Definition 1: If a continuous random variable x has frequency function f(x) then the expected value of g(x) is
Property 1: If g and h are independent then
Proof: Similar to the proof of Property 1b of Expectation
Definition 2: If a random variable x has frequency function f(x) then the nth moment Mn(x0) of f(x) about x0 is
We also use the following symbols for the nth moment around the origin, i.e. where x0 = 0
The mean is the first moment about the origin.
We use the following symbols for the nth moment around the mean
The variance is the second moment about the mean
Definition 3: The moment-generating function of a discrete random variable x with frequency function f(x) is a function of a dummy variable θ given by
The moment-generating function for a continuous random variable is
Property 2: If the moment generating function of x for frequency function f(x) converges for each k, then
Proof: We provide the proof where x is a discrete random variable. The continuous case is similar.
it follows that
Thus, the k+1th term in the power series expansion of the moment-generating function is
The result now follows by induction on k.
Theorem 1: A distribution function is completely determined by its moment-generating function. I.e. two distribution functions with the same moment generating function are equal.
Corollary 1: If x is a random variable that depends on n with frequency function fn(x) and y is another random variable with frequency function g(x), then if
Definition 4: If x is a discrete random variable with frequency function f(x), then the moment generating function of g(x), is
The equivalent for a continuous random variable x is
Properties 3: Where c is a constant and g(x) is any function for which Mg(x)(θ) exists
Proof: We prove the property where x is a discrete random variable. The situation is similar where x is continuous.
Property 4: The moment-generating function of the sum of n independent variables is equal to the product of the moment-generating functions of the individual variables; i.e.
Proof: Since the xi are independent, so are the , and so by Property 2
Theorem 2 (Change of variables technique): If y = h(x) is an increasing function and f(x) is the frequency function of x, then the frequency function g(y) of y is given by
Proof: Let G(y) be the cumulative distribution function of y, let h-1 be the inverse function of h, and let u = h-1 (t). Then
Now by changing variable names, we have
where x = h-1 (y) and so y = h(x).
Corollary 2: If y = h(x) is a decreasing function and f(x) is the frequency function of x, then the frequency function g(y) of y is given by
Corollary 3: If z = t(x, y) is an increasing function of y, keeping x fixed, and f(x, y) is the joint frequency function of x and y, and h(x, z) is the joint frequency function of x and z, then
Proof: If z = t(x, y) is an increasing function of y, keeping x fixed, and g(y|x) is the frequency function of y|x, and k(z|x) is the frequency function of z|x), then by the theorem
Now let f(x, y) be the joint frequency function of x and y. Then f(x, y) = f(x) · g(y|x). Similarly, if h(x, z) is the joint frequency function of x and z, we have h(x, z) = h(x) · k(z|x). Thus
Since both f and h are the pdf for x, f(x) = h(x), and so we have
Corollary 4: If z = t(x, y) is a decreasing function of y, keeping x fixed, and f(x, y) is the joint frequency function of x and y, and h(x, z) is the joint frequency function of x and z, then
Example 1: Suppose x has pdf f(x) = e-x where x ≥ 0, and y =. Find the pdf g of y
Since is an increasing function, where x = y2, we get
Example 2: Suppose x has pdf f(x) = e-x for x > 0 and y has pdf g(x) = e-y for y > 0, and suppose that x and y are independently distributed. Define z = y/x. What is the pdf for z?
From Corollary 3, for fixed x > 0, z = y/x is increasing (since y > 0), and so we have
But since x and y are independently distributed,
Let w = x(1+z). Then x = w/(1+z). and dx = dw/(1+z). It now follows that
Example 3: Suppose x has standard normal distribution N(0, 1). What is the pdf of the random variable z = |x| and what is the mean of this distribution?
By Definition 1 of Basic Characteristics of the Normal Distribution, the pdf of x is (with μ = 0 and σ = 1)
and so the probability distribution function is
Now |x| < a is equivalent to –a < x < a, and so we have the following formula for z’s distribution function G(z):
Since the pdf g(z) is the derivative of G(z), it follows that
We next use the following using the substitution
Since z ≥ 0, we have
Property 5: If x ~ N(0, σ2), then the mean of |x| is
Proof: Let z = |x/σ|. Thus z ~ N(0, 1), and so as we saw in Example 3, E[z] = . But z = |x|/σ, and so |x| = σz, from which it follows that E[|x|] =
Soch, J. (2020) Proof: Moment-generating function of the normal distribution. The book of statistical proofs
Hoel, P. G. (1962) Introduction to mathematical statistics. Wiley