Normality Testing of ANOVA Residuals


ANOVA is actually a form of regression. As a result, we can speak about residuals, i.e. the difference between actual data and the values predicted by the regression model. For our purposes, we don’t need to go into the details here. For those who are interested, see ANOVA using Regression.

What is important is to recognize that the normality assumption for ANOVA is that these residuals be normally distributed. As a result, you need to understand how to identify these residuals. Once this is done, we can apply any of the various tests for normality, especially  QQ-plots, Shapiro-Wilk test, d’Agostino-Pearson test, etc.

Residuals for One-way ANOVA

For one-way ANOVA, the residuals turn out to be the difference between the actual data elements and their group mean.


Example 1: Identify the residuals for Example 3 of Basic Concepts for ANOVA and determine whether the normality assumption is met. The data for this example is repeated in range A3:D11 of Figure 1.

Testing the normality assumption

Figure 1 – Testing Normality for ANOVA

The means of the four groups are displayed in range A13:D13. E.g. cell A13 contains the formula =AVERAGE(A4:A11). The residual values xijmj where mj is the mean of the jth group are displayed on the right side of the figure. This is done by inserting the formula =A4-A$13 in cell F4, highlighting range F4:I11, and pressing Ctrl-R and Ctrl-D.

Finally, you obtain the p-value of the Shapiro-Wilk test by inserting the formula =SWTEST(F4:I11,TRUE) in cell G13. Since p-value = .997267 > .05 = alpha, we conclude there is a very high probability that the residuals are normally distributed.

Worksheet Functions

Real Statistics Functions: The Real Statistics Resource Pack provides the following worksheet functions

Anova1Res(R1): returns a column array with the residuals for one-way ANOVA on the data in R1 in standard (stacked) format (i.e. two column array with labels in the first column and numeric values in the second column).

Anova1ResX(R1): returns a column array with the residuals for one-way ANOVA on the data in R1 in Excel format (i.e. array with one column per group).

Thus, =Anova1ResX(R1) is equivalent to the array formula =Anova1Res(Anova1Std(R1)).

We can use the Anova1ResX to obtain the result for Example 1, as shown in Figure 2.

ANOVA residuals worksheet function

Figure 2 – Testing normality using Anova1ResX

Here we used the formula =Anova1ResX(A4:D11) to obtain the residuals in range K4:K32 (rows 18 to 32 are not displayed). We then used the Descriptive Statistics and Normality data analysis tool on Input Range K4:K32 to obtain the normality test results and QQ plot shown in Figure 2.

Once again, we conclude that the normality assumption for one-way ANOVA has been met.

Normality of each group

Many sources will state the normality assumption for one-way ANOVA as “each group is normally distributed”. While this is often implies that the residuals are normally distributed, it is not always so.

Figure 3 shows an example where the normality assumption is met (i.e. residuals are normally distributed), but one of the three groups is not normally distributed.

Counter-example 1

Figure 3 – Counter-example 1

In Figure 4, we show an example where the normality assumption is not met (i.e. residuals are not normally distributed), but all the groups are normally distributed.

Counter-example 2

Figure 4 – Counter-example 2

Examples Workbook

Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.


GraphPad (2024) Residuals tab: One-way ANOVA

Minitab (2024) Does the response need to follow a normal distribution?,assumptions%20of%20ANOVA%20are%20met.

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