Two Binomial Samples Beta Prior

We show how to determine the posterior distribution for two samples that are binomially distributed assuming a beta prior. E.g. suppose we toss two coins multiple times and we investigate the percentage of heads that we observe from each coin. We will assume that the coins are independent in the sense that these percentages are independent of each other.

Let x = the number of heads that come up in m tosses from coin 1 and let y = the number of heads that come up in n tosses from coin 2. Let f(x, y) = the probability that we observe x heads in m tosses of coin 1 and y heads in n tosses of coin 2. Since this is a joint probability function

Joint probability function

The independence assumption means that


where f(x) and f(y) are the corresponding marginal probability distributions:

Marginal distributions

Since we are assuming that x and y follow a binomial distribution, we also need to know what the probability that heads will come up for each coin. As usual, in the Bayesian approach, these are random variables that we will denote as p for coin 1 and q for coin 2. Thus xBinom(m, p) and y ∼ Binom(n, q).

We will suppose that the prior distribution for p and q is continuous with pdf f(p, q). As usual, we are abusing the notation since f(x, y) and f(p, q) are not the same functions. Since f(p, q) is a pdf, it follows that

Since the coins are assumed to be independent


where f(p) and f(q) are the corresponding marginal pdfs, and so

Marginal probability distributions

Here, the integrals play the role that the sums played for the discrete f(x, y). If you don’t know calculus, don’t be alarmed because we will avoid using integrals in what follows.

Property 1: Suppose x is the number of successes in m trials, following a binomial distribution with unknown parameter p, and the prior distribution is pBet(α, β). Suppose too that y is the number of successes in n trials, following a binomial distribution with unknown parameter q, and the prior distribution is qBet(γ, δ). Suppose further that p and q are independent so that (p, q) ∼ Bet(α, β) ⋅ Bet(γ, δ), then the posterior distribution is

Joint probability distribution

Proof: This follows from Property 1 of Beta Conjugate Prior using the independence of p and q.

Example 1: Suppose that we are conducting a test of the effectiveness of a new vaccine for treating Coronavirus and of 40 high-risk people who receive the vaccine 5 get the virus, while of the 30 high-risk people who receive a placebo 16 get the virus. Let p = the proportion of the people in the treatment group who are cured and q = the proportion of people in the control group who are cured. Based on a preliminary study and some theoretical results, let’s assume that the prior for p follows the beta distribution Bet(4, 2) and the prior for q follows the beta distribution Bet(2, 6).

Determine the posterior distribution of (p, q).

Based on Property 1, we see that the posterior distribution is

(p, q)|(x, y) ∼ Bet(35+4, 5+2) ⋅ Bet(14+2, 16+6) = Bet(39, 7) ⋅ Bet(16, 22)