Welcome to the Real Statistics Using Excel website. As described on the Home page, this website provides the resources (tutorials and statistics software) necessary to perform statistical analysis in the Excel environment.
In order to make this website more valuable to the user community, we welcome your comments, suggestions and feedback. We would especially like to hear about any errors in the website, examples or software. You can contact me as described below or by leaving a comment below or on any of the webpages.
Charles Zaiontz
My email: czaiontz@gmail.com, info@real-statistics.com
My profile: click here
Hello Charles,
I have downloaded real stats, and ive done everything to have it installed on add in, however while trying to use its function, i am getting an error from Microsoft Visual Basic stating “Run time error 424, Object Required”. What do I do in this case?
Sam, Are you still getting a valid result when you insert the formula =VER() in any cell?
Hello Charles,
I am getting “9.4.5 Excel 2010/2013/2016/2019/2021/365 Windows w/o descriptors” this as the response.”
Will this tool work with the Libre office or open office versions of excel?
No, it won’t work with Libre or open office versions of Excel.
Hi Charles,
I have two questions.
Have you thought about adding a function for standard deviational ellipses (SDE) for scatter plots?
Also, have you thought about adding adjusted residuals to you chi-square tests of independence?
This is a great AddIn; I use it frequently.
Hello Britt,
Thank you for your support and your suggestions.
1. Do the following webpages provide the support for SDE that you are looking for?
2. Adding adjusted residuals is a good idea. I will look into this.
Hello Britt,
Thanks again for your suggestion. I will add adjusted residuals to the next release of the Real Statistics software.
Hi Charles,
Is there any way with RealStatistics to compare a computed t-statistic against a t-distribution? For example, in the Welch’s test, the mean and standard deviations are used to perform the test and compare the t value against a t distribution to get the p-value. Is it possible to do the same, i.e. to get the p-value and the effect size, by providing only the mean, the standard deviation, and the size? Without providing the samples.
Thank you so much for offering for free such a great software.
P.S. Why don’t you publish a scientific paper aboout RealStatistics that everyone can quote? That would be lovely. 🙂
Hello Jean,
Glad you like Real Statistics.
1. To calculate the p-value for a one-sample t-test for the null hypothesis that mean = 0, you can use the following formula where m = sample mean, s = sample standard deviation and n = sample size: =T.DIST.2T(ABS(m)*SQRT(n)/s,n-1)
Cohen’s d effect size can be computed by =m/s
2. Many research papers have been published that reference Real Statistics, but I have not tried to publish a paper specifically on Real Statistics. Do you have a suggestion as to which journal I should publish such a paper in?
I’ve set up the download as instructed, but I keep getting an error message: file type is not supported in protected view.
Hello Mark,
Whether or not the download works is a function of your browser (Chrome, etc.), not Real Statistics. If this is the problem, I suggest that you just try again later
If the problem is the installation, then I suggest that you look at the Troubleshooting information on the webpage from where you downloaded the software.
I think the error message might be caused by a policy that prevents to start an unsigned add- in in Excel in a company. I have been facing the same, rather confusing message since version 9.2.2.
Thank you very much for your great statistical package, which I use quite regularly!
Hi Javier,
What exactly is the error message?
Also, what do you see when you enter the formula =VER() in any cell?
The usual problem is related to trust, but this can be addressed.
Hi Charles,
Maybe I found the solution: there is the need to allow to execute macros in a downloaded Excel file.
The error message (before adjusting this) was – translated by me from the German version I use professionally- “this file type is not supported in the protected view”
After giving the permission, I can open and use version 9.4 without any problems 😊.
Hope this feedback is useful.
Hi Javier,
Thanks for the feedback.