Confidence and Prediction Intervals Proofs

Definition 1: Suppose we have a 1 × (k+1) row vector X0 = [1 x1 … xn]. Then the prediction of the multiple regression model based on X0 is ŷ0 where 

Regression prediction

or in matrix terminologyPrediction formula (matrices)

Property 1: For any 1 × (k+1) row vector X0 = [1 x1 … xn]

Expectation of predictionProof: By Property 3 of Multiple Regression using Matrices

Property 2:

Proof: By Property 1 and Property 3 of Multiple Regression using Matrices

where the last equality results from Property 4 of Multiple Regression using Matrices.

Property 3:

Proof: Since y0 = Xβ + ε0 and is a constant, it follows that the variance of is zero, and so


But one of the assumptions for linear regression is that ε0 is independent of the coefficients in B, and so cov(ε00) = 0 since ŷ0 = XB. It now follows from Property 2 that