Tukey’s LSD Post-hoc Test


Tukey’s LSD (Least Significant Difference) is another post-hoc test that can be used following an ANOVA with a significant result. It is similar to Tukey’s HSD test, except that a t-test is used instead of a q-test. This means that it has higher power but is more susceptible to an inflated type I error.

The test statistic is

t-statistic LSD test

and the confidence interval is

Confidence interval LSD test

where tcrit = T.INV.2T(α, df).


For Example 1 of Tukey HSD, the LSD analysis is as shown in Figure 1.

Tukey's LSD post-ANOVA

Figure 1 – LSD Test

The formulas used are the same as those used in Figure 3 of Tukey HSD with the exception that cell K9 contains the formula =T.INV.2T(J3,J9), cell I12 contains the formula =SQRT(2*I9/J9/HARMEAN(H5,H6)), cell M12 contains the formula =T.DIST.2T(J12,J$9), cell N12 contains the formula =I12*K$9, and similarly for the formulas in I13:I17, M13:M17, and N13:N17.

Note that the LSD post-hoc test is similar to pairwise t tests except that a pooled standard error is used.

Examples Workbook

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Howell, D. C. (2010) Statistical methods for psychology (7th ed.). Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

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