Bayesian Hypothesis Testing


We show how to perform hypothesis testing for normally distributed data using the Bayesian approach described at Bayesian Hypothesis Testing.

On this webpage, we focus on the following one-sided tests:

  • One sample test with
    • known variance
    • unknown variance
  • Two sample test
    • equal fixed variance
    • equal unknown variance
    • unequal unknown variances

One-sample test with known variance

Suppose we have a sample X = x1, …, xn that comes from a normally distributed population with known fixed variance; i.e. xi ~ N(μ, σ2) for all i. We test the following null and alternative hypotheses.

H0: μ < 0

H1: μ ≥ 0

We assume the Jeffreys’ prior f(μ) ∝ 1 (see Non-informative Priors). Thus, the posterior is proportional to the likelihood function, and so


The posterior probability of the null-hypothesis is therefore

Posterior of null hypothesis

where Φ is the cdf for the standard normal distribution and


If your decision criterion for rejecting H0 in favor of H1 is that P(H0|X) < α, then you can use the frequentist one-sided z-test, namely reject the null hypothesis if –z < zα or equivalently +z > z1-α

One-sample test with unknown variance

We repeat the above one-sided test where the variance is unknown. This time we use the Jeffreys’ prior

f(μ, σ) = σ-3

(see Non-informative Priors). The resulting posterior for μ is

Posterior for mu

where tn is the non-standardized t-distribution.

This is the same as the usual frequentist t-test except that s2 is defined with division by n-1 instead of n, and the degrees of freedom is n-1 instead of n.

Click here for a proof of the above assertion.

Two-sample test with equal known variance

Suppose we have a samples X = x1, …, xm and Y = y1, …, yn that comes from a normally distributed population with known fixed variance; i.e. xi ~ N(μx, σ2) and yi ~ N(μy, σ2) for all i. We test the following null and alternative hypotheses where δ = μyμx.

H0: μx < μy (or δ > 0)

H1: μx ≥ μy (or δ ≤ 0)

We use the Jeffreys’ prior f(μx, μy) = 1. It can be shown that the posterior distribution is

Two-sample posterior

Once again, this takes the form of the frequentist test with a cleaner interpretation.

Two-sample test with equal unknown variances

This time we use the Jeffreys’ prior f(μx, δ, σ2) ∝ (σ2)-2. It turns out that the posterior (calculated by integrating over μx and σ2) is 

Posterior for delta

where the pooled variance is

Pooled variance


Sample variances

Two-sample test with unequal unknown variances

Since neither group shares any parameters, we can use the one sample approach to obtain

Posteriors for X and Y

Under construction


Reich, B. J., Ghosh, S. K. (2019) Bayesian statistics methods. CRC Press

Lee, P. M. (2012) Bayesian statistics an introduction. 4th Ed. Wiley

Jordan, M. (2010) Bayesian modeling and inference. Lecture 1. Course notes

Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A., Rubin, D. B. (2014) Bayesian data analysis, 3rd Ed. CRC Press

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