Fitting Lognormal Distribution via MLE

Basic Concepts

The log-likelihood function for a sample {x1, …, xn} from a lognormal distribution with parameters μ and σ is

LL lognormal distribution

LL lognormal distribution equivalent

The log-likelihood function for a normal distribution is

LL normal distribution

Thus, the log-likelihood function for a sample {x1, …, xn} from a lognormal distribution is equal to the log-likelihood function from {ln x1, …, ln xn} minus the constant term ∑lnxi. Since the constant term doesn’t affect which parameter values produce the maximum value of LL, we conclude that the maximum is achieved for the same values of μ and σ on the sample {ln x1, …, ln xn} taken from a normal distribution, namely

MLE parameter estimates

A less biased value of σ2 is obtained by replacing n with n–1. 

Click here for more details about the LL formula and the estimation of μ and σ via MLE.


Example 1: Repeat Example 1 from Method of Moments: Lognormal Distribution using MLE. The data containing 100 elements is repeated in column A of Figure 1 (only the first 17 elements are displayed).

Fitting lognormal distribution MLE

Figure 1 – Fitting a lognormal distribution

Cell D9 contains the formula


The results are shown on the upper right side of the figure. We see that the mu and sigma values are slightly different from the values estimated using the method of moments. The LL of -443.502 (cell D9) is a little better than the LL of -445.992 for the method of moments.

If we use the less biased version of σ2, as suggested above, the LL is only reduced to -443.504, as shown on the lower right side of the figure.

Examples Workbook

Click here to download the Excel workbook with the examples described on this webpage.


Genos, B. F. (2009) Parameter estimation for the Lognormal distribution

Wikipedia (2020) Log-normal distribution

Pavlovic, M. (2022) Formulas & proofs for the log-normal distribution

3 thoughts on “Fitting Lognormal Distribution via MLE”

  1. the transformation y = exp(x) where x~N(m,s) has jacobian determinant 1/y, which does not depend on parameters and therefore is just a constant in the loglikelihood. In other words: to estimate m and s from y1…yn~lognormal(m,s):
    1. take x_i = log(y_i) for all i =1,…,n
    2. fit the normal model on all x_i


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