Real Statistics Resource Pack for Macintosh

The Real Statistics Resource Pack contains a variety of supplemental functions and data analysis tools not provided by Excel. These complement the standard Excel capabilities and make it easier for you to perform the statistical analyses described in the rest of this website.

On this webpage, we describe how to download and install the Real Statistics Resource Pack for the Mac.


If you accept the License Agreement, click on one of the following options to download the appropriate version of the Real Statistics resource pack for Excel on the Mac:

Downloading this resource pack means that you accept the License Agreement.


Once you have downloaded the Resource Pack, you need to install it using the following steps.

  1. Move the Resource Pack to where you want it located on your computer. Caution: Once you install the resource pack at a particular location it will be more difficult to move it later.
  2. Open Excel, but don’t try to open the xrealstats-mac.xlam or realstats-mac-2011.xlam file that you downloaded earlier.
  3. From the Tools menu choose Add-Ins.
  4. Make sure that the Solver option is checked on the dialog box that appears.
  5. Check the XRealstats-Mac (or Realstats-Mac-2011) option on the dialog box that appears and click the OK button.
  6. If the XRealstats-Mac (or Realstats-Mac-2011) option doesn’t appear, click on Browse to find and choose the XRealStats-Mac.xlam (or RealStats-Mac-2011.xlam) file that you downloaded earlier. Then complete step 5 as described above.

Real Statistics Functions

Once you have installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack you can use the supplemental functions in the same way as you use the built-in worksheet functions supplied with Excel. These functions are described throughout the rest of this website. A complete list of these functions can be found in the Tools menu of the website.

Real Statistics Data Analysis Tools

To use the data analysis tools enter Control-m (i.e. control key + m) or click on the Real Statistics menu. 

The descriptions of how to use the Real Statistics functions and data analysis tools apply to the Mac version of the software, although sometimes with minor modifications especially as described in Mac User Interface.

Uninstalling the Real Statistics Resource Pack

  1. Open Excel, but don’t try to open the XRealStats-Mac.xlam or RealStats-Mac-2011.xlam file that you downloaded earlier.
  2. From the Tools menu choose Add-Ins.
  3. Uncheck the XRealStats-Mac or RealStats-Mac-2011 option on the dialog box that appears and click the OK button.
  4. Close Excel and delete the file that contains the Real Statistics Resource Pack.

440 thoughts on “Real Statistics Resource Pack for Macintosh”

  1. Have just downloaded Real Statistics Resource Pack but unable to successfully install because after the Add In in Excel Tools I cannot see the Solver check box! Am using Excel 2016. Any help?

  2. Hi Dr. Zaiontz,

    I am using the RealStats package on a 2019 Intel Mac running Sonoma 14.5. I am using Excel from Mac Office 2019 (version 16.78 build 23100802). I have been using the control+m pop up window to do some tests on data and things were working very quickly at first but now, when I try non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon), it only worked once and now freezes Excel. I have to force quit Excel and, when I try to sign in again, the RealStats program is still hanging and won’t do any other tests. I can use Excel, but the spinning busy wheel comes up every few seconds and I can’t use Excel during those intermittent freeze times.

    I have been using RealStats for years now, so this is most likely some Excel update issue. Thank you for going the extra mile to help us all out with statistics! We have R and access to SPSS but I do not have time to become a programmer or redo everything to make it easier in SPSS. Having RealStats is a lifesaver!

  3. I just downloaded the mac version, and when I try to open it using the command+m the page closes. Let me know if I am doing something wrong.

  4. Hi Carles, I have downloaded and tried to install RS_QAT, RealStatX and XRealStatx, but when I try according to the instructions you’ve made, in my excel a warning appears like this “This file type is not supported in protected view”. What should I do Charles?… and may I ask one question about dL and dU for my Autocorrelation test if N=294, k=3 and sig=0.05…. thanks for your answer it will be very helpful

    • I am not sure why this is happening, but I suggest that you follow the Uninstall instructions at the bottom of this webpage.
      If this doesn’t solve the problem, restar t your computer.

  5. Hey there, I am getting an error telling me that Microsoft office has blocked the content because of bad macros with known issues. I got this on my personal and work computer, so maybe something it going on. Any thoughts?

    • Hello Danny,
      What is the message that you got blocking the content?
      Have you consulted the TRoubleshooting section on the webpage from where you downloaded the Real Statistics software? This is especially important since you probably need to change the Trust setting for the Xrealstats-Mac.xlam file (as explained in the Troubleshooting section).

  6. Hi Charles,

    I’m using Excel 365 on my MacBook Air. I’ve downloaded the link multiple times and when the Add-ins dropdown populates the tool bar, where the real stats dropdown is supposed to be is blank and I can’t use it. I’m trying to do an assignment which requires this extension but it’s not working for me on Excel.

    Do you have a solution for me?

  7. Hi Charles, I am attempting to install the package but when I drop down the tools, tha Add-ins is watermarked and hence not active, what can I do?

    Thanks, Silverio

    • Hi Silverio,
      I am not familiar with watermarking an add-in. What sort of message did you get (even if it was in a language that isn’t English)?

      • Thanks Charles, I managed to get it installed aftr I updated my Xcell version, btw, how do I choose the Stukey HSD calc option?


        • Hello Silverio,
          If you want to use Tukey’s HSD after a one-way ANOVA, then you should choose the One Factor Anova option from the Anova tab (after pressing the Ctrl-m key sequence). Tukey’s HSD is one of the options on the dialog box that appears.
          Versions of Tukey’s HSD are also available after other versions of ANOVA (and other designs).

  8. Hi Charles,
    I just installed and sucessfully opened Xreal Stats on Mac (most recent version), but the window is very small. Is that normal? I can’t change the size of it…

  9. Hi Charles,

    I have been using your amazing software for years now but my mac and its excel version, sadly were no longer supported. On my new mac (with the 16.60 excel version) I have kept on trying to install the Real-Stats file by following your instructions but didn’t get the Real-Stats option in my add-ins list, just the dreary dropdown arrow, until I came to this site and realized I wasn’t the only mac user experiencing this recurrent problem. Thanks for the very helpful answer you gave to Alan!! (And thanks Alan for asking!)

    I pressed Ctrl-m and as if by magic all the old tricks were active again. I was able now to access the familiar data analysis tools!

    Many, many thanks for this invaluable software! (And, “invaluable” is an understatement…)


  10. Hi, i did all the steps but when i start to generate the dat it pops out an error “Compile error in hidden module: LogisticRegression”. This error commonly occurs when coe is imcompatible with the version, platform, or architecture of this application.

    • Hello Veronica,
      If you email me an Excel file with your data and tell me what you have entered into the dialog box, I will try to understad why you are seeing this error message.
      What release of Real Statistics are you using? Also, what language is Excel using (English, Spanish, etc.)?

      • Hi Charles,
        I am using Excel 365, and i used the first link to download Real Statistic. The language is English. Is there some error with my excel thus coming out this error message?


        • Hello Veronica,
          Thanks for the information.
          If you email me an Excel file with your data and tell me what you have entered into the dialog box, I will try to understand why you are getting the error message.

          • Im having the same problem. with the same error message.

            “Compile error in hidden module: ‘LogisticRegression’. This error commonly occurs when code is incompatible with the version, platform, or architecture of this application.”

          • Hello Patricio,
            I am aware of a problem with the Logistic Regression data analysis tool on the Mac. I know that it works fine in the Windows version and the code is the same. As a result, I haven’t been able to track down the problem yet.

  11. Hi, I am very frustrated right now and I need help because my assignment is coming and I have to answer it. I have already downloaded the Xrealstats for mac and I tried the steps above but sadly it says there was a problem and Microsoft excel was closed. Please apologize for the inconvenience. I just need the Megastat for my school I hope you can reply to me I’m looking forward to it. Thank you and God Bless

    • Hello Crystal,
      What sort of error message did you receive? Which of the Troubleshooting steps did you try?
      I don’t know what the Megstat is.

  12. Hi Charles, I have tried to install for Mac but don’t get the Real-Stats option in my add-ins list, just an empty dropdown arrow (i.e. it thinks there’s something there but won’t show it).

    Any ideas? Thanks. I’ve used the package successfully on Windows but prefer to use on Mac!

    • I downloaded and installed the Xrealstat for Mac just now – and seeing the same problem as Alan.
      Pressing ctrl-m key – nothing happens. Can you please give a few more details of how to activate or start using your package. Am interested in doing some Survival analysis / kaplan-meier for the clinical trial I am supervising. You help and making this available is greatly appreciated. Thanks

      • Hello Gobi,
        First of all, let’s make sure that Real Statistics is installed. Enter the formula =VER() in any cell. If you get an error value then Real Statistics is not installed. If you see a release number less than 8.0 then you are using an earlier release. This isn’t a problem unless the release is very old.
        If you see that Real Statistics is installed, then you need to make sure that you are using the correct button on the Mac for Ctrl. On the Mac there are the Control, Option and Command buttons. I believe that you need to use the Control button (the leftmost of these three buttons). You need to hold this button down and then press the key for the letter m (lowercase). Make sure to keep the Ctrl button down while pressing m (pressing these keys in sequence won’t work).
        Sorry if all of this is obvious, but I wanted to make sure that this is not the problem.
        Otherwise, I don’t see why pressing Ctrl-m doesn’t bring up the initial Real Statistics dialog box.

  13. Hi Charles,

    My excel has been crashing anytime I’m trying to run a correlogram under the time-series tab. I’m reinstalled the addin a lot of times but I keep getting the same result. (excel crashing). I used a Mac.

  14. I installed the real stistic for mac, excell 2019. I did all the steps you said but when I tried to analize kappa results only showed “?NAME?”. Ii means that I don’t have the tool to analize kappa?
    Thanks a lot

  15. This works ok, but everytime MS365 updates on either Mac or on PC it deletes this programme and you have to go through the whole installation process again, which I find quite annoying :td:

    • Steve,
      That is strange. I am using Excel 2016 on my Mac and so I can’t test this. I have not experienced this problem on my Mac.
      I use Excel 365 on my Windows computer but don’t seem to have this problem.
      Do you have any other Excel add-ins active?

  16. Hi Charles,
    I have been using the real statistics software for past few months and up until yesterday it was working great. However, starting yesterday we began to use the “One Repeated Measures Anova” and for some reason the real statistics (or excel) is not working correctly – I keep getting strange random symbols and incorrect functions in the output table. I have tried to do basic IT fixes such as: restart my computer, update computer, uninstall real Statistics, uninstall excel, reinstall excel and real statistics. Unfortunately, none of these have worked. For your reference I have the most current version of excel and a 2020 MacBook Pro.

    • Hello Jackson,
      I just ran the Repeated Measures ANOVA on the Mac version of the software and it worked fine. I don’t know why you are getting strange results. Can you email me your input data so that I can check it out?

      • Just sent you an email with the file and screenshots of the process that I am going through. Thank you for your response and let me know if there are any issues with opening the email. Would like to get this resolved as quickly as possible.

          • Hi Charles,
            I think I’m experiencing the same problem as Jackson (having random characters for F stats and p values when running ANOVA). Would there be a solution for that? Thanks!

          • Hello Jerry,
            I just tried again to replicate the problem that Jackson identified. Unfortunately, I am running Excel 2016 and not Excel 365 on my Mac. I am not seeing the problem that you and Jackson raised. I don’t have a good way to duplicate the problem.
            Are you seeing similar problems when running other data analysis tools?

  17. Hi! I am trying to follow your video “Logistic Regression Using Excel” and I downloaded the pack but don’t see a Logistic Regression option. I only see Logistic and Probit Regression or Multinomial Logistic Regression. Which one do I use?

  18. Hi Charles,

    The Factor Analysis function in the latest version of the Excel Add-in produces negative values in the Factor Matrix (rotated varimax) instead of the positive values shown in the previous version. Please help. Many thanks in advance.


    • Monica,
      If I understand your situation properly, this should not be a problem. You can use the negative of the matrix if you prefer. The sign of this matrix is arbitrary.

  19. Great little add-in, although the real statistics pop-up menu when pressing Control+M is absolutely tiny on the iMac. I have a 27″ screen and the pop-up is a mere 3″ across and 2″ high – I need to strain and look closer to read the pop up.

    • Steve,
      Thank you for your kind remarks.
      I know that the pop-up menu is tiny on the Mac version. I have the same problem when I use my Mac.
      Unfortunately, this is the size of the dialog boxes produced by VBA on the Mac. The only way I know of for increasing the size of the dialog boxes is to increase the size of everything on the Mac (configuration option at the Mac level)

  20. Sorry for my earlier message on dowload issue. Found the right link on your site and got it installed in my Mac 365 version of excel. Will try it out and revert if I have any problems in using the Survival analysis function. Thanks very much for providing this free. Greatly appreciated.
    warm regards
    Bhuvanesh / India

  21. Hi, I have already followed the 6 steps. However, upon checking on my Excel file under Add-ins, nothing appeared. Note: I am using Macbook Pro with the latest update.

    • Alex,
      To open the Real Statistics main menu on the Mac you need to use the key sequence Ctrl-m. Access via the Add-ins ribbon only works currently on the Windows version. I will add this capability once I learn how to implement it on the Mac.

  22. Dear Charles,
    Thank you very much for providing us such a powerful set of tools. I truly appreciate your work!

    I am also writing you beacuse I have an issue with the plug-in in excel 2016 for mac. I would like to use the BOXCOX function but I am not sure how to include the Lambda computed via BOXCOX Lamba function.
    I found this video (in Spanish) showing how to use the function in a sort of dialog box—this allows the user to select the range and the lamba generated. Would you please advise on how to use this command as showed in the video, but using the mac interface. Cheers!!!

  23. I am getting an error when I run a Logistic/Prob regression. It is an error 13 run time. Can I get some help trouble shooting this? I am on a MacBook Pro

  24. Hello. I am getting a Run time error 13 : type mismatch when I am running a logistic/probit regression on a MacBook pro. Can I get some help with this issue please?

  25. Dear Charles,

    Wonderful resource!
    I have been able to make it work following your installation instructions. However, each time I close Excel I lose the CTRL-m functionality and Add-Ins is removed from the toolbar. If I go through the sequence again of Options> uncheck XRealstats > recheck XRealstats it works again. Is this by design or should CTRL-m remain available each time I re-open Excel?

    Thanks for your help.

  26. Hi there!
    I am having issues with removing the constant from an ARIMA model.
    It seems to be ignoring when I uncheck the checkbox.

    I am using Excel 365 for Mac.


  27. Hola lo descargue muchas veces y cuando presiono complementos me sale todo blanco me parece que no lo lee? mi Miscrosof es 365 e instale para ese

  28. Hello Charles

    Working with Realstats-2011 (ver 3.5.3) I never encountered problems (I work with Excel for Mac 2011). Now, when I uploaded and installed Realstats-Mac-2011, it does not work.
    Solver.Xlam and Realstats-Mac-2011.Xlam are checked in Add-in window. VER() gives 5.11 Excel Mac 2011 »
    When I tried to run this version for the first time I got a message : « Projet ou bibliotheque introuvable » (I use French version of Excel) and then «  Mot de pass? » When I ignored, I could open Data Analysis Tool, select, for example, Multiple Linear Regression and enter input ranges. But when I press « OK » I got a message « Erreur de compilation dans le module caché: Regression » (or Analyse, or whatever I try).

    Can you help?

    Thank you


  29. Hello, I have downloaded a few times and redownloaded and am able to use Ctr+M although when I go to run the data into real stats I get the error message “Run-time error ‘1004’ Application-defined or object-defined error”. This is being used in a class so I know that I am plugging it in correctly. Any thoughts?

    • Hello Heather,
      If you email me an EXcel file with your data and specify what test you are trying to run, I will see whether it works properly on my computer.

  30. I’m having trouble using the Add-in. Ctrl-m is not responding and it does not appear on my ribbon. Do you know what I might be doing wrong?

  31. Hi Charles,

    I have installed Real Statistics package in my Excel for Mac ver 16.39 with no problems. The ” =ver()” shows a “7.2 Excel 2016/2019/365 Mac” message successfully. However, when I try to use the function “=icc” in any array it shows three diferent values as the result. This does not happen when I use the package in an old version (16.21) excel for mac. Is there anything I can do to sort this out in the newer excel version?


  32. Hi Charles, I am using Microsoft 365 for Mac Version 16.38. After I installed the add-in following your steps, it showed nothing but an empty down arrow in the “Add-in” tab, which does not contain any item under that arrow and there is nothing showed after I click to the arrow.

    I have read your previous comment about pressing Ctrl-M, but it does not work for me. I also reinstalled the add-in for few times but the problem continue to exist.

    • Hello Jason,
      For the Mac version, only the Ctrl-m option works. This is an uncapitalized “m”. I suggest that you try the Command button as well as the Control button.
      I also suggest that you insert the formula =VER() in any cell on a blank spreadsheet. If you don’t get a suitable output then the software is probably not installed correctly.

  33. Hi Charles,

    I am just beginning to learn about logistic regression, and I am trying to practice with a data set I have. I have a Mac and downloaded the most recent stats resource pack.

    I keep getting a compile error when I use the Logistic and Probit Regression menu option; however, I am able to generate an output that seems valid when I run the Multinomial Logistic Regression. This doesn’t seem correct though because my dependent variable is dichotomous. Any ideas on why this might be happening? Thanks!

  34. Hey Charles, Microsoft excel 2016 and Mac. Whenever I try to browse real XRealStats-Mac. The excel stops working and message pops up Microsoft Excel is not responding. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling XRealStats-Mac but its not working in any case. Whenever I try to add in resource pack and select browse the excel shuts off

  35. Sorry for the inconvenience. Install the pack on an Excel 365 for Mac, it accepts it, but I can’t see the add-in in complement. The window appears empty with only one down arrow. I installed and uninstalled it several times but the problem continues. What am I doing wrong and how is it solved? Thank you in advance for the answer. Regards.

  36. HELLO Charles,
    I downloaded de Max Excel 2011 version, but when i run, e.g. a chi-square analysis, the system sends a message “compile error”. DO you know what could be happening?

  37. Hi Charles,

    Is there a way to apply a box-cox transformation to forecasts that are returning negative values?


  38. Dear Charles,

    I am using a mac and a 365 Excel version. I used to work on Real statistics ok, up to when the Office performed an update last week. Now I cannot use it any more, and when I try to re install, I do not get that window anymore to check the Add-in as you describe in the installation process. I am now prompted to follow this new Add-in platform that office has. Am I doing something wrong, or missing something?

    Thank you!

    • Hello,
      I am sure that Excel 365 for the Mac still supports add-ins and so I am sure that it is still possible to use the Real Statistics software on your computer. There is nothing special about the installation instructions for Real Statistics (except that Solver must also be installed). You just need to follow the installation instructions for using any Excel add-in.
      What is the new Add-in platform for the Mac? I use Excel 2016 for the Mac and Excel 365 for Windows and am not aware of any changes.

  39. Hi Charles, I’m using an Office 365 Abonnement License from my university. When I’m installing the package for my MacBook Air, I can search and find it for checking the box for the add-ins, but when it’s checked I cannot find it in the tools. There are 3 little arrows I can click on but it doesn’t work. I tried to deinstall it by unchecking the package and deleting it. But these 3 little arrows didn’t go away. I tried to download it again but it’s still the same and doesn’t work.
    Do you have an idea what I did wrong?

    Thank you and kind regards!

  40. Hi Charles,

    I am using Microsoft Office 2019/365 for students. I have done the steps instructed but I am getting an error. “Microsoft Visual Basic Unexpected Error: 50001”. When I put in VER() I get #NAME?. I have tried to also uninstall the XRealStats-Mac add in and try the newest one but still no luck. Please Help!

    Matthew Le

      • Hey Charles,
        I tried the above and it still shows up as an error. Anything else you suggest? I tried to access the Visual BasicEditor but it says that it is out of memory and I am not sure what to do.

  41. Hi Charles,

    Thank you for making this package available. I have assigned a homework for my students using the multiple regression function with HC standard errors. Most students are PC users and find that it works like a charm. Mac users have reported the following problems:
    (1) The y range cannot be selected in the same way that the x range can. It has to be typed by hand. Not critical, but just an annoying bug.
    (2) More problematically, the error message “Input Range X and Input Range Y must have the same number of rows” appears. The range selected is A1:A163 for x and B1:B163 for y, so there is no obvious reason for this message.

    We are stumped. Can you help?


    • Hi Zack,
      Thanks for bringing these bugs to my attention. I will be issuing a new release of the Real Statistics software later today that corrects these errors.


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