Donation Confirmation


28 thoughts on “Donation Confirmation”

  1. Charles,

    I want to personally thank you for what your doing with this website as well helping the lost wanna be stat folk in the world. Statistics has been a big fear factor for me over many years. I dreaded taking a basics statistics course. The tool you have provided gave me some confidence I did not have.

    Thank you sir. Bless you and your family.


  2. Hello Charles,
    Just seen your website , great job! Used to use NP statistic as a scientist many years ago it’s far more comprehensive than other material on the web. I’m retired too, so I may not browse it intensely, but it’s nice to know it’s there! Thanks, Pietro

  3. Dear Charles,
    Your website has bnen of immence use to me in whatever little research work I do.
    I was doing logistic regression looking at the you tube video
    However, The menu commands are little different in the video and the actual pack that I am using. I have tried both single page and muliple page menu system.

    Secondly, I came across this page about donation receipts but could not figure out how to make a donation. Can you please let me know how to make a donation.

    • Hello Prashant,
      Thank you for sharing the video about (binary) logistic regression with me and everyone else. Since this video was made I relabelled the Logistic Regression option to be the Binary Logistic and Probit Regression option. The test is the same. I just added the option to use the probit approach instead of the logistic approach.
      I see that you subsequently found the Donation webpage (Donation). Thank you very much for your donation. It is very much appreciated to help fund this website and software development.

  4. Thank you for this resource! I am a machine learning enthusiast and professional software developer and in depth understanding has always been important to me. THis breaks down concepts for me in a way that I can understand easily!

  5. Hi Charles,

    Back then maybe two years ago we had some conversation on rank statistics and I benefits a lot from you. Today I am returning to find an example of how to calculate leverage in real practice. All the info I can find on the internet is just formulae that I have no idea how to implement in practice. I cannot withhold my gratitude to you in the form of my humble donation towards your great cause of educating people on basic statistical literacy.

    • Hello Bob,
      I am very pleased that you have been getting value from the Real Statistics software. I also appreciate your blog post. You have given a very favorable overview of the software.

  6. Dear Charles
    Thanks for your effort and dedication. What a wonderful resource. It has proven extremely valuable. We have tried several ways to generate confidence ellipses, your add-in makes it a breeze, no fiddling with coding with other software.

  7. Thank you very much for your work.
    I’ll use it with my students. I hope they will appreciate it as much as I do.

    Best regards

    • Hello Cecilio,
      Thank you very much for your donation. I appreciate that you have gotten value from my work and I am honoured that you will use it with your students.

  8. Been meaning to send you a donation. Thanks again for your plugin and all the amazing insights on your website.



    • Hello Daniel,
      Thank you very much for your donation. I am pleased that you have been benefiting from the Real Statistics software and hope that you will continue to get useful information from the website and value from the software. I welcome any suggestions on how to improve the Real Statistics capabilities or other topics to cover.

  9. Hi Charles,

    Please enjoy a drink with my donation while thinking your work is very much appreciated. Congratulations.

    Thank You!

    • Hi Francisco and thank you very much for the donation. I won’t be using it for a drink since all the donations are used for website expenses, but, in any case, I will raise my glass to you when I drink a nice Italian wine this evening.

  10. Hi Charles,
    my donation is very small, please consider it just a way to thank you for your amazing work. Your website is the most useful resource I’ve ever find in internet for statistics and excel.
    Be assured that should I start to use your excel tool, I’m going to donate more.
    Once again, thank you!

    • Luigi,
      Thank you very much for your donation. I am very pleased that you have been getting useful information from the website. I hope that you find the Real Statistics software to be useful as well.

  11. I wish I could donate more. This is what I could afford now but it is nothing compared to what you did with your amazing educative website and tutorials and especially your fantastic Realstats toolpak. THank you Charles for making such a difference in my life 🙂

    • Hadi,
      Thank you very much for your donation. I am delighted that the website and Realstats toolpak have been so important to you.
      I plan to continue to improve and expand both the website and toolpak in the future and really appreciate your continued support.

  12. I’ve done stats in Python, R, etc. But easy-to-use direct access in Excel seems right for some applications. This may become addictive.

  13. Thank you for this excellent statistical analysis tool! It is so nice to do statistics within Excel and so far, using this tool has been very easy. I hope this donation helps. Keep up the great work!

    • Keith,
      Thank you very much for your donation. I appreciate your support and I am very pleased that you like the statistical analysis tool.
      I will do my best to continue to expand the capabilities of the Real Statistics analysis tool.


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