Method of Moments: Lognormal Distribution

Basic Concepts

From Lognormal Distribution, we know that 

Lognormal mean and variance

ThusFormula mean squared

and soFormula for variance

from which it follows that

and so

orDistribution standard deviation

SinceFormula mean squared

it follows that

and soDistribution estimate of mu

which gives us the estimates for μ and σ based on the method of moments.


Example 1: Estimate the mu and sigma parameters for the log-normal distribution that fits the sample of size 100 in column A of Figure 1 (only the first 8 elements are displayed) using the method of moments.

MoM fit Lognormal distribution

Figure 1 – Fitting a lognormal distribution

The formula for the log-likelihood function (cell D9) is


This formula is derived in Fitting Lognormal Parameters via MLE.

Examples Workbook

Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.


Genos, B. F. (2009) Parameter estimation for the Lognormal distribution

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