Basic Concepts
We can calculate the confidence interval of a fitted distribution parameter using bootstrapping in a manner similar to that used to calculate the standard error (see Fitted Parameters Standard Error). For any parameter, suppose that β-hat is the fitted estimate of the true parameter value β, and suppose further that the distribution of β – β-hat were known. Then for any α, with 0 < α < 1, there would exist δ1 and δ2 such that
in which case
and so
yielding a 1–α confidence interval for β of
Since β is not known, we estimate it by β-hat and then generate k bootstrap samples based on this estimate for β from which we generate estimates β1, …, βk. Now, let d1 = the kα/2th smallest of these values and d2 = the kα/2th largest of these values. Thus, we can estimate δ1 by β-hat – d1 and δ2 by β-bar – d2. The 1–α confidence interval can now be estimated as
Example 1: Based on the data from the bootstrap used in Example 1 of Standard Error of Fitted Parameters, determine the 60% confidence for mu and beta. (Here, we have chosen to ask for a 60% confidence interval rather than the usual 95% confidence interval since the number of bootstraps is so small).
Since k = 10 and 1–α = .6, d1 = the kα/2 = 2nd smallest of the parameters and d2= 2nd largest of the parameters. Thus, for μ, we can use the SMALL and LARGE functions to find that d1= 2.049541 and d2 = 2.197749, and so the 60% confidence interval is
(2 · 2.11322 – 2.197749, 2 · 2.11322 – 2.049541)
i.e. (2.028691, 2.176899). For beta, d1 = .309857 and d2 = .371714, and so the 60% confidence interval for β is (.326933, .388790).
Tibshirani, R. (2014) The bootstrap. Advanced methods for data analysis