Basic Concepts
A commonly used non-informative prior is Jeffreys’ prior, which for parameter θ is defined as
and the expectation is with respect to X|θ.
Jeffreys’ prior for multivariate parameters θ = (θ1, …, θk) is defined as
where I(θ) is a k × k matrix whose (i, j) element is
Binomial data
Suppose x ~ Binom(n, p), and so f(x|p) = C(n, x)px(1–p)n–x. We assume that n is fixed. Thus
Since E[x] = np for a binomial distribution, it follows that
It follows that Jeffreys’ prior is
which is the kernel of Bet(1/2,1/2), the non-informative prior described at Beta Conjugate Prior.
Normally distributed data
Suppose x1, …, xn are data from the distribution N(μ,σ2). The pdf for each xi is
It now follows that
Setting τ = σ2, it follows that
We now calculate the first partial derivatives.
The second partial derivatives are as follows:
Note that
Hence, we have the following three expected values:
And so, Jeffreys’ prior can be expressed as
From which it follows that
Normally distributed data with fixed variance
As we saw above
And so Jeffreys’ prior is
which is an improper prior.
Reich, B. J., Ghosh, S. K. (2019) Bayesian statistics methods. CRC Press
Lee, P. M. (2012) Bayesian statistics an introduction. 4th Ed. Wiley
Jordan, M. (2010) Bayesian modeling and inference. Lecture 1. Course notes
Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A., Rubin, D. B. (2014) Bayesian data analysis, 3rd Ed. CRC Press