksheet function, just all the other distributions supported in Excel.

  2. Thanks for the Functions. I was confused, because I got wrong Outcomes. The most sources declare B and C on the Opposite way, that was my mistake.


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