
What is Real Statistics Using Excel?

Real Statistics Using Excel is a practical guide for how to do statistical analysis in Excel plus free statistics software. This software package extends Excel’s built-in statistical capabilities. In particular, it will enable you to more easily perform a wide variety of statistical analyses in Excel.

What does Real Statistics Using Excel consist of?

Real Statistics Using Excel is comprised of the following four components:

Real Statistics Resource Pack

An Excel add-in that extends Excel’s standard statistics capabilities. It provides you with advanced worksheet functions and data analysis tools. This will enable you to more easily perform a wide variety of practical statistical analyses. The software supports Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, and 365 for Windows. It also supports Excel 2011, 2016, 2019, 2021, and 365 for the Mac. The current version is Rel 9.2.2 (released 21 October 2024). There is also limited support for Excel 2002 and 2003.

Real Statistics Website (i.e. this site)

  • Lets you download a free copy of the Real Statistics Resource Pack
  • Provides tutorials and descriptions of how to perform a variety of statistical analyses using built-in Excel capabilities. You will also learn how to use the supplemental capabilities provided by the Real Statistics Resource Pack.
  • Presents numerous examples in the form of Excel worksheets which you can download to your computer

For the student and the novice, the Real Statistics website is an excellent tutorial for learning the basic concepts of statistics and how to do statistical analysis. For all users, it provides a step-by-step guide for how to do statistical analysis in the Excel environment and the tools necessary to carry out these analyses.

You can use this website to learn how to perform statistical analyses in Excel even without using the Real Statistics Resource Pack. But we recommend that you download the resource pack so that you can have access to its powerful capabilities.

Real Statistics Examples Workbooks

Consists of fourteen Excel files that contain all the examples shown on the website. These example files can be downloaded for free (click here). Each example focuses on a specific statistical concept and has been designed to demonstrate simple concepts before moving on to more complicated topics. 

Over time, the webpages on the Real Statistics website are being updated so that you will be able to download an Excel file with any of the examples found on that particular webpage.

Real Statistics Community

Each webpage has a Comments section where you can make suggestions, identify errors, ask questions to others in the community, or request their advice.

You can also get updates about new releases and other information via the @Real1Statistics twitter feed.

How do I get started?

Step 1: If you elect to use the Real Statistics Resource Pack, click on the following icon. You will be given the opportunity to download and install for free the Real Statistics Resource Pack. 


Once you have downloaded and installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack, you will be able to use the supplemental capabilities with your copy of Excel. This is described throughout the rest of the website and is summarized in Using Real Statistics Functions and Real Statistics Data Analysis Tools.

If you choose not to download the resource pack or examples now, you can do so later at any time.

Step 2: Browse through the website to learn how to perform a wide range of statistical analyses in Excel using standard built-in as well as supplemental Real Statistics capabilities. We suggest that you begin by clicking on the Website Introduction (and especially Organization of the Website). These will explain how to navigate the website to get the information you need to run any specific statistical test or learn about any particular topic.

Why do statistical analysis in Excel?

The reasons for choosing Excel are as follows:

  • It is widely available and many people already know how to use it
  • It is not necessary to incur the cost of yet another tool
  • There is no need to learn new methods of manipulating data and drawing graphs
  • It already contains some basic statistics functions and data analysis tools
  • It is much easier to see what is going on since unlike the more popular statistical analysis tools very little is hidden from the user
  • Excel provides the user with a lot of control and flexibility

This makes Excel an ideal tool for learning statistical concepts and performing some basic statistical analyses. Unfortunately, its built-in statistics capabilities are limited. As a result, many prefer to use statistical tools such as R, SPSS, or SAS for carrying out more advanced statistical analyses.

We created the Real Statistics Resource Pack to address these shortcomings. This software package contains various supplemental tools that enable you to carry out a wide range of advanced statistical analyses without leaving the Excel environment. You can download the Real Statistics Resource Pack free of charge from this website.

874 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Buenas noches Dr. Zaiontz.
    Estoy muy interesado en descargar e instalar en mi equipo los archivos del Real Statistics Resource Pack, pero el link de descarga no me permite hacerlo. Como debo proceder para acceder a la descarga? Les agradezco si me pueden facilitar este proceso.

    Feliz noche.

  2. I’m studying for Lean Six Sigma as a job requirement. As you undoubtedly know, it’s heavy on statistics. I’m looking for an add-in that can provide me with many of the charts and tools Six Sigma requires (such as run charts, control charts, data stability calculations, and so forth) and also teach me statistics in more depth than I’m getting from my Six Sigma courses, which are, so far, mostly rote and repetitive application of statistical processes and formulas without a strong grasp of statistical theory. Can RealStatistics meet my needs as described?

  3. Dr Zainonitz good afternoon, I hope you are well, Dr, have you thought about relating Real Statisticistics with Copilot?

    Thank you so much

    Dr Zainonit buenas tardes, espero se encuentre muy bien, Dr, ha pensado en relacionar Real Stattististics con Copilot?

    Muchas gracias

  4. Hi Charles
    Thank you wholeheartedly for putting so much time, effort and hard work in providing all of us with an amazing website and a free stats software.
    You are doing an awesome job and I am grateful of you.

    Thank you again


  5. Dear Charles,
    In your Polynomial Regression Excel-package, is it possible to force a quadratic regression to lie at a certain specified fixed point on the x-axis (where y=0)? For instance, in regular Excel it is possible to set the y-intercept (where x=0) to a value of one’s own choice.

  6. Dear Charles
    I am using Excel 2021 and I had finished all the adjustment in “Trust center”.When I key in a formula like”=QCRIT”, there’s formula bar appearing to remind other ones like”QDIST”,”QINV”,etc.(Is this meaning I have successfully installed it?)But when I press “enter”,”#NAME?” appears. Could you please advise what is going wrong here? Thanks!(and apologize for my poor English)

  7. Charles,
    I am not able to get past Step 1:…
    Step 1: If you elect to use the Real Statistics Resource Pack, click on the following icon. You will be given the opportunity to download and install for free the Real Statistics Resource Pack. Also, click on the icon if you would like a copy of the examples used throughout the website.

    When I try to download nothing happens. I tried downloading other software and was successful with no problem. I contact IT at my college for assistance and they were unsuccessful also. If you could help me with this download I would greatly appreciate it.

  8. Dear Charles
    I am using Excel 2019. I am getting an error message “This File Type is not supported in the protected view. Request your help. Thanks Tushar

    • Hell Tushar,
      What Real Statistics capability (specific data analysis tool or worksheet function) are you using when you received this message?
      If you email me an Excel spreadsheet with your data and explain what you were doing when you got this message, I will try to figure out why you are getting this message.

      • The problem is that Microsoft protects you from using addd-ins from the web. You have to navigate through the “trust Center” to find the Real Statistics file and thll excel that you trust it. Then the spreadsheet will not be opened in the “protected mode”

  9. Hi,

    About to buy a new computer – are there any issues with windows 11 (either home or pro – I am leaning toward pro) and excel (365 or the regular office suite)?

    Thanks – I love the software!!

  10. Hello Charles,

    Initially, I was able to open Real Statistics through ctrl+m in my Excel. Later, I downloaded Microsoft 365 to get box plots which were not available on my previous Excel. Since then I have not been able to open Real Statistics. It shows it in the add-ins but does not show up on ctrl+m. Can you please advise what’s going wrong here? Thanks!

  11. Hello, Charles
    A quick question that I have asked before: how does one determine the version currently installed on a particular computer? Thanks.
    Chris Victoria

  12. Hi Charles,

    Thanks for your package, it is awesome!

    I have tried the functions LAMB and EVALS, and I have found that the EVALS function returns a VALUE! error when the number is formatted with a comma as a decimal separator. I tried with two different Office versions (2013 and 2019) and both of them give the same problem. The function runs well when fed with integers, but with decimals it only gives the correct result when the number is introduced as a text string, with a point as a decimal separator or when changing the format of decimal separator to a point.

    Is this a bug or it’s supposed to work this way?

    • Hello Marc,
      Let’s suppose that you place the formula =A1+1 in cell A2 and the formula =EVALS(A2;7,5) in cell C1. I’ll also assume that you are using a version of Excel where the decimal value 7.5 (in the English-language version) is expressed as 7,5
      Are you saying that cell C1 contains an VALUE! error instead of the value 8,5 ?
      In my version of Excel, the formula =EVALS(A2,7.5) does return the value 8.5. I would expect that you would get the value 8,5 (as long as you used a semi-colon as the separator between A2 and 7,5)

      • That’s exactly what happens, Charles.

        The cell C1 gives a VALUE error when fed with a decimal comma separated value. The only way it gives result is changing 7,5 to 7.5 or writing the EVALS function this way: =EVALS(A2,”7.5″)


          • My mistake Charles,

            You’re right, =EVALS(A2;”7.5″) gives the correct result, while =EVALS(A2;7,5) gives VALUE error. (Using Excel with the decimal value as a comma).


          • Marc,
            I will check this on my Italian-language version of Excel. Looks like I need to revise the LAMB and EVALS functions to handle this situation.

          • Hello,
            I have researched this problem further.
            1. Yes, I see the same problem when I use my Italian version of Excel.
            2. I am using a specific feature of VBA that does not recognize a comma as a decimal symbol. I consider this to be a bug in Excel VBA.
            3. You mentioned that everything works fine when you write the number as text (i.e. use “3,5” instead of 3,5). Do you see any reason not to use this approach as the solution to this issue? Can you find any situation where this doesn’t work?

          • It’s OK Charles,

            I just posted this issue for you to know. I think I can manage to work with EVALS using text strings instead of numbers without a problem.

            Thanks again for your amazing work!

          • Marc,
            Thanks. I am going to check whether there are any problems with this approach. If not, I have a solution, but I would prefer to not to use it since it might make things more complicated.

  13. Hello – I drop into the site (https://real-statistics.com/) occasionally to see if there’s new features or bug fixes that I might need or could use.

    However, I always have a difficult time actually finding the download URL. There’s many “Free Download” boxes everywhere that take me to different pages, but the only link I’ve found is buried in a paragraph “… click here on Real Statistics Resource Pack for Excel 2010/2013/2016/2019/2021/365” on https://real-statistics.com/free-download/real-statistics-resource-pack/

    I know that “Free Downloads” from the top of page banner, and then “Resource Pack” will get me to the above page, but IMHO it’s not intuitively obvious.

    Can I suggest that you consider a site change to use an extremely bare downloads page and include version and update date for all your products?


  14. Charles,
    I am looking for a table of KS2 critical values corresponding to alpha >0.20, such as 0.25, 0.30… up to 0.50. Most of the tabular data stop at alpha = 0.20. I am unable to download the functions in Real Statistics that compute these, and was hoping you might be able to advise.

    Most appreciated

    • Hello Stephen,
      If I understand correctly, Real Statistics’ KSINV worksheet function would address this issue. What sort of problem are you having in downloading Real Statistics?

    • Hola, Estimado Señor
      He bajado los archivos de practica, pero encuentro que las funciones credas por Ud. No están activadas, es decir, al abrir cualquier libro de Excel donde hay una función del complemento se describe el Error ¿#Nombre?.
      He buscado las funciones en el ambiente VBA y no las he podido encontrar.
      Me ayuda por favor y muchas gracias.

      • You need to make sure that you have installed the Real Statistics software; otherwise, you will get NAME error values.
        What do you see when you enter the formula =VER() in any cell?

  15. Hi Charles,

    I have downloaded and installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack into my Macbook air, but I could not find the extended statistic tools. Please advice. Thank you for your kind attention.


      • Hi Charles,
        I am using Macbook.
        So I think your “Ctrl-m” meant to open a new excel page. I used “command-n” instead.
        When I enter the formula =VER, (before typing ()) I saw a long list of functions (e.g., AVERAGE…) and user-defined functions (e.g., SolverAdd, SolverChange….).
        However, when i click the “Data Analysis”, there are still only the original choices from excel, and no Wilcoxon Signed-rank test tool.


        • Hello TeeNa,
          Ctrl-m should open the Real Statistics menu. You can’t use command-n.
          You need to enter =VER() with the parentheses. If you get an error message, then this means that Real Statistics hasn’t been installed.

  16. Hello! Thank you for your wonderful contribution. I have a question. What is the data limit that RealStatistics currently allows?

    • Hello Andres,
      Do you mean the number of rows of data? This varies from test to test. For most tests, it is a huge number (say one million +). For some tests, it is limited by array size, namely about 65,000 rows.

  17. Los paquetes estadisticos son herramientas de mucha importancia y utilidad para aplicar en las invastigaciones

  18. Respected sir charles
    Please calculate degree of freedom for me
    Factor A = Nitrogen having 4 levels x phosphorus having 3 levels
    Replicated 3 times
    Design RCB split plot

  19. Charles: I have been using your XRealStats add-in to calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Thank you so very much for this. My computer has installed a Windows update. As a result, I can no longer use your add-in. The machine tells me that Microsoft has blocked the macros of the add-in because it does not recognize the certificate of the add-in (or words to this effect). I am using Excel 365. Any ideas for a work around?

  20. Thanks, rethanks to Charles’s beautiful job
    In Excel, now we have also access to the new LET and LAMBDA functions* … Imagine all the Charles’s tools coming rewritten with these functions, for young people, easier to read, faster …

    *(only in Office insider until now)

    • Hello Mallard,
      Yes, you could rewrite some of the capabilities using LET and LAMBDA, but not all.
      I have also added a LAMBDA-like capability in Real Statistics that is available to all Excel users.

  21. Dear Prof. Charles,
    I am using this wonderful add-id with my university students. In this year many of them received an error when running any function of Real-Stat:
    “Compile error in hidden module: frmHist”.
    This is apparently due to the incompatibility between their Office version (64-bit) and the add-id (developped for 32-bit Office), as suggest by Office help. The Block has already been removed for all of them and no error occurs when installing the add-id, but just when running whatever function.
    Is there a solution for that?
    Many thanks again!!!

    • Hello Simone,
      Real Statistics should work for 64-bit Office. In any case, if you email me an Excel file with your data and results, I will try to figure out why you are getting a compile error message.

  22. Hi Charles,

    Thank you for your awesome tool. I used it some years ago to perform PCA, so I naturally had your tool in mind when looking for an easy way to unsmooth a series of quarterly returns from several alternative asset classes.
    Unfortunately for me, it doesn’t seem that unsmoothing is one of the options in your tool. Is that correct, or am I just not able to find it?

    Thanks again,

  23. Hi Charles,
    i express my salute to you … you have done great in simply way . thank you so much for this website

    is it possible to run real-statistics tools for multiple sku?
    e.g time line is monthly basis from B2-P1
    actual for SKU A is from B2-P2 need to run statistical tools to get result on Q2-V2 (6month)
    actual for SKU B is from B3-P3 need to run statistical tools to get result on Q3-V3 (6month)

  24. i am unable to dowload the pack, every time when Click the download button a new tab oens instead of dowloading the pack, could you please help me to solve this issue


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