Orthogonal Vectors
As we observed in Matrix Operations, two non-null vectors X = [xi] and Y = [yi] of the same shape are orthogonal if their dot product is 0, i.e. 0 = X ∙ Y = xi yi. Note that if X and Y are n × 1 column vectors, then X ∙ Y = XTY = YTX, while if X and Y are 1 × n row vectors, then X ∙ Y = XYT = YXT. It is easy to see that (cX) ∙ Y = c(X ∙ Y), (X + Y) ∙ Z = X ∙ Z + Y ∙ Z, X ∙ X =
> 0 and other similar properties of the dot product.
Property 1: If A is an m × n matrix, X is an n × 1 vector and Y is an m × 1 vector, then
(AX) ∙ Y = X ∙ (ATY)
Proof: (AX) ∙ Y = (AX)TY = (XTAT)Y = XT(ATY) = X ∙ (ATY)
Property 2: If X1, …, Xm are mutually orthogonal vectors, then they are independent.
Proof: Suppose X1, …, Xm are mutually orthogonal and let = 0. Then for any j, 0 = Xj ∙
= cj (Xj ∙ Xj) since Xj ∙ Xi = 0 when i ≠ j. Thus, cj (Xj ∙ Xj) = 0. But since Xj ∙ Xj > 0, it follows that cj = 0. Since this is true for any j, X1, …, Xm are independent.
Property 3: Any set of n mutually orthogonal n × 1 column vectors is a basis for the set of n × 1 column vectors. Similarly, any set of n mutually orthogonal 1 × n row vectors is a basis for the set of 1 × n row vectors.
Proof: This follows by Corollary 4 of Linear Independent Vectors and Property 2.
Observation: Let Cj be the jth column of the identity matrix In. As we mentioned in the proof of Corollary 4 of Linear Independent Vectors, it is easy to see that for any n, C1, …, Cn forms a basis for the set of all n × 1 column vectors. It is also easy to see that the C1, …, Cn are mutually orthogonal.
We next show that any set of vectors has a basis consisting of mutually orthogonal vectors.
Gram-Schmidt Theorem
Property 4: Suppose X1, …, Xm are independent n × 1 column vectors. Then we can find n × 1 column vectors V1, …, Vm which are mutually orthogonal and have the same span.
Proof: We show how to construct the V1, …, Vm from the X1, …, Xm as follows.
Define V1, …, Vm as follows:
Proof: We first show that the Vk are mutually orthogonal by induction on k. The case where k = 1 is trivial. Assume that V1, …, Vk are mutually orthogonal. To show that V1, …, Vk+1 are mutually orthogonal, it is sufficient to show that Vk+1 ∙ Vi = 0 for all i where 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Using the induction hypothesis that Vj ∙ Vi = 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ k and j ≠ i and Vi ∙ Vi ≠ 0 (since Vi ≠ 0), we see that
This completes the proof that V1, …, Vm are mutually orthogonal. By Property 2, it follows that V1, …, Vm are also independent.
We next show that the span of V1, …, Vk is a subset of the span of X1, …, Xk for all k ≤ m. The result for k = 1 is trivial. We assume the result is true for k and show that it is true for k + 1. Based on the induction hypothesis, it is sufficient to show that Vk+1 can be expressed as a linear combination of X1, …, Xk+1. This is true since by definition
and by the induction hypothesis, all the Vj can be expressed as a linear combination of the X1, …, Xk.
By induction, we can now conclude that the span of V1, …, Vm is a subset of the span of X1, …, Xm, and so trivially V1, …, Vm are elements in the span of X1, …, Xm But since the V1, …, Vm are independent, by Property 3 of Linear Independent Vectors, we can conclude that the span of V1, …, Vm is equal to the span of X1, …, Xm.
Corollary 1: For any closed set of vectors we can construct an orthogonal basis
Proof: By Corollary 1 of Linear Independent Vectors, every closed set of vectors V has a basis. In fact, we can construct this basis. By Property 4, we can construct an orthogonal set of vectors that spans the same set. Since this orthogonal set of vectors is independent, it is a basis for V.
Orthonormal Vectors
Definition 1: A set of vectors is orthonormal if the vectors are mutually orthogonal and each vector is a unit vector.
Corollary 2: For any closed set of vectors we can construct an orthonormal basis
Proof: If V1, …, Vm is the orthogonal basis, then Q1, …, Qm is an orthonormal normal basis where
Observation: The following is an alternative way of constructing Q1, …, Qm (which yields the same result).
Define V1, …, Vm and Q1, …, Qm from X1, …, Xm as follows:
Orthonormal Matrices
Definition 2: A matrix A is orthogonal if ATA = I.
The following property is an obvious consequence of this definition.
Property 5: A matrix is orthogonal if and only if all of its columns are orthonormal.
Property 6: If A is an m × n orthogonal matrix and B is an n × p orthogonal then AB is orthogonal.
Proof: If A and B are orthogonal, then
(AB)T(AB) = (BTAT)(AB) = BT(ATA)B = BTIB = BTB = I
Example 1: Find an orthonormal basis for the three column vectors which are shown in range A4:C7 of Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Gram Schmidt Process
The columns in matrix Q (range I4:K7) are simply the normalization of the columns in matrix V. E.g., the third column of matrix Q (range K4:K7) is calculated using the array formula G4:G7/SQRT(SUMSQ(G4:G7)). The columns of V are calculated as described in Figure 2.
Figure 2 – Formulas for V in the Gram Schmidt Process
The orthonormal basis is given by the columns of matrix Q. That these columns are orthonormal is confirmed by checking that QTQ = I by using the array formula =MMULT(TRANSPOSE(I4:K7),I4:K7) and noticing that the result is the 3 × 3 identity matrix.
We explain the matrix R from Figure 1 in Figure 3 and in Example 2 below. Also, we explain how to calculate the matrix R in Example 1 of QR Factorization.
Worksheet Function
Real Statistics Function: The Real Statistics Resource Pack provides the following array function which implements the Gram-Schmidt process in Excel.
GRAM(R1, n, prec): returns an m × n array whose columns form an orthonormal basis whose span includes the span of the columns in R1. In executing the algorithm, values less than or equal to prec are considered to be equivalent to zero (default 0.0000001)
We can use the function =GRAM(A4:C7) to obtain the results shown in range I4:K7. Note that each column in A4:C7 can be expressed as a linear combination of the basis vectors in I4:K7. E.g. as can be seen from Figure 3, the third vector in the original matrix (repeated in column Y of Figure 3) can be expressed as the linear combination AA4:AA7 = X3*X4:X7 + Y3*Y4:Y7 + Z3:Z4:Z7.
Figure 3 – Creating an orthonormal basis
Note that the vectors in columns X, Y, Z are the same as the basis vectors shown in columns I, J, K of Figure 1. Also, note that the scalar multipliers in row 3 of Figure 3 are the same as the non-zero elements in the R matrix shown in Figure 1. Actually, we can obtain the same result for Q (with less chance for roundoff error) by using the =QRFactorQ(A4:C7) as described in QR Factorization. Also, note that the R matrix can be calculated by =QRFactorR(A4:C7).
We can obtain a basis for all vectors with 4 elements by augmenting the original three vectors with the vector (1, 0, 0, 0)T obtaining the basis shown in Figure 4 by using the formula =GRAM(A4:C7,4).
Figure 4 – Expanding the basis
Properties of Orthogonal Matrices
Property 7: If A is an orthogonal square matrix, then
- AT = A-1
- AAT = I
- AT is orthogonal
- det A = ±1 (the converse is not necessarily true)
a) Since AT is a left inverse of A, by Property 5 of Rank of a Matrix, AT is the inverse of A
b) This follows from (a)
c) This follows from (b) since (AT)TAT = AAT = I
d) By Property 1 of Determinants and Linear Equations, |A|2 = |A| ∙ |A| = |AT| ∙ |A|= |ATA| = |I| = 1. Thus |A|=±1.
Property 8: A square matrix is orthogonal if and only if all of its rows are orthonormal.
Proof: By Property 5 and 7b.
Multiplying a vector X by an orthogonal matrix A has the effect of rotating or reflecting the vector. Thus we can think of X as a point in n-space which is transformed into a point AX in n-space. Note that the distance between the point X and the origin (i.e. the length of vector X) is the same as the distance between AX and the origin (i.e. the length of vector AX), which can be seen from
Also, the multiplication of two vectors by A also preserves the angle between the two vectors, which is characterized by the dot product of the vectors (since the dot product of two unit vectors is the cosine of this angle), as can be seen from
Note too that A represents a rotation if det A = +1 and a reflection if det A = -1.
Examples Workbook
Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.
Golub, G. H., Van Loan, C. F. (1996) Matrix computations. 3rd ed. Johns Hopkins University Press
Searle, S. R. (1982) Matrix algebra useful for statistics. Wiley
Perry, W. L. (1988) Elementary linear algebra. McGraw-Hill
Fasshauer, G. (2015) Linear algebra.
Lambers, J. (2010) Numerical linear algebra
Charles, Many thanks for such helpful and informative articles on matrices.
I studied them many years ago for my degree in engineering, but only used them in their more simple form while practicing as an engineer.
Now that I am retired I have time to look back and appreciate their beauty in solving problems.
Kind Regards,
Tony, Belfast, Ireland
Glad I was able to help you refresh your memory.