Efficiency of RCBD vs. CRD

The estimated relative efficiency of the RCBD vs. CRD is given by the following formula


Thus for Example 1 of Randomized Complete Block Design


This means that the sample size for a CRD needs to be about 3 times the requirement for an RCBD design.

4 thoughts on “Efficiency of RCBD vs. CRD”

  1. Thank you for this information. Is it possible to get this result directly in any software packages without manual calculation or without using excel?

  2. Relative efficiency of RBD is given in “design and analysis of experiments”, by D.C. Montgomery (1996) Page 187-189.
    In the example of RBD, we can get MSE of RBD and MSE of CRD. To get MSE in CRD , MSE X Df of RBD + MSB XDf of Block. Still the author estimate MSE in CRD. Why?


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